What has Trump done to this country?

Yet if he has to use your money to be able to give things to the poor... that is where he sins against the will of God... his death proved that... taxation is theft. It is not man that you must be afraid of... that honor falls to God. Cross him and you get the cross. Look at the state of our country today... people rioting and looting, burning down their own city... is that what Jesus intended... then he got what he deserved. To hell with taxation!

If it's such a sin then why must we wait for the Spirit to know the truth?
Yer Lucky there's a constitution and the rule of law, or Christians would burn you at the stake for heresy and blasphemy. Today we just admit you to the hospital for a few weeks and feed you some good antipsychotic meds to clear your mind and make the voices go away.
This is my Song of the Day/Moment :)

We're gonna be broke as a Nation because of that motherfucker Trump due too his Tax giveaways to the corporations/massive bailouts to farmers (which he personally fucked) & the absolutely unnecessary build up of the Military.
They (Trump & the GOP) want too reduce taxes further?
What the fuck are they talking about?
WE'RE FUCKING BROKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Add into that the cost of dealing with COVID-19 & we're on the edge of not only a Health disaster but an Economic one.
Hey, @schuylaar, yea, I just took my 1st nip of the day, followed by a beer & followed by a very big bowl of Purple Haze.
That's my World ever since Trump took office, to acheive a State of being fucking numb

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this dude is one dog tick we'll never be rid of unless he is taken out of circulation in some way..he will be an ex-president with a twitter account and now this..he pushed his way into everything to the point where people give up.

let's just get him away from the WH and let God sort it out..McDonald has a lot of enemies.
Legal nightmare for trump and kin beginning January 21. Not even talking multiple civil actions. Mansion in Mother Russia provided by Vladimir, he could call it “The Eagles' Nest” if that made him happy.
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i would still do it if i knew i could get club fed and was given the opportunity- one request i get to dress in black like a ninja..use a stilleto and let his life force drain in front of me as i inform him "you're fired'!
Ooh, watching a person bleed out...I like it. (Bad topcat, bad!)