Negative effects with Malathion? Spidermites

You feel because I'm confident and what I do I lack mannerism..that's simply not the case what I lack is humility when it comes to marijuana growing... You should really learn the definition of the words you I majorly overly supremely confident in my abilities yes I am am I afraid to express that point no I am not so if being not humble is the definition of lack of forum manners to you so be it... But you can't judge an individual based on one selected comment without actually reading the thread the comment came from you will see who fired the first shot and all I did like any other human would do is responding in kind I initiated no negativity

I honestly don’t feel the need to reply and carry on this useless banter. I was merely pointing out how you were coming across.

What you seemingly lack is tact and respect. If you’re ok with this then keep on keeping on, brother. Your “confidence” is, unfortunately, being portrayed as egotistical and holier than thou.

I have no dog in this fight, really. Happy growing!

Moving on...
I honestly don’t feel the need to reply and carry on this useless banter. I was merely pointing out how you were coming across.

What you seemingly lack is tact and respect. If you’re ok with this then keep on keeping on, brother. Your “confidence” is, unfortunately, being portrayed as egotistical and holier than thou.

I have no dog in this fight, really. Happy growing!

Moving on...
Where do I lack any bit of respect... Where did I initiate any disrespect I openly admitted what I lack humility and there is nothing disrespectful or ill-mannered about that... You initiate like the rest of these clowns an insulting conversation and then when presented with the facts you bail out.. I asked you a straightforward question based on your accusation and instead of answering it like the man you tried to portray when you came in insulting me you want to run away saying you don't have a dog in this fight..from my perspective you're coming off as a fake misinformed coward who when presented with the truth runs away.. that's not in my character at least I'm man enough to own up to when I make a mistake. no disrespect but I think you're a pathetic follower.. and you have a great day. like most forum members blind loyalty is more important than right and wrong..
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Funny you haven't replied to my comment directed to you.. and you can run around and kiss all the ass you want since you and him seem to agree so much he should go look at the challenge I gave you that you're running from
you are such an idiot that at this point replying to you is nothing but entertainment. You live in a fantasy where you're some kind of grow master yet you came onto here asking if its ok to run 12/12 from seed because you think it causes a plant to mature faster. Still no photos of your "past" grows. Do us all a favor n piss off already, youre nothing more than a clown and a practice doll for shit talking to. Everyone else can clearly see how stupid you are, as well as a total kook.
you are such an idiot that at this point replying to you is nothing but entertainment. You live in a fantasy where you're some kind of grow master yet you came onto here asking if its ok to run 12/12 from seed because you think it causes a plant to mature faster. Still no photos of your "past" grows. Do us all a favor n piss off already, youre nothing more than a clown and a practice doll for shit talking to. Everyone else can clearly see how stupid you are, as well as a total kook.
I never once asked a question I stated that is exactly what I am doing I didn't ask anything you're a fake dummy I asked you to prove your information you were trying to tell me and you can't do it because it doesn't exist because you have no idea what you're talking about like I said I would delete my account if you can disprove anything I've said you're a fake moron just like the rest of these clowns who are rallying to have your back because you're a form member who's been here longer than I have and that's a shame you've been here that long and have learned nothing.. but please tell me where I asked the question you are so clearly stupid
you are such an idiot that at this point replying to you is nothing but entertainment. You live in a fantasy where you're some kind of grow master yet you came onto here asking if its ok to run 12/12 from seed because you think it causes a plant to mature faster. Still no photos of your "past" grows. Do us all a favor n piss off already, youre nothing more than a clown and a practice doll for shit talking to. Everyone else can clearly see how stupid you are, as well as a total kook.
Been here 10 plus yrs this clown is only second time i have hit the block button only took 2 days LOL Just a troll its going to be fun watching it talk to itself.
I give you an opportunity to make me delete my account and this is the route you take good riddance to you and your garbage ass grow..
Any Hoot .... Although used in agriculture ( shocking )
Malathion is a cholinesterase inhibitor and can produce adverse and acute respiratory issues. Probably not what you want to use in smoking. Blurred vision , salivation , death , neurological ( nerve transmission interruption s ) .... look up Gulf War illness. Bad shit.

I remember way back in the day ( california ) helicopters used to do midnight spraying for mosquito control and such ... cars would have sticky droplets and shit. ( some of you might remember).

Ortho used to “sell “ retail Malathion 50/50 ( big brown bottle ) which i manage to see in various client homes STILL ... buried in the garage. Lindane , Chlordane , and other highly toxic organophosphate “ pesticides “ ... i have been in pest control for quite a long time and have been privy many chemicals that have come and gone in residential use. Most were extremely toxic ( especially if poor applied ) .

It has nerve damaging effects , so would shy away from it , especially if combusting your weed.
I used Pyrthrin on my outdoor plants and it made the sparrows sick, so I'm looking for something safer.
Thanks everyone for the positive input, and wish you a happy & safe season.