What has Trump done to this country?

You've done heard it... Jesus died because he stood up for taxation. The take away... taxation is evil and turns men's hearts against each other. I was born into taxation... that is how I know. I work every day to try and stay out of the Lord's infinite wisdom but at the rate we are going... it will be the end of America. Tons of taxes and very little freedom... yea for socialism!
Yu am two dumm to make fun uv.
KellyAnne Cryptkeeper 2016 tweet comes back to bite her on her shriveled prune ass.
“ You crowed landslide .... now it’s back to haunt you bitch ! “

George longs for the days when the law said a man could have his wife committed to the nuthouse with very little difficulty. I wonder if he locks her in the basement for the sake of the Children?
Don't insult single-celled organisms. They're compassionate enough to understand that the vast majority of people on welfare are those who need it.

there is no such thing as welfare and hasn't been since Clinton days..the Jack-o-Lantern in Chief is lying to you..here are the facts..care to debate?

The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (PRWORA) is a United States federal law passed by the 104th United States Congress and signed into law by President Bill Clinton. ... After the passage of the law, the number of individuals receiving federal welfare dramatically declined.

i already know you won't respond to me because i proved you wrong and you don't have the balls.
Not a troll, normal politics in Canada, this is what normal looks like, this what good will, tradition and fun looks like.
Trudeau, Scheer take part in tradition of dragging newly-elected Speaker to chair

we don't have to drag Mitch..i would love to see him as a minority dick face..his face looks like the glans.
Jesus was a socialist, believed in free healthcare for the poor and even gave shit away like bread and fishes. Greedy bastards don't like taxes or forming a sharing community with others and libertarianism is sinful. It was the money changers in the temple that got Jesus pissed, not taxes, he did say to give unto Caesar that which is Caesar's. Whose image is on a dollar bill?

It is as sinful to put words into the Lord's mouth, as it is to mock his crucifixion for your sins by saying he died for something as mundane as whining about taxes. Yer going to Hell son.
Yet if he has to use your money to be able to give things to the poor... that is where he sins against the will of God... his death proved that... taxation is theft. It is not man that you must be afraid of... that honor falls to God. Cross him and you get the cross. Look at the state of our country today... people rioting and looting, burning down their own city... is that what Jesus intended... then he got what he deserved. To hell with taxation!

If it's such a sin then why must we wait for the Spirit to know the truth?
Yet if he has to use your money to be able to give things to the poor... that is where he sins against the will of God... his death proved that... taxation is theft. It is not man that you must be afraid of... that honor falls to God. Cross him and you get the cross. Look at the state of our country today... people rioting and looting, burning down their own city... is that what Jesus intended... then he got what he deserved. To hell with taxation!

If it's such a sin then why must we wait for the Spirit to know the truth?

Jeff Bezos is that you?