Schools open & I'm going too die

There is a study showing those with thc intoxication have a slim chance to catch it as the thc has some protection virus is a con. National avg 690.000 a year die from flue they dont publicize and that's a normal average it can be as this hasn't hit that yet..never mind all the wrong duly labelled deaths to bump up the con.
Proof? Watched my grandad die from his heart was already on his way and didnt get I'll but they said on death cert covid. So did some y others during this event seen em die of unrelated conditions and labelled even with the lies its stil below the yearly avg for 20years lol

..I scream con and the sheep all follow with their muzzles .
By the way I've had it so has all my family so dont scream at me I don't know what ya talkin about I got the confirm I had it n it was milder than most cold. And by the way I'm an immune compromised autoimmune sufferer with chest problems and gut problems our hospitals all signed ndas
what a stupid load of dumb shitty lies
The 'education' troll is bullshit designed to give the religious folks cover for wanting to teach batshit to their kids using government funding and racists who believe that the cities we forced our minority communities to not be able to move out of until white men were able to buy up all the good realestate something to bitch about 'their' tax dollars going into, and the wackos a way to not feel like they fucked up and didn't take their chance to utilize the education system we have in America fully.

Earning a college degree is the best way to ensure you can earn a good middle class income for the rest of your life without having to worry about your body breaking down leaving you financially devastated. Especially in the STEM fields, your brain and hands are generally your tool.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the us is a federation of states not a country in the truest sense, and as such it is not the federal governments job to legislate in these cases.
Not that I have any particular knowledge of this, but it is the 'United States of America', pretty sure the 'of America' means America is a country that understands the importance of not having any one body of government being the end all over the others. All the way down to the individual.

From the police funding cuts? For real. Less people on the streets (because they're in school) = less need for policing. They already paid cash for marks and it was arguably successful -
Telling that when you give people an incentive (such as jobs) and take away disincentives (such as being told they are acting white by studying), most anybody can do well.

Not to mention investing in education will save money down the road as people make less stupid decisions (bankruptcy and the like)

Screen Shot 2020-08-27 at 10.29.32 AM.png

Education doesn't stop people from being stupid jackasses. It just means they put in the work to get a specific set of tools to use int he workforce.
georgia guidestones

Really do i need to explain it u cant see the numbers ur self and put 2 and 2 together ?
Go on the who website ifnu trust them somuch check every years figure and see wrre noway near a normal years flu yet ...but i cant remeber doing this yearly...

If u cant see the big picture n whats going on then the fucktards are doing a good job on you. Other wcountry news says it all

Dont look in the mainstream news its all linked .

So nieve if u cant see how it works togeather
25 nations sign a treaty and attend meatings.
China now breaching a 70 year world wide treaty during covid hmm yeah no worries there is somuch going on i couldnt type it all on my phone it taken me 8 years research to see this shit coming as many did and many more are now waking up.

Yeah 3yr old i must be bro. Nerve damage and neurological shit i struggle to find the phone and see straight but yeah my problem i must be perfect for you eh... takes me 30mina to type and the i csnt even get to the text to eddit it ad it scrolls allover its impossible to even see the words i type its off the screen and it wont let me on it.

If i typed all i need to say ud be lost if i spoke it different story but instil wana be a member on here so i try and i edit asmuch as it lets me. Cant feelvmy hands or arms fingers feel like 1 fat hammer hit finger
is that you, stroker
So if there are less Police (not a bad idea) where would the guns necessary to ensure government schools come from ?

You do realize that government schools are funded thru threats of violence...using police guns right?
The whole idea is you don't need as many guns anymore because you have more productive citizens in school and working and less criminals on the street.

What's your solution, let the rich areas pay for their kids education and the poorer areas suffer? There's a limit to what the free market can solve which is why force is needed. FYI force is important in the free market too, just it's soft force, power of the big guy.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but the us is a federation of states not a country in the truest sense, and as such it is not the federal governments job to legislate in these cases.

You stand corrected.

The US is a Federal Republic.

A hundred fifty years ago the Federal Republic known as the United States of America had to kill about a million slime ball slavers and smash their plantation economic system because they thought like you. But the the slavers were wrong too.
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Education doesn't stop people from being stupid jackasses. It just means they put in the work to get a specific set of tools to use int he workforce.
Yeah all that elementary schooling is totally about skills and not how to live properly (get along with others, make educated decisions based on a stored library of knowledge, learning that actions have consequences, that earning a reward takes hard work and all that good stuff).

In your mind are people robots? Honest question because from all the conversations we have it seems thar either you think people either don't have agency or it doesn't matter and everyone is just along for the ride (cept fo dat evil wyt mn).
Yeah all that elementary schooling is totally about skills and not how to live properly (get along with others, make educated decisions based on a stored library of knowledge and all that good stuff).
What does this mean? I am not sure how it related to what I wrote.

In your mind are people robots? Honest question because from all the conversations we have it seems thar either you think people either don't have agency or it doesn't matter and everyone is just along for the ride (cept fo dat evil wyt mn).
No, but people do follow very similar patterns and can get pretty predictable on a macro level, and not using online data on a micro level tool if you have the computational power (like say a government's military).

You stand corrected.

The US is a Federal Republic.

A hundred fifty years ago the Federal Republic known as the United States of America had to kill about a million slime ball slavers and smash their plantation economic system because they thought like you. But the the slavers were wrong too.
Better brush up on your history bro. Reminder that two hundred years ago, the vast majority of slavers were muslim - that the western world fought to end the islamic slave trade - that black men in america owned and were absolutely permitted to own slaves and land - that all those west africans were captured by black north and east Africans to be sold for profit (not by the white man) - that black slaves are literally sold in open markets in the middle east - that if you are indian or south american it is common practice right now to own a slave.

Pull your head out of your rectal bubble plz.
What does this mean? I am not sure how it related to what I wrote.
I only want you to rethink your viewing everyone as either a horribly oppressed person with no agency or ability to improve on their own vs an evil oppressor who's only task is to keep others down and to start thinking of people as self interested parties rather than scheming cohesive groups where everyone thinks the same.
I only want you to rethink your viewing everyone as either a horribly oppressed person with no agency or ability to improve on their own vs an evil oppressor who's only task is to keep others down and to start thinking of people as self interested parties rather than scheming cohesive groups where everyone thinks the same.
I pretty much always look at shit from reality, which is generally in the middle with everything. And that the internet is full of people who pretend like they 'know' shit that they obviously are just trolling about it. I really don't know how you would get where you are from anything I have posted.

If you want to respond to something I have said as an example, I am game.
What does this mean? I am not sure how it related to what I wrote.
It also relates to what we talked about before. We are not just teaching kids to add and subtract (workplace skills), but we are teaching them the importance of accountability (good credit, etc) and other social traits that are more beneficial to their success than workplace skills. This is why it is so important for teachers to be able to discipline their students (so they can learn that actions have consequences) and to keep them back if necessary (reward requires work).
You: Wty is keeping the black man down.
Me: How does racism exist in majority nonwhite cities such as chicago and detroit, who have majority nonwhite police forces and governments? How come none of the african nations can get their shit together? How come black people like nigerians and somalians and for that matter people of colour like indians and asians and even the fucking irish can manage to improve - slowly over generations albeit. Fuck, chinese were persecuted more than africans just 60 years ago but they excel.

How come you refuse to talk about inner city blacks vs the normal black person and would rather group them all together much like feminists do with working women and working women rejoining the workforce so they can say a wage gap exists when it doesn't in reality.

Hint: you want our inner city youth and poverty and density associated problems to be evidence of racism but everything you post is merely correlation. Ie look, on average black people have less money therefore racism without looking any deeper or comparing people in similar situations ie comparing only inner city blacks earning less than 15k to inner city whites earning less than 15k.
You: Wty is keeping the black man down.
Me: How does racism exist in majority nonwhite cities such as chicago and detroit, who have majority nonwhite police forces and governments? How come none of the african nations can get their shit together? How come black people like nigerians and somalians and for that matter people of colour like indians and asians and even the fucking irish can manage to improve - slowly over generations albeit. Fuck, chinese were persecuted more than africans just 60 years ago but they excel.

How come you refuse to talk about inner city blacks vs the normal black person and would rather group them all together much like feminists do with working women and working women rejoining the workforce so they can say a wage gap exists when it doesn't in reality.

Hint: you want our inner city youth and poverty and density associated problems to be evidence of racism but everything you post is merely correlation. Ie look, on average black people have less money therefore racism without looking any deeper or comparing people in similar situations ie comparing only inner city blacks earning less than 15k to inner city whites earning less than 15k.

wrong. this doesn't address ageism either..this has nothing to do with feminism.


It also relates to what we talked about before. We are not just teaching kids to add and subtract (workplace skills), but we are teaching them the importance of accountability (good credit, etc) and other social traits that are more beneficial to their success than workplace skills. This is why it is so important for teachers to be able to discipline their students (so they can learn that actions have consequences) and to keep them back if necessary (reward requires work).

What do you mean by teacher 'disciplining' the students? I remember the days of my teachers longing to reach for the paddle.

Teachers are not equipped to handle hours everyday with dozens of children while expecting them to spank kids, also that shit is not going to happen at work either.

Kids learning about disapline I am all for, life has consequences, catching a beating should never be one of them if they are not be a danger to anyone else.

But expecting 40 kids in a old hot ass building with mould and lead pipes and half of the kids may well be hungry and agitated due to it and not able to pay attention, to be able to learn as well as a whole group as kids from some nice suburban school with mostly all well fed and rested kids with 20-30 kids per teacher with parents also more able to help, to be able to get the same results is just not reality.

You: Wty is keeping the black man down.
Do you not understand how it has only been about 50 years since black people were not able to move to the nice white suburbs here in America, and how after they gained that right it took another 30 or so years for banks and jobs to start allowing black people to get the loans and jobs needed to move into them?

Doesn't seem like what your saying unless you are doing the racist snowflake of what I am saying maybe.
Me: How does racism exist in majority nonwhite cities such as chicago and detroit, who have majority nonwhite police forces and governments? How come none of the african nations can get their shit together? How come black people like nigerians and somalians and for that matter people of colour like indians and asians and even the fucking irish can manage to improve - slowly over generations albeit. Fuck, chinese were persecuted more than africans just 60 years ago but they excel.

How come you refuse to talk about inner city blacks vs the normal black person and would rather group them all together much like feminists do with working women and working women rejoining the workforce so they can say a wage gap exists when it doesn't in reality.

The fact that those cities are majority nonwhite is a direct result of the racist laws our government created. How is that hard to understand?

When did white people finally quit trying to suppress the African countries?

How fast do you think a war torn nation should take to get 'their shit together'?

I don't know enough about Somalia or Nigeria to have an opinion on why/if they are like you are saying. How many generations have they had to achieve success, how many people have pulled themselves up in those nations? How much resources did they have when the white peoples militaries left those countries (when did they leave?)?

I also don't know enough about China to say more than America did invest a lot of money to help China grow to 400 million people in their middle class while we added 53 million people into our middle class. I am actually pretty happy for them, and it shows how well nations can work together.

What do you mean by 'normal' black person?

And now you are also throwing in 'wage gap' nonsense, so you want to throw in a few links with your bullshit, because you just are talking out of your ass it seems.

Hint: you want our inner city youth and poverty and density associated problems to be evidence of racism but everything you post is merely correlation. Ie look, on average black people have less money therefore racism without looking any deeper or comparing people in similar situations ie comparing only inner city blacks earning less than 15k to inner city whites earning less than 15k.

Correlation? Im talking straight up causation.

If you want to talk reality I am game, it is my wheelhouse. So feel free and school me on those comparisons of 'inner city back vs white people'.
I just read @Bugeye 's post to you.

The effing ahole is gloating over your wife's career crisis.

He doesn't usually get personal. You must have cut him deep.

Props to you for your calm response to a truly fucked up and uncalled for act by that jerk.
Don't be so dramatic, I hold Jim in high regard and want the best for him. Jim's life is worth more than any pension, imo. His displacement of blame from his wife to Trump is normal, even though we all know that local school boards make these decisions and every individual has the right to choose their level of participation. Not all choices are fun, but it is a choice none-the-less.
Don't be so dramatic, I hold Jim in high regard and want the best for him. Jim's life is worth more than any pension, imo. His displacement of blame from his wife to Trump is normal, even though we all know that local school boards make these decisions and every individual has the right to choose their level of participation. Not all choices are fun, but it is a choice none-the-less.

ummm excuse me..armchair PhD..this is abnormal to have a leader demand our children go back to school during a pandemic that they could have controlled. i don't need to rehash all the reasons why but your laissez faire attitude says it all.

i posted a thread about a president who wished to MICROWAVE people or impale them and you are unsurprisingly missing from comment.

what it wrong with this place?