Negative effects with Malathion? Spidermites

That's why you don't enter your grow room with the clothes you've been wearing all day they sell painter suits very cheap change your clothes and zip up. No pets in the grow area. I use praying mantis religiously. I have never had an insect issue in the 11 years ive been growing. I was a member here YEARS ago. But these forums become gangs with everyone trying to prove themselves. And fake failed growers trolling looking to start problems. I post to show off. PERIOD. and lend helping advice where i see fit.
dude you are such a jackass how upset can you be that i tried to help and teach you that you cant mature a plant based on light cycle i hope no one tries to help you out ever again you are such a stubborn novice.
Its not about practice all the time. Mites in many cases travel on peoples clothes as well as shared clones.
I dont go in other's grow rooms. Ill peek or stand at the door. But i dont want to get something on my clothes from them or vice versa. And Im careful about changing clothes after being in gardens or farms.
They can hide and roost thru winter in unsuspecting places too. In my area planting near blackberries are a very good way to get spider mites.
dont bother with that idiot hes upset because i tried to correct some bogus bs he's out here spewing about controlling a plants sexual maturity with 12/12 as if 12/12 was some sort of steroid that caused a plant to shoot pistils out instantly
dude you are such a jackass how upset can you be that i tried to help and teach you that you cant mature a plant based on light cycle i hope no one tries to help you out ever again you are such a stubborn novice.
Youre a failed grower who cant control his own pathetic garden. I need no help. And again you're wrong about the light cycle. Tend to that miserable plant. All mine are flourishing and loving life. Keep your bad idiotic advise. No body on this forum can teach me a single thing pertaining marijuana growing.
Youre a failed grower who cant control his own pathetic garden. I need no help. And again you're wrong about the light cycle. Tend to that miserable plant. All mine are flourishing and loving life. Keep your bad idiotic advise. No body on this forum can teach me a single thing pertaining marijuana growing.
Miserable? looks happy to me but then again i guess im talking to the grower of growers Spidermites arent even a prevalent issue in my area which is why i never even thought of guarding them prior. You just keep making a bigger n bigger ass out of yourself, clearly youre better at that than growing. Also its advice* not advise
Being the troll you are youll see on my thread and how in roughly 30 days of 12/12 my plants will start to show sex. Once all have done so youll also see them revert back to veg under the 18/6 and continue to veg until going outdoors in May 3-4' tall healthy and happy. So until then work on that crap you call a grow.
Miserable? looks happy to me but then again i guess im talking to the grower of growers Spidermites arent even a prevalent issue in my area which is why i never even thought of guarding them prior. You just keep making a bigger n bigger ass out of yourself, clearly youre better at that than growing. Also its advice* not advise
That droopy withered crap would look happy to you, i mean its the best you can do. Thats the pathetic part...
Being the troll you are youll see on my thread and how in roughly 30 days of 12/12 my plants will start to show sex. Once all have done so youll also see them revert back to veg under the 18/6 and continue to veg until going outdoors in May 3-4' tall healthy and happy. So until then work on that crap you call a grow.
Youre a failed grower who cant control his own pathetic garden. I need no help. And again you're wrong about the light cycle. Tend to that miserable plant. All mine are flourishing and loving life. Keep your bad idiotic advise. No body on this forum can teach me a single thing pertaining marijuana growing.
do you have any pics of your prior grows?.....
I was getting angrier and angrier seeing these spots on my cherry pie multiply.. I decided to nuke the spider mites with malathion and to my suprise not one single mite was left alive they are all 100% dead.. now I cant help but wonder if what i just did has any negative effects? ive read tons about to the product and some say its shit and some swear by it. How about you guys?

as long as your growing those outside, you should be fine. the problem people have testing hot for these products indoors is coming from the simple fact that these products were designed to be used on outdoors and not on indoor gardens. residual times posted by the manufacturer is made with the thought in mind that the suns UV rays will help break them down in X amount of time specified for the product. indoors we dont have those UV rays assisting in breaking down the product so it lingers.
How about manners? Maybe someone could teach you something about that...

No offence, but you’re coming across as one righteous prick.

If you’re not here to learn, help and benefit from the other contributing members, why bother?
god bless you
How about manners? Maybe someone could teach you something about that...

No offence, but you’re coming across as one righteous prick.

If you’re not here to learn, help and benefit from the other contributing members, why bother?
As rude as people are on here, im responding in kind. And ive offered plenty of helpful advice. See people like you with your assumptions that you treat as concrete evidence are the ones I don't like if you personally feel I'm coming off as a prick and someone you don't want to get to know then don't respond to me ignore me but no you'd rather go this route.. I was on this site years ago way before many of you I'm sure..but it's a public forum and I'm going to do what I want to do as long as I don't break any form rules there's nothing any of you can do about it besides leave corny messages and if that's the best you got have at it like I said I don't care about your opinions
How about manners? Maybe someone could teach you something about that...

No offence, but you’re coming across as one righteous prick.

If you’re not here to learn, help and benefit from the other contributing members, why bother?
And please tell me where my manners were out of pocket according to the conversation I was in at the time simply because I know I can't learn anything from anybody on here that shows a lack of manners if you want me gone go on my thread and take up the challenge I gave the dummy who likes your comment to me maybe after reading my thread you'll have some understanding
You feel because I'm confident and what I do I lack mannerism..that's simply not the case what I lack is humility when it comes to marijuana growing... You should really learn the definition of the words you I majorly overly supremely confident in my abilities yes I am am I afraid to express that point no I am not so if being not humble is the definition of lack of forum manners to you so be it... But you can't judge an individual based on one selected comment without actually reading the thread the comment came from you will see who fired the first shot and all I did like any other human would do is responding in kind I initiated no negativity
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