Active Member
Prawns.. shrimp... it's all in the size. LOL... Whats a Pommy?.. Im from Oklahoma. We eat alot of meat. Drink alot of whisky, smoke alot of weed, and shoot at anything that moves in the dark.......and explosives. For some reason we like to blow shit up.
Mate a pommy is a brittish bloke, brother inlaw is from lester in the UK. ive heard of oklahoma but no idea where it actually is in the US, but I must say I'm very jealous. Ive got a weapons licence and own 2 if my own guns but being able to easily use them is another thing. Australia is so strict, either I have to go to a range or someone's property (I don't actually know anyone locally where I can shoot on their land). I live by the coast so I mostly go fishing and crabbing, got a young family but hope I can start getting out to do some camping in the new year. And explosives what are they? Lmao we can even access fireworks in most states.
I'm mostly a beer and meat eater aswell. Love a good old Friday night feed, few beers and a smoke with the fellas