H G Griffin
Well-Known Member
?????Because you said so?
What you are describing is the steady march of progress.
?????Because you said so?
What you are describing is the steady march of progress.
Ok, I apologize, I may have just lumped you in with the other people attacking our nation's democracy and will reset and try again. I wasn't really even sure if you could see my posts.?????
Like so many others, I was shocked by how Trump was able to run roughshod over the entire country.
I wasn't a Hillary fan and remember saying that even if Trump got in, his inexperience combined with the system of checks and balances would keep him from doing too much damage.
Unfortunately that is not a check on the POTUS since the Republicans stood behind Trump's illegal actions with foreign countries because they were more worried about their political power than the American citizens.Nope, he exposed the "check and balances" as an utter joke. He openly broke the law and bragged about it, he openly encouraged criminal activity against opponents, he openly called for various government agencies to investigate and imprison his opponents in violation of Constitution. He bragged he could commit murder and it would not affect his following.
Slightly, they still lost the house, and the Democrats picked up a seat in the Senate, and have a shot at 2 more in January earning the Democrats with the power to appoint Biden's cabinet and get some much needed legislation passed.And yet he was barely voted out and his party actually strengthened their position in congress.
Administrative branch power has to be divided as well and the AG function isolated, or a permanent special independent counsel office with 10 year appointees and penalties for political abuse. Give congressional subpoenas more teeth, but the republicans since Newt Gingrich have abused their prerogatives and trusts as much as Trump, Donald was a good fit for them.Ok, I apologize, I may have just lumped you in with the other people attacking our nation's democracy and will reset and try again. I wasn't really even sure if you could see my posts.
I think I took offense at your characterization of 'running roughshod over the entire country'.
I live in Michigan, and while I can see why people not paying extremely close attention it might seem like what you said, I don't think that this is the case at all. Our governor for one was not ran over by Trump's idiocy. The courts may have been stuffed with hundreds of his trolls, but they still have slapped Trump down with near every frivolous lawsuit he has tried to apply.
He pulled some shit with the protestors in DC in June (the only place I know of on the mainland he can get away with it), and tried to do the same in Portland, but got shot down by the citizens of that state, and every other state made sure his goon squad was unable to do Trump's bidding.
But I understand how with the propaganda warfare that this may have seemed like it was more than that, it wasn't. And it wasn't just Trump, it was the Republicans in DC that were complicit with his actions to divide us.
I did too. I was pretty shocked that the Republicans for 2 years after Trump was elected stopped all public knowledge of the attack on our democracy, leaving everyone under attack exposed.
But also outside of trade wars and withdrawing our presence from the world, beating up on poor migrant workers, and stopping the executive branch from being able to execute a cohesive plan, what did Trump really do?
He talked a lot of nonsense, and that caused extreme mayhem, but he didn't actually try to do anything for real, because he got told that was breaking the law and couldn't be done, over and over, until he finally got criminals in office to do his bidding.
I think at the end of the day, you were still right, but the illusion created by his megaphone and troll army (foreign and domestic) made everything seem much more than it was.
Unfortunately that is not a check on the POTUS since the Republicans stood behind Trump's illegal actions with foreign countries because they were more worried about their political power than the American citizens.
And the real show has not even started yet. January 21st 2021 is when Trump is no longer POTUS.
Slightly, they still lost the house, and the Democrats picked up a seat in the Senate, and have a shot at 2 more in January earning the Democrats with the power to appoint Biden's cabinet and get some much needed legislation passed.
This was always going to be a very slim win, anyone that didn't see that was blind to the fact that Trump had a foreign military helping him attack our nation for 6 years, while controlling the entire televison, radio, and his cults internet activity for the entire time, keeping them blind to everything that was being exposed about Trump's criminality and corruption.
This was also on the heels of a decade long (at least) scam that he Republican party has been running with their gerrymandering state districts (which is why the house is so close) and extreme voter suppression (which is why the votes are still being counted).
Like I have said all along, this was an election that in order to win, Biden and the Democrats had to win big. And they did.
With all the left/right trolls (foreign and domestic) trying to fit the narratives having someone in the White House to push back on it finally, I am very hopeful of what we can do to fight back in the next couple years so that we can finally start all rowing in the same direction.
Trump data-mined the executive branch laws and exposed every troll they could conceive of, and are going to trigger a bunch of people who are far smarter than the ones Trump had backing his scams. All those loopholes will now need to be plugged up.Administrative branch power has to be divided as well and the AG function isolated, or a permanent special independent counsel office with 10 year appointees and penalties for political abuse. Give congressional subpoenas more teeth, but the republicans since Newt Gingrich have abused their prerogatives and trusts as much as Trump, Donald was a good fit for them.
The problem isn't Trump, you have defeated him, the problem is the base of the republican party is at war with America, it's founding ideas and ethos, Trump was just it's ugly face. You have defeated the leader, but not the army, Mitch leads that and he is as big an enemy of the nation as Trump. One short term hope is these two assholes go at loggerheads over the Georgia senate election vs Donald's lust for revenge and panic about prison and becoming America's biggest loser. Donald is gonna go on a firing fest starting with Fauci and a super spreader road show of sheer fucking lunacy, Mitch will be thrilled I sure...
We are just observing from a distance and offering opinions and suggestions, the real brains are grappling with these issues now and formulating solutions based on careful analysis and testing ideas in discussion for problems and loopholes. I don't think the republicans are interested in improving the system they currently exploit so well.Trump data-mined the executive branch laws and exposed every troll they could conceive of, and are going to trigger a bunch of people who are far smarter than the ones Trump had backing his scams. All those loopholes will now need to be plugged up.
The big one that I first noticed was the law that the lawyers in the executive branch are not allowed to be questioned by the special investigators.
I look forward to watching those future conversations that lead to the legislation to pull back the strings that congress has given the POTUS over the years.
This is how checks and balances work, it doesn't necessarily stop people from acting like assholes in real time, it just plugs up the ways they found to scam the systems that they are entrusted to by the American people.
The best tool the people have that are going to investigate it, is real data. Something that nobody else will have until they do.We are just observing from a distance and offering opinions and suggestions, the real brains are grappling with these issues now and formulating solutions based on careful analysis and testing ideas in discussion for problems and loopholes. I don't think the republicans are interested in improving the system they currently exploit so well.
It's also 70 million Americans who think the sun shines out of Donald's asshole.The best tool the people have that are going to investigate it, is real data. Something that nobody else will have until they do.
Right now nobody actually has any real information because Trump has been lying to the American public and ordering all his minions to do the same.
The Republicans in DC, and a few governors others throughout the states, are just trying to keep the power in the hands of the Wealthy White Heterosexual Male demographic as much as possible by hampering anyone else ability to achieve the same success. It sucks and keeps our nation from being as efficient as possible.
I dont agree.It's also 70 million Americans who think the sun shines out of Donald's asshole.
These guys know how it is done, refer to the hierarchy of needs and the appeal to feelings, the mood was set by the music. These people are experts at this and they are trying to drive the democratic vote as much as they can, its good people like that are on your side. This is the tactical war to gain and hold power while fostering social change.
Also I really think America just proved to the world that we are still indeed a responsible nation.
It doesn't seem that in world history too many dictators got handled as cleanly as we just clearly did.
Im ok with that, as long as we have 75 million people to keep their worst instincts in check. I figure that 70k are just deterrence for would be dictators like Putin to not try to invade us.I could not disagree more. All we did was prove to the world that we have at least 70 million wackos living here.
Im ok with that, as long as we have 75 million people to keep their worst instincts in check. I figure that 70k are just deterrence for would be dictators like Putin to not try to invade us.
For real though, Brexit, German shutdown protests, Yellow Vest riots, etc. The worlds democracies are all fighting this battle in their own countries.
Speaking of, fuckersparadise deleted and removed all political threads and the section. That place was a volcano of trumpers ready to blow.The problem is that it shows that there's a great divide between the people of this country, which was previously exploited by Trump. So how do we heal that gap now when there are so many crazies out there who believe in "alternative facts"? I suppose it's somewhat fortunate that other countries are also experiencing such crises, but we've still got a huge target on our backs. We have to find a way to come together or we're fucked.
Nice to meet you.The problem is that it shows that there's a great divide between the people of this country, which was previously exploited by Trump. So how do we heal that gap now when there are so many crazies out there who believe in "alternative facts"? I suppose it's somewhat fortunate that other countries are also experiencing such crises, but we've still got a huge target on our backs. We have to find a way to come together or we're fucked.
We don't heal, never will. This nationalism shit that Individual 1 has become the spokesbaby of has only emerged from the closet. Now, it's loose and will gain weight. We've been set back 150 years by Drumpf legitimizing the closet dwellers, so it will take a lot of time, way past my life.The problem is that it shows that there's a great divide between the people of this country, which was previously exploited by Trump. So how do we heal that gap now when there are so many crazies out there who believe in "alternative facts"? I suppose it's somewhat fortunate that other countries are also experiencing such crises, but we've still got a huge target on our backs. We have to find a way to come together or we're fucked.
Tell me more.We've been set back 150 years
You bring up the 'alternative facts', which is the key. Mind if I ask what you understand about the Russian attack on our democracy for at least the last 6 years?
My god. Not the TROLLS.It was my understanding that they sent out a bunch of trolls to parrot far-right talking points to get people riled up.