If Trump wins legitimately will you accept the victory?

Just saying. They have a place. And the world we enjoy could change tomorrow. Those that honestly know sustenance hunting, fishing and gathering will be okay. The gun boasting un aware modern folks will be a threat to all. Hate to think about it. Ignorant s killing actual gatherers to steal a meal because a gun makes them dumb. The old people kill thing. Dreading tomorrow night.
If the scenario you envisioned took place and tens of millions of Americans hit the woods looking for food they would exterminate all game in a month and then each other.

If the banking system freezes up over Trumps mismanagement of covid and congressional inaction, nobody's bank or credit cards will work and the banks will be closed, rich and poor will be destitute in a week. Modern society is completely dependent on these private banking systems, there is not nearly enough cash in circulation any way.
if you've ever stood kinda off to the side of a nitro methane car when it fires up, you'll realize what i'm talking about. the HP that shakes your liver into your pancreas.
Shakes the shit out of ya, but the torque band of a DC motor starts at zero, no gears, just switching amps for volts as the rpm goes up.
if you've ever stood kinda off to the side of a nitro methane car when it fires up, you'll realize what i'm talking about. the HP that shakes your liver into your pancreas.
Try driving 1000+ HP on the road while the torque flex lifts your front wheel off the ground between 2 and 4000 RPM. And the concussion effects are vomit inducing after a bit.
If the scenario you envisioned took place and tens of millions of Americans hit the woods looking for food they would exterminate all game in a month and then each other.

If the banking system freezes up over Trumps mismanagement of covid and congressional inaction, nobody's bank or credit cards will work and the banks will be closed, rich and poor will be destitute in a week. Modern society is completely dependent on these private banking systems, there is not nearly enough cash in circulation any way.
Big house of cards holding the precious stock market up now. Frumps claim to fame. What happens when the fed quits creating and money out for free?
bingo. i hate to admit it but if i see that shit coming, i'll be poaching everything and anything and putting it in the freezer.
You would be wasting resources and future meals. Also posing a threat to yourself and neighbors. How are we storing this food if no utilities?
it's gonna implode and give the GOP a reason to blame Biden. mark my words.
Republicons run it up. Then raise hell blame deocratic party. Cut everything but the corporate welfare. All these decades and no one gets it? Both parties suck by the way.