Pandemic 2020

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Finally, in your death, you will have made a legitimate contribution to society.

I give food away to hungry people and respect others rights to self determine, been doing that for years.

I've made lots of voluntary charitable acts, sometimes breaking a stupid law to do so. Is that wrong?
Can’t get Costco to deliver to the cabin?

Not a Costco kind of guy, local food for me...but I do like a cup of coffee, gasoline and a few things that are hard to produce in my locale. Bananas, citrus, etc.

So if it's okay to force everyone to wear a mask to "protect" the infinitesimal number of people who might die from it, why isn't it okay to force others to get the fuck out of a store so I can safely shop without a mask ?

That's sad, but a huge statistical outlier. More young people probably die from having a hamster inserted in their rectum than from covid 1984. (I admit I am hypothesizing for a sensational effect, but I'm guessing the hamsters don't think it's funny)
Please send me the infinitesimal amount of $192,000.

Thank you for asking politely, however I am unwilling to fulfill your request.

However if you wait just awhile for more Federal Reserve inflationary "money" expansion, I may reconsider.

Not a Costco kind of guy, local food for me...but I do like a cup of coffee, gasoline and a few things that are hard to produce in my locale. Bananas, citrus, etc.

All of these things can easily be obtained if wearing a mask is “unhealthy” for you.

Why all the intrigue, Bob? You’ve been painfully obvious about your mental and moral afflictions. What is your health condition? Is wearing a mask really unsafe for you? It seems strange to me that someone who smokes pot would not be able to wear a mask.

I suspect it’s not a health issue at all and you just prefer to be a shit stain on society.
All of these things can easily be obtained if wearing a mask is “unhealthy” for you.

Why all the intrigue, Bob? You’ve been painfully obvious about your mental and moral afflictions. What is your health condition? Is wearing a mask really unsafe for you? It seems strange to me that someone who smokes pot would not be able to wear a mask.

I suspect it’s not a health issue at all and you just prefer to be a shit stain on society.
What if wearing a mask isn't safe for me though?

Should everybody clear out of the store so those who aren't safe wearing masks can shop?

I mean, "if we can save just one life" , right? (that's sarcasm on my part)
No, but that person should call ahead and pre-order so that the store can go around the store getting what the person ordered and bring it out to them if they have a medical condition stopping them from wearing a mask safely.

People have to suck it up and start to understand that this is one of those times that we learn as a society we need to do things a bit smarter because how we are acting is unsafe. Same reason we developed plumbing as a species.
I give food away to hungry people and respect others rights to self determine, been doing that for years.

I've made lots of voluntary charitable acts, sometimes breaking a stupid law to do so. Is that wrong?
I don't believe you've done anything altuistic/noble that hasnsn't directly benifited you.
It doesn't seem too fit your profile.
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