Well-Known Member
You feel because I'm confident and what I do I lack mannerism..that's simply not the case what I lack is humility when it comes to marijuana growing... You should really learn the definition of the words you I majorly overly supremely confident in my abilities yes I am am I afraid to express that point no I am not so if being not humble is the definition of lack of forum manners to you so be it... But you can't judge an individual based on one selected comment without actually reading the thread the comment came from you will see who fired the first shot and all I did like any other human would do is responding in kind I initiated no negativity
I honestly don’t feel the need to reply and carry on this useless banter. I was merely pointing out how you were coming across.
What you seemingly lack is tact and respect. If you’re ok with this then keep on keeping on, brother. Your “confidence” is, unfortunately, being portrayed as egotistical and holier than thou.
I have no dog in this fight, really. Happy growing!
Moving on...