The politics of your newly privatized prison cell

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I'm not a fan of nuclear weapons, but that doesn't grant me the right to then delegate that nonexistent right to government to keep you from having one. Why anyone would want one, unless they were psychotic, escapes me. Nuclear weapons are indiscriminate killers and are hard to justify as "defensive weapons" when they are used. If there were no nation state tax farms, I doubt nuclear weapons would be an issue.

As an aside, what would realistically stop crony capitalists like Bezo's, Gates or Musk from getting nukes even in the present governmental structure if they really wanted them ? They got the money.

It escapes you? Defense against another nation of course. You have a god-given right, as a peaceful person minding your own business, to defend yourself against an aggressor nation. Likewise, if someday Musk has a five year old child that wants to be able to defend his/herself against an aggressor nation, they have a right to nukes just the same, as long as they can afford it. The only hurdle to attaining arms, should be a person's own effort, because if you have the money, it shouldn't matter if you're five, deemed "insane" by an oppressor gov't institution, or even if you're a serial killer.
Aww gee there you go.

Speaking of Neverland ...would you say it's possible or impossible for a person to participate in taking your money to pay themselves, even if you never wanted their so called service and also make the claim they are your protectors? How does that make any sense ?

oh, you mean Social Security? I'm about to ask them for my contributions back..should be about a half million I can invest myself and live off of.

I've waited 3 years for my SSDI and am 5 months from early out..these fuckers are fuckers and i was sold a deal back in 1975.

either they are going shit or get off the pot- I want a fvking decision NOW!!!!
This necessarily involves Federal government as the driver.

Air, food and shelter are necessary. Most other things are preferences and not necessarily, necessary.

If somebody didn't want and didn't need your vision of police protection services, would you be okay with using force against them to make them adopt your idea ? How is that not a mafia type "protection service" ? Rhetorical question. It is a mafia type protection service.

Fuck the Feds. Nothing but parasites and feudal raiding warlords.
Defense against another nation of course.

There's the rub. You bought the idea that you are owned by a nation state and when they say cheer for your team, you must cheer.

I have more in common with a sane person who opposes coercion based systems if they reside on the other side of the world than I do with the guy across the street who is a cop sucking cannon fodder flag waver.

Free people aren't subjects. Defense against aggressors is a good idea, to support another person's aggression is not.

oh, you mean Social Security? I'm about to ask them for my contributions back..should be about a half million I can invest myself and live off of.

I've waited 3 years for my SSDI and am 5 months from early out..these fuckers are fuckers and i was sold a deal back in 1975.

either they are going shit or get off the pot- I want a fvking decision NOW!!!!

No I didn't mean social security, but good luck with your situation.

While I've paid in, when I was younger and ignorant, I have no plans to participate in social security. I'd rather forage for my food and sleep in a hollow log warming myself with the skin of road killed animals I've fashioned into a tunic of fur than participate.
It escapes you? Defense against another nation of course. You have a god-given right, as a peaceful person minding your own business, to defend yourself against an aggressor nation. Likewise, if someday Musk has a five year old child that wants to be able to defend his/herself against an aggressor nation, they have a right to nukes just the same, as long as they can afford it. The only hurdle to attaining arms, should be a person's own effort, because if you have the money, it shouldn't matter if you're five, deemed "insane" by an oppressor gov't institution, or even if you're a serial killer.

Uh, suuuure. :rolleyes:

I don't imagine nuclear arms dealers will spend alot of time hanging around kindergartens trying to make a sale.
Air, food and shelter are necessary. Most other things are preferences and not necessarily, necessary.

If somebody didn't want and didn't need your vision of police protection services, would you be okay with using force against them to make them adopt your idea ? How is that not a mafia type "protection service" ? Rhetorical question. It is a mafia type protection service.

Fuck the Feds. Nothing but parasites and feudal raiding warlords.
The alternative is Spooner’s ridiculous idea of freezing technology at the circa 1690 level. Remember? That was the matrix he wanted for his anarcho-solipsistic vision.

Any community that would try it would be overrun by organized practitioners of what you call enslavement. Could I witness that, I would softly smile at the timely death of another bad idea.
No fair. That one actually made me laugh! Lol.
dont you caall yourself a voluntaryist but insist on spamming this thread with your pedo garbage even after i asked you not to?

maybe thats why you lost your shit after several other members correctly called you a sanctimonious hypocrite you racist piece of shit.
The alternative is Spooner’s ridiculous idea of freezing technology at the circa 1690 level. Remember? That was the matrix he wanted for his anarcho-solipsistic vision.

Any community that would try it would be overrun by organized practitioners of what you call enslavement. Could I witness that, I would softly smile at the timely death of another bad idea.

Slavery is always a possibility, but not likely.

In a coercion based government tax farm model, slavery is already a certainty.
dont you caall yourself a voluntaryist but insist on spamming this thread with your pedo garbage even after i asked you not to?

maybe thats why you lost your shit after several other members correctly called you a sanctimonious hypocrite you racist piece of shit.

The Poopy Pants is angry.
whatever you say, pedophile. go hang some racial segregation signs now.

I've never done that, nor would I like a person that did. Of course I appreciate notice of a person's intentions, even if I didn't agree with their intentions.

Are you saying you'd limit a person's ability to control their own body and property ? Would you have tattoo police, no being obese police, and no being better than me at shit police too becuz "equality" ?

I don't like your tattoos, now go to my public jail!! - You
Without a government 5 year olds will have nukes! - You

Ha ha ha - me


Um...I guess you didn't see that I was applying your purist argument elsewhere in the hopes that you would see that the idea is severely flawed. Laughing actually is the correct answer, you just need to do it to your other argument as well.
Um...I guess you didn't see that I was applying your purist argument elsewhere in the hopes that you would see that the idea is severely flawed. Laughing actually is the correct answer, you just need to do it to your other argument as well.

So because it is theoretically possible for a 5 year old to acquire a nuke, about the same odds as a Catdog playing mozart on a piano 3 days after it was whelped we must have a coercion based government, to protect us from people who would coerce? Sounds legit. Pffft.
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