Tipping and cloning


Active Member
Hey hey,

I'm curious if anyone has tried tipping their plants and then using that tip as a clone? I've got a couple of plants which the write up on them says they can reach upto 3m height when grown outside, im planning on tipping them in the next couple of weeks.

Also should I tip all my plants? One of my other varieties will only reach 1m in height (apperantly). Curious on your thoughts.



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Tipping, topping are the same thing except the wording is different depending where you live in the world. E.g in australia in winter I wear a jumper, in America you wear a sweater but they are both the same thing just different words.
I'd top the potential 3m plant a few times. and let the others be.

btw.. in the states we wear jumpers in prison. lol Full body zip up suit.
Tipping, topping are the same thing except the wording is different depending where you live in the world. E.g in australia in winter I wear a jumper, in America you wear a sweater but they are both the same thing just different words.
Ahhh.. gotcha. Yeah... if you were a man wearing a "jumper" in America... let's just say your life is gonna be hard. But, back on track.. yes, I have used tops to clone. Works fine, as long as they are not woody. They need to have some soft tissue to make good roots.
Ahhh.. gotcha. Yeah... if you were a man wearing a "jumper" in America... let's just say your life is gonna be hard. But, back on track.. yes, I have used tops to clone. Works fine, as long as they are not woody. They need to have some soft tissue to make good roots.
Mate I actually stand corrected i just asked Dr Google, tipping is more like fimming but yer topping is the correct word I apologise :-D

And thanks for the heads up on the jump suit ey ;)
Mate I actually stand corrected i just asked Dr Google, tipping is more like fimming but yer topping is the correct word I apologise :-D

And thanks for the heads up on the jump suit ey ;)
Topping is correctly topping the plant right at the point of the bottom of the new growth stem..Fimming is cutting the new growth at the lower 1/3rd of the the growth.... some people think it makes multiple colas. I've tried it, but meh.. not as good as true topping. FIM stands for "FUCK I MISSED".. when topping, and you accidentally cut too high on the shoot.
Topping is correctly topping the plant right at the point of the bottom of the new growth stem..Fimming is cutting the new growth at the lower 1/3rd of the the growth.... some people think it makes multiple colas. I've tried it, but meh.. not as good as true topping. FIM stands for "FUCK I MISSED".. when topping, and you accidentally cut too high on the shoot.

Yea its my first grow and its a new world of gibberish. Ive probbly got another week or two before I do it, just wasn't sure if i should be trying to clone the topped section but someone above said to definatly have a go :-D .
Yea its my first grow and its a new world of gibberish. Ive probbly got another week or two before I do it, just wasn't sure if i should be trying to clone the topped section but someone above said to definatly have a go :-D .
A lot to learn for sure.. but your plants are too young to top just yet. Wait until you have 5-7 nodes before topping. Then wait longer before you try to clone them. Usually around a month or more before you can take clones from her... then make sure you get a good aeroponic cloner, they are cheap. But!.. best advise would be to try to finish a grow first before you juggle clones along with that. There's a whole other world with pheono hunting, cloning, and such.
A alot to learn for sure.. but your plants are too young to top just yet. Wait until you have 5-7 nodes before topping. Then wait longer before you try to clone them. Usually around a month or more before you can take clones from her... then make sure you get a good aeroponic cloner, they are cheap. But!.. best advise would be to try to finish a grow first before you juggle clones along with that. There's a whole other world with pheono hunting, cloning, and such.

Yea not going to top just yet, currently have 3 nodes and 4th's on the way, just guessing that in 2 weeks I should be pretty close to being able to top them. Im impressed with their current rate of growth tbh, they are only 2 weeks old and banking along imo. But im just a noob :-D
Looks like coco you are using as a medium? It looks dry. If using coco, never let it dry out.

Mate it was literally just the top not even 1/4 inch was dry, I actually watered them straight after I took that photo. Haha can't please everyone haha last time I took a photo I had just watered them and someone commented they were too wet hahaha.

Yes its straight coco mix, using a 2 part hydro liquid fert, watering pretty much every 2nd day (sometimes 3rd depending on how hot its been). Pretty happy with them though, I also just gave them shelter as it is windy af outside today 8-)
Mate it was literally just the top not even 1/4 inch was dry, I actually watered them straight after I took that photo. Haha can't please everyone haha last time I took a photo I had just watered them and someone commented they were too wet hahaha.

Yes its straight coco mix, using a 2 part hydro liquid fert, watering pretty much every 2nd day (sometimes 3rd depending on how hot its been). Pretty happy with them though, I also just gave them shelter as it is windy af outside today 8-)
Just keep reading through this forum... lots of great information with very knowledgable people!.. and good luck to ya mate! ( that's my best Aussie accent)
Damn!.. for some reason now I want to throw some shrimp on the barbie, and crack a big Fosters.
Well funny you say that cos we don't actually eat all that much shrimp in australia haha, we eat prawns though ;) im told shrimp are just small prawns, and no one drinks fosters lmao except my brother inlaw who is a pommy haha. I do use that saying though hwhen I talk to yanks makes for a good laugh when they realise im an aussie haha

Where r u from mate?
Well funny you say that cos we don't actually eat all that much shrimp in australia haha, we eat prawns though ;) im told shrimp are just small prawns, and no one drinks fosters lmao except my brother inlaw who is a pommy haha. I do use that saying though hwhen I talk to yanks makes for a good laugh when they realise im an aussie haha

Where r u from mate?
Prawns.. shrimp... it's all in the size. LOL... Whats a Pommy?.. Im from Oklahoma. We eat alot of meat. Drink alot of whisky, smoke alot of weed, and shoot at anything that moves in the dark.......and explosives. For some reason we like to blow shit up.