Schools open & I'm going too die

ummm excuse me..armchair PhD..this is abnormal to have a leader demand our children go back to school during a pandemic that they could have controlled. i don't need to rehash all the reasons why but your laissez faire attitude says it all.

i posted a thread about a president who wished to MICROWAVE people or impale them and you are unsurprisingly missing from comment.

what it wrong with this place?
I don't read most of the threads here. Nothing personal. School policy is determined at the state and local level. Prove me wrong.
I don't read most of the threads here. Nothing personal. School policy is determined at the state and local level. Prove me wrong.

will this do for a start?

so then you're good with microwaving and impaling people seeking asylum? kids in cages not enough, Bugeye? you should try leaving the fold of FOX and OAN..there's a whole other world out here that the 75% are living in.
will this do for a start?

so then you're good with microwaving and impaling people seeking asylum? kids in cages not enough, Bugeye? you should try leaving the fold of FOX and OAN..there's a whole other world out here that the 75% are living in.
On average, 92% of school funding comes from the state and local government, 8% from Federal. So Trump can threaten to withhold that funding but he cannot make schools open. That authority simply is not his.
I don't read most of the threads here. Nothing personal. School policy is determined at the state and local level. Prove me wrong.
How many of those state governors are Trump cultists that are forcing their schools to open without allowing the local level to decide on a case by case situation? There is a reason why the POTUS is not supposed to play the dictator game Trump loves so much.
How many of those state governors are Trump cultists that are forcing their schools to open without allowing the local level to decide on a case by case situation? There is a reason why the POTUS is not supposed to play the dictator game Trump loves so much.
I don't know, maybe you should start by showing that the only reason for schools reopening is because Trump wants them to. Not sure that explains why schools all over the world are also trying to reopen.
I don't know, maybe you should start by showing that the only reason for schools reopening is because Trump wants them to. Not sure that explains why schools all over the world are also trying to reopen.

Local level should be deciding based on sound science and not Trump's cultists listening to Dear Leader telling them to drink the Koolaid.

Local level should be deciding based on sound science and not Trump's cultists listening to Dear Leader telling them to drink the Koolaid.
Local level IS deciding. Keeping school's closed has it's own harm to children, it is not a clear cut issue, one must weigh all the factors and make the best choice possible. People will of course disagree on what the best course of action is. A parent can choose not to send their child. A teacher can choose not to teach anymore.
Local level IS deciding. Keeping school's closed has it's own harm to children, it is not a clear cut issue, one must weigh all the factors and make the best choice possible. People will of course disagree on what the best course of action is. A parent can choose not to send their child. A teacher can choose not to teach anymore.
Not when you have states telling their schools they are forced to open from the governor because Trump is 'putting pressure on them'. Threatening funding, etc.

A teacher is not just given the option to take the year off, there are contracts and things that may wellend up costing those people everything they have if they decide to not show up to teach. Again because Dear Leader needs to get re-eelcted, which is why he keeps peddling his snake oils.

I do agree that a parent can choose not to send their kid to school, this is still America, but I'm sure there are lots of long term trends like underfunding inner city schools and having much smaller housing units while simultaneously keeping the minorities from being able to move out of those cities until far too recently to make enough difference to stop the impact it has on children in the city vs rest of the country.
On average, 92% of school funding comes from the state and local government, 8% from Federal. So Trump can threaten to withhold that funding but he cannot make schools open. That authority simply is not his.

so then would be be lying in all of his tweets?
Local level IS deciding. Keeping school's closed has it's own harm to children, it is not a clear cut issue, one must weigh all the factors and make the best choice possible. People will of course disagree on what the best course of action is. A parent can choose not to send their child. A teacher can choose not to teach anymore.

that would be correct however, if everyone is dead, the point is moot..people have been staying home and social distancing for 6 months now and Trumpy wishes for all our little cherubs to go off to school so he can really get his plague to take hold.

mission point Putin!

trumpy* is evil incarnate.

things will become very bad after 11/3, regardless of winner.
On average, 92% of school funding comes from the state and local government, 8% from Federal. So Trump can threaten to withhold that funding but he cannot make schools open. That authority simply is not his.
Which schools do you think depend the most on federal help to feed their children?

It is just more of Trump's 'let them eat cake' bullshit that directly hurts the people who need it the most if he doesn't get what he wants.
I made my case that school opening decisions are made at the state and local level and nobody has refuted that assertion. Article ii does not grant that authority to the president. Pretending that he has that authority is not a game I'm playing, I'll leave that to you all. Unless teachers are now slaves, they are not beholden to their contracts, and yes that may mean choosing to save your husbands life over receiving a pension. Still a choice. Life is full of tough choices. I have no remedy for that.
I made my case that school opening decisions are made at the state and local level and nobody has refuted that assertion. Article ii does not grant that authority to the president. Pretending that he has that authority is not a game I'm playing, I'll leave that to you all. Unless teachers are now slaves, they are not beholden to their contracts, and yes that may mean choosing to save your husbands life over receiving a pension. Still a choice. Life is full of tough choices. I have no remedy for that.
The 'and local' is the troll here though. It is not 'and local' in every state because of the Trump cultist governors.

I have a remedy, vote better people into office. Something the Republicans have been failing to do for too long.
The 'and local' is the troll here though. It is not 'and local' in every state because of the Trump cultist governors.

I have a remedy, vote better people into office. Something the Republicans have been failing to do for too long.
If those governors were democratically elected, it just is what it is. That is how our system works. You should feel free to pound sand over it.
If those governors were democratically elected, it just is what it is. That is how our system works. You should feel free to pound sand over it.
That is a big 'if' when you consider the systematic way that the Republicans have been going about voter suppression.
georgia guidestones

Really do i need to explain it u cant see the numbers ur self and put 2 and 2 together ?
Go on the who website ifnu trust them somuch check every years figure and see wrre noway near a normal years flu yet ...but i cant remeber doing this yearly...

If u cant see the big picture n whats going on then the fucktards are doing a good job on you. Other wcountry news says it all

Dont look in the mainstream news its all linked .

So nieve if u cant see how it works togeather
25 nations sign a treaty and attend meatings.
China now breaching a 70 year world wide treaty during covid hmm yeah no worries there is somuch going on i couldnt type it all on my phone it taken me 8 years research to see this shit coming as many did and many more are now waking up.

Yeah 3yr old i must be bro. Nerve damage and neurological shit i struggle to find the phone and see straight but yeah my problem i must be perfect for you eh... takes me 30mina to type and the i csnt even get to the text to eddit it ad it scrolls allover its impossible to even see the words i type its off the screen and it wont let me on it.

If i typed all i need to say ud be lost if i spoke it different story but instil wana be a member on here so i try and i edit asmuch as it lets me. Cant feelvmy hands or arms fingers feel like 1 fat hammer hit finger
Ok so let me first say I’m sorry for assuming you are just solely dumb and I feel bad that I may have overlooked any physical struggle your dealing with as well. I do truly feel remorseful for that oversight. But you really haven’t answered my question as to why the con job about the virus? And if you have explained it, maybe I’m the dumb blinded one, I’m not seeing it. What benefit has been achieved but conning the whole world into shutting down the economy across the globe? Explain what news sources I should be looking at to get the true story would be a start. If possible maybe provide links, thanks.
Don't be so dramatic, I hold Jim in high regard and want the best for him. Jim's life is worth more than any pension, imo. His displacement of blame from his wife to Trump is normal, even though we all know that local school boards make these decisions and every individual has the right to choose their level of participation. Not all choices are fun, but it is a choice none-the-less.
it's not called the trump virus for no reason, you dumb racist
I made my case that school opening decisions are made at the state and local level and nobody has refuted that assertion. Article ii does not grant that authority to the president. Pretending that he has that authority is not a game I'm playing, I'll leave that to you all. Unless teachers are now slaves, they are not beholden to their contracts, and yes that may mean choosing to save your husbands life over receiving a pension. Still a choice. Life is full of tough choices. I have no remedy for that.
"local officials are responsible for the impending, foreseeable disaster that the guy i support is rooting for"