What has Trump done to this country?

Yep, you are right, Amber.

I'm late but I will say that I thought when you mentioned that you tested negative for coronavirus antibodies -- Congratulations! You've stuck to the discipline and changed behavior so that you could work with the public safely and they were safe from you. Yet that filthy pig wallowed in the mud, got sick and then, after receiving a president's level of treatment, the pig swaggered back into the WH while still contagious. So disgusting. Now he's even bragging about it.

I've made the sacrifice too. Stayed on Covid Island to avoid the virus so that my wife could safely care for her mother. I only ever see my mother through a window at her assisted living facility, something that hurts my heart and will hurt forever. We stayed in lockdown protocol. The kids, too. We are all doing our best. Right wingers and especially Trump are making our efforts and sacrifices less effective.

I'm so angry and the disgusted by the people of the Republican Party for their behavior. Now, when I see people without masks, I see filthy and dirty people. It might not be fair but now, when I see Christians, I see filth because of conservative Christians who refused to stop their mega spreader events they call church services. Them and their fake hypocritical smiles.

If everybody had been careful, maybe we would be able to open our schools and freely go out without having to shuffle by other people as if they carried the plague. Our economy could be doing better too. Not to mention the hundreds of thousands that would still be with us. Or those afflicted with long term health issues from the disease. So, yeah, what he's saying and doing is hurtful. Not that he cares about us.
Thanks Fogdog! I feel the same way As you about people not wearing masks either. Sorry to hear you are not able to hug your mom. Hang in there, You are doing a fantastic job taking care of your family.

I've experienced/known a LOT of people that had serious side effects from ingesting steroids specifically.
That fucker is high as fuck on roids.
Right now (as if he didn't before :) ) he thinks he's a fucking Superman/God.
Pretty funny, huh?
No, actually it's scary as fuck because he's only just started.
This is his 1st week of treatment.
Can you imagine if his mood swings further off into some other bizarre location?
I feel like leaving this country now, like right fucking now before Trump in his drug induced haze out right calls for Civil War (Oh, he has already, hasn't he?)
But, I ain't going anywhere because America right now is considered by the World a fucking leper colony & won't let me in.
Damn it, even Canada won't let me in.
Fucking sad shit, eh?
Stay/be safe :)
There are still many country’s allowing Americans in. Some are more lenient then others with their guidelines on testing and quarantining.


If you wish to see vistas such as Moll's Gap in Ireland, you'll have to quarantine for 14 days first.
Tourism Ireland
US travelers were never banned from visiting Ireland, but you must finish 14-day quarantine upon arrival and fill out a "passenger locator form."
I was surprised at the difference here when the government mandated masks for indoors and non social distancing outside, even though our infection rate is close to zero now. Mask wearing went from 20% say, to 97% by my estimate, just because the government required it. People wearing masks before felt kind of foolish when the majority were not wearing them, now non mask wearers usually look guilty.

A national mandate and a 60 day challenge with a lead in period for preparation might make a big difference. Make it a competition between states to achieve the lowest infection rate and highest testing rate etc. Target x infection rate by x date, make it a big thing. Joe has got the right idea and by the time he gets power, most other folks will too, he is leading by example now and that is all he can do.

Testing, contact tracing and case isolation (not with family) and lock down as much as you reasonably can will shorten the pain considerably and reduce plateauing. Winter is coming God help us all, you folks more than usual.
Tell me something I don't know. We all know this. Our problem is the people who feel as if they have the right to ignore the very reasonable protocols. Red states and other places with low rates of compliance are fucked when it comes to the next surge in cases. Oregon has done pretty well thus far, so I'm hopeful. I'm just determined to maintain lockdown protocols until the epidemic subsides. Maybe in a year. Until then, I work on my garden and watch over the teenagers. They are chafing at the restrictions and who can blame them? Now is the time when they should be running loose and we just can't do that right now.
Tell me something I don't know. We all know this. Our problem is the people who feel as if they have the right to ignore the very reasonable protocols. Red states and other places with low rates of compliance are fucked when it comes to the next surge in cases. Oregon has done pretty well thus far, so I'm hopeful. I'm just determined to maintain lockdown protocols until the epidemic subsides. Maybe in a year. Until then, I work on my garden and watch over the teenagers. They are chafing at the restrictions and who can blame them? Now is the time when they should be running loose and we just can't do that right now.
Lay low and wait for Joe, action on a national level is the solution and you will do what you must, it might include heavy fines and it might include detention camps, but it will be done.

As for the kids, it's sad and not much can be done, I think school is out of the question until target infection rates are achieved. Schools are open as normal here, in NS we have 4 active cases and one in ICU. Personally I live like a monk. My sister passed away the other day and we are having a quiet memorial service at the funeral home, just a few family. I wasn't there, but said my good bye's earlier, it was a place and time for children and grand children, covid restricted the visitors to 4 at a time. We feel lucky that we could be there with her, the restrictions on visitors were lifted just before she went into the hospital. She was at peace and ready, wanted it in fact, there was no tragedy, just an end to pain and a normal end to a life. Nobody gets out alive.
Trump Crashing In States He Needs Most – As Biden Matches Clinton’s 2016 Margins | MSNBC

New polls show Donald Trump trailing in key states he must win to hold the White House, with voting already underway in 43 states. A broad view of the evidence, however, shows both that Biden is “up” but the race is far from “over,” reports MSNBC’s Ari Melber, providing an election update and comparison to Biden’s standing compared to Hillary Clinton at the same point last cycle.
Have a look at this video and explain the behavior of these elderly men? I don't go in for conspiracy theories much, but we are talking about Donald. Could it be possible that Donald is secretly giving out antibody treatments to selected senators and others? It supposedly confers temporary immunity and could explain the behavior of some of these senators who are very vulnerable. It makes no sense, these fuckers should be terrified to be in the same room as Lee and other infected people like Meadows. Having 3 republican senators die on him before the election would not be good. The CEO or regeneron is a golfing buddy of Donald's and this would be too good a boon to pass up offering, the power of live and death, for the selected few. It could also infect democratic senators while certain republicans are immune, no wonder Harris stayed away.

If they did and Donald blathered about it, it would amount to a declaration of biological warfare on the democrats by Donald and the republicans, at least some of them.
Chris: GOP Doesn’t Seem To Care Who Gets Covid—So Long As Barrett Gets On The Supreme Court | MSNBC

Chris Hayes on the GOP: “Donald Trump's Party wants to ram through this Justice and cement their majority for a generation no matter who gets sick, whether in their own circle or in America at large. They'll do whatever it takes.”
I was surprised at the difference here when the government mandated masks for indoors and non social distancing outside, even though our infection rate is close to zero now. Mask wearing went from 20% say, to 97% by my estimate, just because the government required it. People wearing masks before felt kind of foolish when the majority were not wearing them, now non mask wearers usually look guilty.

A national mandate and a 60 day challenge with a lead in period for preparation might make a big difference. Make it a competition between states to achieve the lowest infection rate and highest testing rate etc. Target x infection rate by x date, make it a big thing. Joe has got the right idea and by the time he gets power, most other folks will too, he is leading by example now and that is all he can do.

Testing, contact tracing and case isolation (not with family) and lock down as much as you reasonably can will shorten the pain considerably and reduce plateauing. Winter is coming God help us all, you folks more than usual.
How did you estimate 97% mask wearing compliance? And how are we at almost zero new cases when per capita we have 1/3rd of the cases compared to in the US? Yes it’s a lot lower but not zero and is doubling every 10 days. Walk down our mask wearing zones (outdoors) and the non mask wearer outnumbers the mask wearers by 10-1 (by my estimation lol). Ok so let’s talk about testing. Ontario has a 3-4 day waiting period in the Urban centres (by appointment only), pretty hard to trace when your 4 days behind. We’re told to limit visitors in our homes to the people that live there or essential workers yet I’m allowed to head to a bar with 100 people there. We need to put our own “house” in order quickly or we’ll soon be in a very bad place IMO.
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How did you estimate 97% mask wearing compliance? And how are we at almost zero new cases when per capita we have 1/3rd of the cases compared to in the US? Yes it’s a lot lower but not zero and is doubling every 10 days. Walk down our mask wearing zones (outdoors) and the non mask wearer outnumbers the mask wearers by 10-1 (by my estimation lol). Ok so let’s talk about testing. Ontario has a 3-4 day waiting period in the Urban centres (by appointment only), pretty hard to trace when your 4 days behind. We’re told to limit visitors in our homes to the people that live there or essential workers yet I’m allowed to head to a bar with 100 people there. We need to put our own “house” in order quickly or we’ll soon be in a very bad place IMO.
Let’s see how we look in a couple of weeks after thanksgiving. My neighbours had about 20 people over for dinner yesterday for fuck sakes! Fucking idiots.

We are getting more cases in Ontario and Quebec now than we had in March. Doug Ford might have a dozen or so more IQ points than trump, but I wouldn’t bet on it.

It’s going to be a long winter.
How did you estimate 97% mask wearing compliance? And how are we at almost zero new cases when per capita we have 1/3rd of the cases compared to in the US? Yes it’s a lot lower but not zero and is doubling every 10 days. Walk down our mask wearing zones (outdoors) and the non mask wearer outnumbers the mask wearers by 10-1 (by my estimation lol). Ok so let’s talk about testing. Ontario has a 3-4 day waiting period in the Urban centres (by appointment only), pretty hard to trace when your 4 days behind. We’re told to limit visitors in our homes to the people that live there or essential workers yet I’m allowed to head to a bar with 100 people there. We need to put our own “house” in order quickly or we’ll soon be in a very bad place IMO.
I was relating my personal experiences and observations, here in NS we are lucky to have so few cases and went for spells with zero cases. Here mask wearing is well over 90% where mandated and I'm in favor of large fines and even internment behind barbed wire! Where you are in Ont and in Que it's a different matter and might be here too this winter. Bars and indoor dining are a stupid idea and unnecessary temporarily. We might have a lethal winter ahead of us, but for now here in NS the plan appears to be holding and the people compliant.

In America any sensible leadership will do, we've seen what happens when there is not only none, but malicious intent and gross incompetence. Joe has a plan and if he has to intern people or authorize the states to do it, it will be done, this is similar to a war, an emergency situation, pull out all the stops, lead and govern.
Lay low and wait for Joe, action on a national level is the solution and you will do what you must, it might include heavy fines and it might include detention camps, but it will be done.

As for the kids, it's sad and not much can be done, I think school is out of the question until target infection rates are achieved. Schools are open as normal here, in NS we have 4 active cases and one in ICU. Personally I live like a monk. My sister passed away the other day and we are having a quiet memorial service at the funeral home, just a few family. I wasn't there, but said my good bye's earlier, it was a place and time for children and grand children, covid restricted the visitors to 4 at a time. We feel lucky that we could be there with her, the restrictions on visitors were lifted just before she went into the hospital. She was at peace and ready, wanted it in fact, there was no tragedy, just an end to pain and a normal end to a life. Nobody gets out alive.
Wow your sister sounded like a very special lady. Sorry for your loss , it’s never easy losing someone Close to you, even when it’s peaceful and natural.
Lay low and wait for Joe, action on a national level is the solution and you will do what you must, it might include heavy fines and it might include detention camps, but it will be done.

As for the kids, it's sad and not much can be done, I think school is out of the question until target infection rates are achieved. Schools are open as normal here, in NS we have 4 active cases and one in ICU. Personally I live like a monk. My sister passed away the other day and we are having a quiet memorial service at the funeral home, just a few family. I wasn't there, but said my good bye's earlier, it was a place and time for children and grand children, covid restricted the visitors to 4 at a time. We feel lucky that we could be there with her, the restrictions on visitors were lifted just before she went into the hospital. She was at peace and ready, wanted it in fact, there was no tragedy, just an end to pain and a normal end to a life. Nobody gets out alive.
I'm very sorry for the loss of your sister.
That's all
NYPD tells officers to prepare for deployment in expectation of election protests
Oh yea, November 4th this Nation will awake in a Hellscape, no matter what.
Trump & his supporters will forever scream rigged election after he loses & there will be violence as a result, guaranteed.
COVID-19/Trump/BLM/Proud Boy's/Antifa, those items just boad well for a perfectly wonderful Holiday season ahead, right?
Buckle up boy's & girl's, because this Winter is going to be a motherfucker.
Bet on it
Wow your sister sounded like a very special lady. Sorry for your loss , it’s never easy losing someone Close to you, even when it’s peaceful and natural.
I used to visit her daily with a coffee and a paper, then just a coffee when she couldn't hold the paper. She was in a lot of chronic pain from syringomyelia that started afflicting her in her late 40's. Her children suffer and grieve, I grieve, but don't suffer so much, my attitude is, I'm here to help. One of the reasons I doubled down on my practice many years ago was the suffering of grief.
I used to visit her daily with a coffee and a paper, then just a coffee when she couldn't hold the paper. She was in a lot of chronic pain from syringomyelia that started afflicting her in her late 40's. Her children suffer and grieve, I grieve, but don't suffer so much, my attitude is, I'm here to help. One of the reasons I doubled down on my practice many years ago was the suffering of grief.
I also find many benefits to meditation. I am so glad yur meditations have helped you find peace and strength.may your sister RIP.