Pandemic 2020

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Contrails are real, really.
Sure, regular pollution from burning millions of gallons of jet fuel in the sky where the super hot pollutants are being pumped out the back of the engines causing trails pollution that can be seen from the ground.

But not the government is creating crazy chemicals to get loaded up and secretly spread across our world to change things because the super elite are trying to whatever crazy shit people are tricked into believing.

Sorry if you were just being sarcastic and I misunderstood.

It always amazes me when people believe that government is dumping chemicals in the air to change our weather patterns but don't believe in human pollution caused global climate change.
LMAO the propaganda machine that is the Von MIses institute, tricking feeble minded people into believing their 'math is bad' economic bullshit is your fallback?

You going to try to convince people contrails are real next?

No, I'm going to continue trying to convince people that they own themselves, but they don't own other people. It's always the feeble minded that need the most you.
No, I'm going to continue trying to convince people that they own themselves, but they don't own other people. It's always the feeble minded that need the most you.

"Own" is just another human definition if we took your stupidity to the ultimate position, everything we do is made up.

Your position on masks (taking the most idiotic position and then pretending like it has anything to do with reality) is irresponsible and extremely unsafe for the people around you.

Your death cult bullshit is causing hundreds of thousands of unnecessary deaths in our country and harming us all.
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Woodward's Tapes, Trump's Covid Admissions & a Homicide Prosecutor's Take on Criminal Liability

With the release of Bob Woodward's recorded conversations with Donald Trump, it's time to revisit Trump's potential criminal liability for the resulting coronavirus deaths. As a 30-year federal prosecutor (22 years handling murder cases in Washington, DC), here is a review of the legal elements of the crimes of manslaughter and second degree murder. Please have a look at how Donald Trump's conduct compares to the elements of those two crimes.
Would it be responsible of government to mandate allowable body fat percentages, since we know obesity related causes kill more people than covid alone ?

Pie hole !!! ??? My breath smells manly and virile, if you got a whiff of it, your hair would grow thicker, stomach would flatten, immune system improve and your testosterone level would soar.
Duh. Well of course it would be the responsible thing for the government to do. Especially when government funds go toward medical costs associated with the diseases associated with obesity. Things most cardiovascular disease and diabetes are food borne illnesses. While they're at it they could do something about allowing corporations to keep producing and marketing the poisonous shit they pass off as "food".
Duh. Well of course it would be the responsible thing for the government to do. Especially when government funds go toward medical costs associated with the diseases associated with obesity. Things most cardiovascular disease and diabetes are food borne illnesses. While they're at it they could do something about allowing corporations to keep producing and marketing the poisonous shit they pass off as "food".

So there should be regulations on what free people can and cannot put into their own bodies then ?
Since when do false narratives, hypotheticals, and wild speculation qualify as debate?

The retard part is accurate, however.

Okay let's debate.

Here is my premise, government grants itself rights that none of the people it claims to represent have. That is a mathematical impossibility and exemplifies mental capture of government advocates and / or willful deceit.

Also, you are a rude person and probably suffer from delusions. That is not part of my debate though, I'm offering that as titillation in the interim while you form your lame and easily deconstructed counter argument.

Your turn. refute my premise.
I am fine that individuals are not able to declare war or to levy their own taxes. Silly shit.

So if individuals don't have a right to declare wars of aggression (use offensive force as opposed to defensive force) or levy taxes how could any individual possibly delegate that nonexistent right to a "representative" ?

Don't you have to possess a right in order to delegate it ? YES, YOU DO

By the way I am eating a delicious nothing burger, would you like a bite ? Oh wait, I can't give you a bite, because a nothing burger doesn't exist. Sorry.

Okay, you're done. next clown please .
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