
I'm saying that the main grievance which appears to be the fuel for the creation of voluntaryism, which is also connected to your comment about rights not being protected by an entity which owes its existence to a violation of rights, could pretty easily be proven to have no foundation as any sort of a requirement for said existence.

For example ? Plain english will suffice.
A society of self-governing people is fantasyland

A coercion based system also being your protector is self evidently false. Do you accept that as truth ? Would you like to see the math ? (rubs hands together and cackles)

The Epistemological Argument
Violence is never a means to knowledge. As Isabel Paterson, explained in her book, The God of the Machine, “No edict of law can impart to an individual a faculty denied him by nature. A government order cannot mend a broken leg, but it can command the mutilation of a sound body. It cannot bestow intelligence, but it can forbid the use of intelligence.” Or, as Baldy Harper used to put it, “You cannot shoot a truth!” The advocate of any form of invasive violence is in a logically precarious situation. Coercion does not convince, nor is it any kind of argument. William Godwin pointed out that force “is contrary to the nature of the intellect, which cannot but be improved by conviction and persuasion,” and “if he who employs coercion against me could mold me to his purposes by argument, no doubt, he would.. He pretends to punish me because his argument is strong; but he really punishes me because he is weak.” Violence contains none of the energies that enhance a civilized human society. At best, it is only capable of expanding the material existence of a few individuals, while narrowing the opportunities of most others.
I definitely do not accept it as truth. Talk to Christians, though. Every race you see, they thank god for keeping them safe.

Nobody said violence is a means to knowledge, at least not in a "proper" sense, but humans learn through pain everyday. That's certainly not a new concept. That was basically my childhood in a nutshell, go outside, get hurt, try again. Boom, learned.

Socialized medicine could certainly be perceived as a gov't mending a leg and it's not like governments have a lock on harming a sound body. People have been doing that to each other loooooooong before governments existed.

I think I need to see that in the greater context to get a better idea of the point being made, but if that paragraph is the principle behind not having any governance beyond self-governance, then it sounds like they were surrounded by shitty people, but here's the catch....it's not like shitty people suddenly stop being shitty just because they're no longer working for the gov't. All these things around us are simply mediums we use/abuse to suit out desires. A government is no stronger than a rock on the ground and if you're a good person, maybe that rock becomes a tool, and if you're shit, then maybe it becomes a weapon. Either way, the was nothing before you picked it up.
The number of laws we have are directly related to how well we self-govern,

That is an unsubstantiated claim. The number of laws the United States and the subsidiary state plantations have is related to the idea that government has a divine right and the actors within it are exempt from accountability for things which would be wrong for you or I to do.

Do you want to see the math ? (cackles louder and then feels a satisfying sense of smugness)
.it's not like shitty people suddenly stop being shitty just because they're no longer working for the gov't

Without the instilled belief (via a school system which features indoctrination into an authority worshipping cult) that government actions are immutable, about how much power would a shitty person have if his "governmental power" didn't exist?

For instance, even now, there are some gullible people who somehow think because Joe Biden is "President" he is allowed to bomb people and not be a murderer. Take away the mantle of government and he is seen for what he is, a doddering murdering tool.

The belief in authority is intentionally instilled and is what empowers the psychotic "leaders".
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"no one owns it (water)" da fuck? Wars are fought over water rights. Water rights are absolutely critical to ranches, farms, factories and communities. I have a well on my property but that doesn't mean I can use more than my own rightful share.

What is it you are trying to say? I couldn't get to your point with all the bullshit that was laying on top of it.
The days are quickly approaching us when a war between nation states(possibly states w/nukes) over water(the#1 staple of life)will occur,no doubt about it(no water=no life)ccguns
Birth control is another way.
Birth control happens automatically with female emancipation, after decades of a one child policy, China for instance is having difficulty restarting population growth and faces demographic issues in the future..
Then explain taxation please or the military draft.

Hey no offense, but I don't really want to go in circles drifting around if you're going to take something out of context and apply it to a completely different subject, in addition to complaining about making unsubstantiated claims while simultaneously making unsubstantiated claims. It was okay there for a minute, but I'll move on now. Cheers.
Hey no offense, but I don't really want to go in circles drifting around if you're going to take something out of context and apply it to a completely different subject,
That is literally all he does on here. That’s why most of us just put him on ignore. He makes zero points and has no data to back up anything he says. And most of the stuff he says to look up doesn’t even mean what he’s trying to say. He just spews on and on like a rambling toddler.
Hey no offense, but I don't really want to go in circles drifting around if you're going to take something out of context and apply it to a completely different subject, in addition to complaining about making unsubstantiated claims while simultaneously making unsubstantiated claims. It was okay there for a minute, but I'll move on now. Cheers.
Did somebody on my ignore list say something?

Never mind, everybody on my ignore list is boring and I don't want to know what they said.