Negative effects with Malathion? Spidermites

john wishmyer

Well-Known Member
I was getting angrier and angrier seeing these spots on my cherry pie multiply.. I decided to nuke the spider mites with malathion and to my suprise not one single mite was left alive they are all 100% dead.. now I cant help but wonder if what i just did has any negative effects? ive read tons about to the product and some say its shit and some swear by it. How about you guys?


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I was getting angrier and angrier seeing these spots on my cherry pie multiply.. I decided to nuke the spider mites with malathion and to my suprise not one single mite was left alive they are all 100% dead.. now I cant help but wonder if what i just did has any negative effects? ive read tons about to the product and some say its shit and some swear by it. How about you guys?

Most farms use Malathion to control insects on the food that we all eat. If you are in veg then it should not be a problem. It will be long out of the plant before you are going to use it. I was a Gov. licensed applicator for home and gardens for 15 years. BUT there will be at least a few people with differing opinions.
I'd recommend tying everything else first next time-neem, citric acid, and spinosad. Spinosad is a last resort for me.
Trifecta is a great miticide and also antifungal. Predator mites in the future. Avid I would reccomend for you. Its scary how well it works lol.
Its easy to mix a higher concentration as a small like 1 or 2 ml per 5 gallons is needed. It wont hurt the plant but likely residual levels in dried flower, even when applied close to flipping to flower. FYI- It was a nightmare for medical growers getting products tested. Even clones treated at a nursery or other clone provider, that were then grown full term, May-October with no further Avid treatments still tested hot.
you think i should cycle neem?..any other thing you'd recommend?
First off i would never use Malathion on any indoor setting, There are studies out that show use of it an other chems like seven just make things worse in the long run if you dont get 100% kill on the eggs. spinosad if safe in veg an worked well for me when needed. Out of 30 plus yrs of growing i had mites once took me a yr to clean them out for good had to shut everything down an bomb the rooms. No more clones from my buddies for me.
First off i would never use Malathion on any indoor setting, There are studies out that show use of it an other chems like seven just make things worse in the long run if you dont get 100% kill on the eggs. spinosad if safe in veg an worked well for me when needed. Out of 30 plus yrs of growing i had mites once took me a yr to clean them out for good had to shut everything down an bomb the rooms. No more clones from my buddies for me.
im outdoor, i tried spinnodad the first go didnt do anything. It looks like i got a 100% kill rate so far going to see again in a week and if i see anything maybe another less concentrated spray. Plant is looking much better now thought
I was getting angrier and angrier seeing these spots on my cherry pie multiply.. I decided to nuke the spider mites with malathion and to my suprise not one single mite was left alive they are all 100% dead.. now I cant help but wonder if what i just did has any negative effects? ive read tons about to the product and some say its shit and some swear by it. How about you guys?
As ignorant as you are when it comes to marijuana there's no surprise you have a spider mite clown...
Be aware the spider mites can get your chopped and hanging buds too. So if its moderate to bad mite problem be thorough in application (s) and defoliate as needed.
Its not about practice all the time. Mites in many cases travel on peoples clothes as well as shared clones.
I dont go in other's grow rooms. Ill peek or stand at the door. But i dont want to get something on my clothes from them or vice versa. And Im careful about changing clothes after being in gardens or farms.
They can hide and roost thru winter in unsuspecting places too. In my area planting near blackberries are a very good way to get spider mites.
That's why you don't enter your grow room with the clothes you've been wearing all day they sell painter suits very cheap change your clothes and zip up. No pets in the grow area. I use praying mantis religiously. I have never had an insect issue in the 11 years ive been growing. I was a member here YEARS ago. But these forums become gangs with everyone trying to prove themselves. And fake failed growers trolling looking to start problems. I post to show off. PERIOD. and lend helping advice where i see fit.
Be aware the spider mites can get your chopped and hanging buds too. So if its moderate to bad mite problem be thorough in application (s) and defoliate as needed.
Defoliated all the fans with dots n spotting, havent seen any activity after the first spray of malathion. My vegg window for outdoor isnt too far away maybe 3 weeks or so praying they dont come back. If not ill cycle neem, malathion n maybe captain jacks.


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