Trumps last days in office

That is a whole lot of nonsense to say that pretty much if not all those stats were actually better under Obama's last three years than Trump's first three years.

And the Republicans screwed Obama as much as they could setting up Trump to appoint a lot of trolls.
Prior to the Covid 19 forced shutdown of the economy:
  • Almost 4 million jobs created since 2016 election.
  • More Americans are now employed than ever recorded before in our history.
  • Created more than 400,000 manufacturing jobs since 2016 election.
  • Manufacturing jobs grew at the fastest rate in more than three decades.
  • Economic growth has been as high as 4.2 percent.
  • New unemployment claims hit a 49-year low.
  • Median household income hit highest level ever recorded.
  • The Wall Street Journal’s Eric Morath and Jeffrey Sparshott report: “Pay for the bottom 25% of wage earners rose 4.5% in November from a year earlier, according to the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta. Wages for the top 25% of earners rose 2.9%. Similarly, the Atlanta Fed found wages for low-skilled workers have accelerated since early 2018, and last month matched the pace of high-skill workers for the first time since 2010.”
  • African-American, Hispanic-American, Asian-American, women and youth unemployment were the lowest rates ever recorded.
  • Lowest unemployment rate ever recorded for Americans without a high school diploma.
  • Veterans’ unemployment recently reached its lowest rate in nearly 20 years.
Tax relief
  • An Opportunity Zone is a designation and investment program created by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 allowing for certain investments in lower income areas to have tax advantages.
  • The biggest package of tax cuts and reforms in history. All economic classes benefited.
  • Small businesses will have the lowest top marginal tax rate in more than 80 years.

  • Providing more affordable healthcare options for Americans through association health plans and short-term duration plans. They will cover pre-existing conditions
  • Preserving the 180M health plans provided by employers
  • Many drug companies are freezing or reversing planned price increases.
  • Reformed the Medicare program, saving seniors hundreds of millions of dollars this year alone.
  • Signed Right-To-Try legislation.
  • Secured $6 billion in new funding to fight the opioid epidemic.
  • Reduced high-dose opioid prescriptions by 16 percent during first year in office.
  • Signed VA Choice Act and VA Accountability Act, expanded VA telehealth services, walk-in-clinics, and same-day urgent primary and mental health care.
  • Secured record military funding leading to a restoration of world-wide strength.
  • Encouraged NATO allies to spend $69 billion more since 2016.
  • Given the lack of judges left by Obama/Biden, more circuit court judges have been confirmed than any other new administration.
  • Will have had three Supreme Court Justices confirmed by the end of October.
  • Unlike Biden/Harris/Sanders/AOC, President Trump has no interest in packing the Supreme Court.
  • Facilitated fracking.
  • Became energy independent.
  • The United States is now a net exporter of cheap natural gas for the first time since 1957.
  • From the Wall Street Journal: “Energy-related CO2 emissions in the U.S. fell 2.8% last year. The U.S. saw the largest decline in energy-related CO2 emissions in 2019 on a country basis due to a 15% reduction in the use of coal”
  • Facilitated treaties between Israel and two Middle East countries.
  • Moved the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem.
  • A U.S.-Mexico-Canada Trade Deal to replace NAFTA.
  • An agreement with the E.U. to increase U.S. exports.
  • Imposed tariffs on China in response to China’s forced technology transfer, intellectual property theft, and their chronically abusive trade practices.
All of the above is 100% verifiable. Not opinion.

would someone please show us some verifiable, actual facts regarding why anyone that keeps up with what’s actually going in the world that Biden has accomplished a 10th of this in his 40+.
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Ignore list
Ignore list
My life saving
Breathtaking ignore list
Here come trumpatards
Dear old leaders trumptards
I love you
I feed you
I hold you close
Oh ignore list
Here they come
yeah what about it and where exactly does interference start. I am a german and I like every trump speech I see on youtube. Am I interfering with the election by promoting the wrong oppinion? Would I be if I do it with 10000 accounts?

I think every country has trollfarms and everybody tries to influence everything they can to get the outcome they want to secure or gain their power.
Damn you think all that?
yeah what about it and where exactly does interference start. I am a german and I like every trump speech I see on youtube. Am I interfering with the election by promoting the wrong oppinion? Would I be if I do it with 10000 accounts?

I think every country has trollfarms and everybody tries to influence everything they can to get the outcome they want to secure or gain their power.
Yeah he is great.

You could, but chances are you would need to brush up on your spelling.
Prior to the Covid 19 forced shutdown of the economy:
  • Almost 4 million jobs created since 2016 election.
  • More Americans are now employed than ever recorded before in our history.
  • Created more than 400,000 manufacturing jobs since 2016 election.
  • Manufacturing jobs grew at the fastest rate in more than three decades.
  • Economic growth has been as high as 4.2 percent.
  • New unemployment claims hit a 49-year low.
  • Median household income hit highest level ever recorded.
  • The Wall Street Journal’s Eric Morath and Jeffrey Sparshott report: “Pay for the bottom 25% of wage earners rose 4.5% in November from a year earlier, according to the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta. Wages for the top 25% of earners rose 2.9%. Similarly, the Atlanta Fed found wages for low-skilled workers have accelerated since early 2018, and last month matched the pace of high-skill workers for the first time since 2010.”
  • African-American, Hispanic-American, Asian-American, women and youth unemployment were the lowest rates ever recorded.
  • Lowest unemployment rate ever recorded for Americans without a high school diploma.
  • Veterans’ unemployment recently reached its lowest rate in nearly 20 years.
Tax relief
  • An Opportunity Zone is a designation and investment program created by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 allowing for certain investments in lower income areas to have tax advantages.
  • The biggest package of tax cuts and reforms in history. All economic classes benefited.
  • Small businesses will have the lowest top marginal tax rate in more than 80 years.

  • Providing more affordable healthcare options for Americans through association health plans and short-term duration plans. They will cover pre-existing conditions
  • Preserving the 180M health plans provided by employers
  • Many drug companies are freezing or reversing planned price increases.
  • Reformed the Medicare program, saving seniors hundreds of millions of dollars this year alone.
  • Signed Right-To-Try legislation.
  • Secured $6 billion in new funding to fight the opioid epidemic.
  • Reduced high-dose opioid prescriptions by 16 percent during first year in office.
  • Signed VA Choice Act and VA Accountability Act, expanded VA telehealth services, walk-in-clinics, and same-day urgent primary and mental health care.
  • Secured record military funding leading to a restoration of world-wide strength.
  • Encouraged NATO allies to spend $69 billion more since 2016.
  • Given the lack of judges left by Obama/Biden, more circuit court judges have been confirmed than any other new administration.
  • Will have had three Supreme Court Justices confirmed by the end of October.
  • Unlike Biden/Harris/Sanders/AOC, President Trump has no interest in packing the Supreme Court.
  • Facilitated fracking.
  • Became energy independent.
  • The United States is now a net exporter of cheap natural gas for the first time since 1957.
  • From the Wall Street Journal: “Energy-related CO2 emissions in the U.S. fell 2.8% last year. The U.S. saw the largest decline in energy-related CO2 emissions in 2019 on a country basis due to a 15% reduction in the use of coal”
  • Facilitated treaties between Israel and two Middle East countries.
  • Moved the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem.
  • A U.S.-Mexico-Canada Trade Deal to replace NAFTA.
  • An agreement with the E.U. to increase U.S. exports.
  • Imposed tariffs on China in response to China’s forced technology transfer, intellectual property theft, and their chronically abusive trade practices.
All of the above is 100% verifiable. Not opinion.

would someone please show us some verifiable, actual facts regarding why anyone that keeps up with what’s actually going in the world that Biden has accomplished a 10th of this in his 40+.
Look it’s Brickhead!
@hanimmal - are you serious?

none of that is opinion. Not mine, not yours, just actual facts. Show me your verifiable facts. Give me a link that says anything I posted was false. Show me Obama’s record and if it’s better, I’ll buy you an internet beer lol.

You can’t. Keep your head in the sand Or come with facts not feelings.
The pundits say the election results usually comes real close to the approval rating, some B rated polls show Trump's approval as low as 35%

Added today
Presidential approvalOCT 18-20, 2020B
Presidential approvalOCT 18-20, 2020B
Presidential approvalOCT 18-20, 2020C+
Rasmussen Reports/Pulse Opinion Research
Presidential approvalOCT 17-20, 2020B
American Research Group
Presidential approvalOCT 16-20, 2020B-
Presidential approvalOCT 16-20, 2020B-
Presidential approvalOCT 15-19, 2020Global Strategy Group/GBAO (Navigator Research)1,000RVApprove43%56%DisapproveDisapprove+13
Presidential approvalOCT 17-18, 2020C-
Change Research
Presidential approvalOCT 16-18, 2020B/C
Morning Consult
Presidential approvalSEP 30-OCT 15, 2020B
Shut the fuck up & go crawl back under your fucking rock & get the fuck off RIU.
There's enough shit going on in this World/site for you to add to it.
Do you think your funny?
Your not & I will happily make your existence fucking miserable on this site.
Welcome asshole.
@hanimmal - are you serious?

none of that is opinion. Not mine, not yours, just actual facts. Show me your verifiable facts. Give me a link that says anything I posted was false. Show me Obama’s record and if it’s better, I’ll buy you an internet beer lol.

You can’t. Keep your head in the sand Or come with facts not feelings.
Not sure if you missed that I responded to your post.

Here you go:

Here too:
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Officially Canuck and I's bet ends Jan 20th, but I just had to come back and laugh at this comment and the people who thumbs upped it. ( @topcat @Jimdamick @DIY-HP-LED @Metasynth @hanimmal )
According to Trump he did do nothing.

For real, you have a point. I guess him running his mouth is something that I don't think of as him doing anything, but it doesn't mean it is the case for his cult followers.
According to Trump he did do nothing.

For real, you have a point. I guess him running his mouth is something that I don't think of as him doing anything, but it doesn't mean it is the case for his cult followers.


