What has Trump done to this country?

Fuck me/them
and her especially

Fuck those assholes, stay in your own fucked up State & fucking die.
Do not allow them to leave/travel to other States.
Full fucking quarantine on States that won't adhere to CDC guidelines & cut off all Federal aid, like everything.
Trump wanted to cut aid to States/cities that he deemed Anarchist?
OK, ley's make it reciprocal
Fucking cut all Federal aid to those fucking leaches, the Red States that contribute/pay NOTHING, but receive BILLIONS in Federal aid.
Maybe that might wake them up and act like fucking American citizens, who care about their neighbors/friends/family or that individual simply walking by you on the street.
I'm really pissed off now, yesterday my State of Connecticut issued a curfew order from 10:00PM until 5:00 AM, trying to curtail the increases of COVID-19 in the State. (5% in the last 2 weeks)
Can you fucking imagine this/that, a fucking curfew?
I can't, but this is the new reality it seems.
Fucked up shit, eh?
OK, I've vented, which is needed, and now it time for some music
Listen too the lyics/lurn it up & dance.
Stay safe & wear a mask :)

Hell of a time to give care, eh? Hope you can find some peace. I gave up yelling and getting frustrated. Ignore the side that is F'ed up now and until further notice. Drives them crazy in their all about me world.

Here's a song to provoke or entertain. Frump theme song.

You people and your government can turn a normal case of the flu into a worldwide pandemic. I never wear a mask and I still don't have Covid. They are playing you in order to push trillions of dollars of bills through Congress. The government steals your money and you have to wear the mask... some freedom!
go to sleep
You learned your scripture from Paula White, correct? Jesus did not stand up for taxation. Did Jesus condone separating babies from their mothers? Would Jesus grab your pussy? Would Jesus suggest shooting refugees at the border? Eat stool.
He died on the cross for it so I guess so... live by the sword die by the sword
Fuck me/them
and her especially

Fuck those assholes, stay in your own fucked up State & fucking die.
Do not allow them to leave/travel to other States.
Full fucking quarantine on States that won't adhere to CDC guidelines & cut off all Federal aid, like everything.
Trump wanted to cut aid to States/cities that he deemed Anarchist?
OK, ley's make it reciprocal
Fucking cut all Federal aid to those fucking leaches, the Red States that contribute/pay NOTHING, but receive BILLIONS in Federal aid.
Maybe that might wake them up and act like fucking American citizens, who care about their neighbors/friends/family or that individual simply walking by you on the street.
I'm really pissed off now, yesterday my State of Connecticut issued a curfew order from 10:00PM until 5:00 AM, trying to curtail the increases of COVID-19 in the State. (5% in the last 2 weeks)
Can you fucking imagine this/that, a fucking curfew?
I can't, but this is the new reality it seems.
Fucked up shit, eh?
OK, I've vented, which is needed, and now it time for some music
Listen too the lyics/lurn it up & dance.
Stay safe & wear a mask :)

did you see the dumb bitches comment?

my body, my choice
somebody better tell her that the GOP is anti-abortion.
Hell of a time to give care, eh? Hope you can find some peace. I gave up yelling and getting frustrated. Ignore the side that is F'ed up now and until further notice. Drives them crazy in their all about me world.

Here's a song to provoke or entertain. Frump theme song.

Nah, I don't want to fuck the World, I just want too co-exist in Peace
I ain't gonna find any real Peace in my life, I'm pretty sure of that, I'm too politically inclined & this country drives me crazy.
I will always hate Republicans, which is sad, but the Irish have a tendency to hold grudges & I have more than a few, like Nixon/Reagan/Bush/McConnell/Cruz/Graham/McCarthy & the Grand Wizard Trump too name a few.
I'm a peaceful guy actually, I like most people & dogs/cats/parakeets/parrots/cockatiels/turtles/lizards/prairie dogs/rabbits, (all of which I have had @ one time or another :) )), but I fucking hate Trump supporters/Republicans & that, unfortunately, is the way it is.
I just want too live in a Peaceful/Humane America, for a lttle while at least, but that seems too be an impossibility.
Turn it up :)

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Now this is what a troll looks like incase you have forgotten. Says he believes in Jesus and such, a "Christian" I believe, though from where I know not. If he's a Russian, he missed the election and their quality standards have slipped.
Not a troll, normal politics in Canada, this is what normal looks like, this what good will, tradition and fun looks like.
Trudeau, Scheer take part in tradition of dragging newly-elected Speaker to chair
He died on the cross for it so I guess so... live by the sword die by the sword
What the fuck are you talking about?
How can you connect that thought?
By the way, do you know what your name means?
Diatomaceous earth is an irritant, used to repel unwanted insects/pests usually.

You definitely live up to that defination, a fucking irritant.
He died on the cross by standing up for taxation is your premise. That's enough of you. I refuse to argue with you cultists.
It wasn't because he stood up for the people... he had been doing that for years... if you will not open your eyes to the truth the government will continue to take advantage of you and your laughable rights. You are a joke to them.
What the fuck are you talking about?
How can you connect that thought?
By the way, do you know what your name means?
Diatomaceous earth is an irritant, used to repel unwanted insects/pests usually.

You definitely live up to that defination, a fucking irritant.
I'm kinda hunger'n tonight, but this poor cunt seems pretty harmless, I'm suspecting schizophrenia, disordered thinking and negative symptoms, don't think he's seeing shit, but he might be hearing voices, most do...