Free speech in the politics section

I like these little pricks better on mute

All depends on the time of the day for me.
Early in the day, I just smile/giggle at their opinions which they absolutely have a right to convey (FUCK THE 2ND!!!!!!) according to that archaic/primitive/although nobel attempt in 1776 to change the status quo, which at that time was England/France & to some degree Spain.
This country was FOUNDED & DEVELOPED as a fuck you to the existing norms.
What did we develop?
AMERICAN!!! capitalism.
I really have no problem with an capatalistic viewpoint ( to a degree) but in the USA, right fucking now, we are witness to unbridled greed that essentially leaves a lot of people in a pile of shit (why do the names Jeff&Mark jump into my mind?)
I feel that this form, Laissez-faire on steroids sucks
Yea, call a fucking spade what it really is
Capitalism economically is decent for some/socially, a failure
Too many loosers

Holy Shit!!!!!
Where am I?
How the fuck did I end up writing this shit?
Fucking flashbacks
They suck :)
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All depends on the time of the day for me.
Early in the day, I just smile/giggle at their opinions which they absolutely have a right to convey (FUCK THE 2ND!!!!!!) according to that archaic/primitive/although nobel attempt in 1776 to change the status quo, which at that time was England/France & to some degree Spain.
This country was FOUNDED & DEVELOPED as a fuck you to the existing norms.
What did we develop?
AMERICAN!!! capitalism.
I really have no problem with an capatalistic viewpoint ( to a degree) but in the USA, right fucking now, we are witness to unbridled greed that essentially leaves a lot of people in a pile of shit (why do the names Jeff&Mark jump into my mind?)
I feel that this form, Laissez-faire on steroids sucks
Yea, call a fucking spade what it really is
Capitalism economically is decent for some/socially, a failure
Too many loosers

Holy Shit!!!!!
Where am I?
How the fuck did I end up writing this shit?
Fucking flashbacks
They suck :)
Not that I disagree with the feeling of the post but it’s kind of like the graffiti in Rome, “kids these days.” And then I think of child labor from history books etc. and the fact that even the poor in America are still the 1% of the world, they just don’t get it. Yes, greed should be kept in check, but it’s not as bad as you’ve been told. Certainly last 30 years have seen some setbacks, just road bumps in the long run.
Why is it that a conservative gets booted from threads yet the guys that attack him personally and his views don't? Is this a liberal website that doesn't condone free speech?

Have you bothered to stop and think that these "Conservatives" are just spreading debunked lies and conspiracy theories? And are just trolling for reaction?

I've been censored over on infowars for stating the truth and finally had my account banned. Maybe you should go hang out there where you can join the circle jerk of trumpers, Qanon, and other wackos claiming to be conservatives but are nothing more than ignorant fools going down a path of ignorance.

You obviously don't even know what a real conservative is. Think the likes of William F Buckley Jr who is rolling in his grave right now watching his former party wallowing in shit and ignorance.
Have you bothered to stop and think that these "Conservatives" are just spreading debunked lies and conspiracy theories? And are just trolling for reaction?

I've been censored over on infowars for stating the truth and finally had my account banned. Maybe you should go hang out there where you can join the circle jerk of trumpers, Qanon, and other wackos claiming to be conservatives but are nothing more than ignorant fools going down a path of ignorance.

You obviously don't even know what a real conservative is. Think the likes of William F Buckley Jr who is rolling in his grave right now watching his former party wallowing in shit and ignorance.
Who knew 6 years ago I'd feel pity for Chris Wallace lmfao
Who knew 6 years ago I'd feel pity for Chris Wallace lmfao

He's a RINO. Just ask marjorie taylor greene. His intelligence prevents him from being a true Republican. The Republican party has embraced ignorance.

I miss the days of an intelligent Republican party. They used to believe in science and were intelligent.

Firing Line with William F. Buckley Jr.: Why Are Our Intellectuals So Dumb?
Not that I disagree with the feeling of the post but it’s kind of like the graffiti in Rome, “kids these days.” And then I think of child labor from history books etc. and the fact that even the poor in America are still the 1% of the world, they just don’t get it. Yes, greed should be kept in check, but it’s not as bad as you’ve been told. Certainly last 30 years have seen some setbacks, just road bumps in the long run.

wow they had child labor in your history books? not mine. they didn't even discuss slavery.
I like to think your smart enough to walk
away from 12 socialist bots. A.I. is pretty good these days;[insult]; [ghost] delete, repeat.... Just breath and go back to Work!!

Hey asshole. How about providing the source of your information that commercial airlines don’t allow 2 pilots to be vaccinated.

If you wont provide the source, I’ll have to assume you’re just a lying piece of shit.
Hey asshole. How about providing the source of your information that commercial airlines don’t allow 2 pilots to be vaccinated.

If you wont provide the source, I’ll have to assume you’re just a lying piece of shit.
Manners didn't your programming is poor in this regard.