Budley Doright
Well-Known Member
Funny, I was thinking the very same thing.*insert eyeroll here* ugh.
And no - didn't miss the joke. Why reply to idiocy?
Fuck it! See below.
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Funny, I was thinking the very same thing.*insert eyeroll here* ugh.
And no - didn't miss the joke. Why reply to idiocy?
How is kneeling on another humans neck till he dies working together? How is withholding badly needed funding from a state based solely on their politics working together? How in the fuck is shooting black people 7 times in the back working together? Yes the riots are a terrible thing but how we got here is a crime against humanity. Years of peaceful protest and talking have got us to this point ...... that’s the thing you should be looking at. Also perhaps if your fucking president took some actual responsibility then just maybe working together may be possible. Vote that cocksucker out and make America care again.You're right, you don't have to go to church to have a relationship with God. Agree 100000% on that one. Not at all what I was saying.
But when the government tells us we are prohibited from meeting together, that's when I will cry foul every time. It's ok to go out and riot, destroy and murder, but we can't meet peacefully and worship? Yeah...again, the double standard. Pass.
Tell me - does the virus just steers clear of all the protesting and riots, and only goes to inflict the churchgoers? Or do you also agree that the riots and violence are bunk and people should go back to being law abiding citizens and work together? We all love puppies right??
People have trusted God since the world was created. Should they have seen the death and destruction and stayed home?
In New York nursing homes for sure.Covid deaths are underreported
arent you voting for the guy whose plan was to do nothing about it because it was mainly effecting blue states? ya know, the hoax?In New York nursing homes for sure.
^It's a mighty long rant.Curious how that's going to do anything other that his wife creating a 'false' condition so she can get additional help/excuse to not perform her job? If she really had bone spurs, that would be another story. Maybe she does, who knows. I hope she doesn't, they're very painful.
But again, that seems to be the standard operating procedure: lie, cheat and steal to get where you want to go, cause hey, why follow the rules? The end justifies the means right?
Again, this is ALL in the plan....
Economic collapse:
You all keep saying the "Trump" virus? I mean literally, that is just the dumbest stuff I've ever heard. Like the man personally went and brought it back from China. Just ridiculous. Truth hurts, call it whatever you want, but the China Virus really is what it is, because it originated in CHINA.
Oh, he isn't testing enough? We waited to long to shut everything down? Well holy cow, they're ramping them up as fast as they can, and trying for a vaccine as fast as they can. If you can do science better and faster, have at it. In fact, why aren't you (rhetorical you) at the White House? Didn't help matters that China and the WHO are absolute LIARS, and the information we utilized to proceed as we did, was based on THEIR recommendation....ironic right?
And the laughable thing is this, if Biden is elected he unequivocally promised to shut down the country, thus affecting us all, and definitely you @UncleBuck (as YOU stated...go back to work or run out of money).......
Dependency on the Government / State:
*See Economic Collapse: If they can bring you to your knees and take away your means to support and defend your family, guess where you will be? In the line for services just like everyone else, waiting for the next government handout. Sorry, I'll take capitalism any day of the week. If you don't work, you don't eat. Basic biblical premise.
Cancel Culture:
Convincing You that "freedom of speech" is only available to those of your likenesses.
*See literature written by George Orwell - 1984. “The whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought.” It will render dissent “literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it.” Orwell text reference You become an "un-person" when they decide that you're narrative does not fit theirs. Funny thing is,
Convincing you that you are owed everything. Just doesn't work that way.
The rub is this - ok, so let's say Biden gets elected, and everything is suddenly free. Free healthcare, free education, free time (like, you won't have to work again, right?). Socialism at it's finest. So, when there is no longer the tax base to support all of these "government services" what then? How do we succeed as a nation with no revenue? Just not logical.
Then what happens next, is the hilarious part - When people don't get exactly what they want, when they want, they throw a temper tantrum *enter the riots and looting all over our country* These actions (riots/looting/violence) are in NO WAY even a means with which to propel our society forward toward less police violence and more communication. It's laughable that they even try to associate this with social justice. Plain outright lawless BS. Arrest the violent rioters, Antifa and any jackass dumb enough to be present at that destructive meeting participating. I'm all for peaceful demonstration, but I think we all know that ship sailed long ago.
The far Left wants to shut down everything (services etc). Period. Churches, schools, basically anything that doesn't conform to their narrative. Keep the history controlled, so that way in a few generations, no one will remember the Holocaust, or the race riots, or the senseless violence happening now. It's sad that we cannot just learn from our past and try to do better.
But, not the Left, they want to keep everyone under their proverbial 'thumb', and at the same time try to convince you that they're doing it for "your safety" or "your own good". Hard Pass. I'll decide what's good for me and my family, not the government.
The bottom line is this: We are not decedent from fearful men. It's one thing to be cautious, another to be a pansy. My niece is a school teacher, and don't think for a second I want her in harms way. Being a teacher comes with responsibility to not only yourself, but to all the unlearned children that need an education.
If you cannot get out of your own comfort zone, trust God and move on with your life, it's going to get really rough for you.
I just read @Bugeye 's post to you.Bye Bye years of working hard for her retirement I am guessing.
How many of those children parents are going to die because they brought this home?
It is amazing how short sighted cultists are willing to be in the name of Dear Leader.
Oh man, it’s just one guy coming in from Chynah, someday soon it will all magically go away, arm the teachers just in case.The school should not open in the middle of a fucking Pandemic unless every single student/teacher/employee has been tested.
Or am I talking out of my ass?
Hello new whack job!There is a study showing those with thc intoxication have a slim chance to catch it as the thc has some protection somehow...plus...the virus is a con. National avg 690.000 a year die from flue they dont publicize and that's a normal average it can be higher...so as this hasn't hit that yet..never mind all the wrong duly labelled deaths to bump up the con.
Proof? Watched my grandad die from his heart was already on his way and didnt get I'll but they said on death cert covid. So did some y others during this event seen em die of unrelated conditions and labelled even with the lies its stil below the yearly avg for 20years lol
..I scream con and the sheep all follow with their muzzles .
By the way I've had it so has all my family so dont scream at me I don't know what ya talkin about I got the confirm I had it n it was milder than most cold. And by the way I'm an immune compromised autoimmune sufferer with chest problems and gut problems our hospitals all signed ndas
God why do I even bother but here it goes. Please explain the reason for this world wide con job? Answer that and we can move on to the next stupid thing you’ve said......please try and use proper English in your reply k? It’s like reading a story from my 3 year old grand sonThere is a study showing those with thc intoxication have a slim chance to catch it as the thc has some protection somehow...plus...the virus is a con. National avg 690.000 a year die from flue they dont publicize and that's a normal average it can be higher...so as this hasn't hit that yet..never mind all the wrong duly labelled deaths to bump up the con.
Proof? Watched my grandad die from his heart was already on his way and didnt get I'll but they said on death cert covid. So did some y others during this event seen em die of unrelated conditions and labelled even with the lies its stil below the yearly avg for 20years lol
..I scream con and the sheep all follow with their muzzles .
By the way I've had it so has all my family so dont scream at me I don't know what ya talkin about I got the confirm I had it n it was milder than most cold. And by the way I'm an immune compromised autoimmune sufferer with chest problems and gut problems our hospitals all signed ndas
Lmfao yeah what happened to that? Should we arm the virtual teachers just in case?Oh man, it’s just one guy coming in from Chynah, someday soon it will all magically go away, arm the teachers just in case.
georgia guidestonesGod why do I even bother but here it goes. Please explain the reason for this world wide con job? Answer that and we can move on to the next stupid thing you’ve said......please try and use proper English in your reply k? It’s like reading a story from my 3 year old grand son.
Thanks, but he was saying that about Jimi's wife,I just read @Bugeye 's post to you.
The effing ahole is gloating over your wife's career crisis.
He doesn't usually get personal. You must have cut him deep.
Props to you for your calm response to a truly fucked up and uncalled for act by that jerk.
Nice to meet you.georgia guidestones
Really do i need to explain it u cant see the numbers ur self and put 2 and 2 together ?
Go on the who website ifnu trust them somuch check every years figure and see wrre noway near a normal years flu yet ...but i cant remeber doing this yearly...
If u cant see the big picture n whats going on then the fucktards are doing a good job on you. Other wcountry news says it all
Dont look in the mainstream news its all linked .
So nieve if u cant see how it works togeather
25 nations sign a treaty and attend meatings.
China now breaching a 70 year world wide treaty during covid hmm yeah no worries there is somuch going on i couldnt type it all on my phone it taken me 8 years research to see this shit coming as many did and many more are now waking up.
Yeah 3yr old i must be bro. Nerve damage and neurological shit i struggle to find the phone and see straight but yeah my problem i must be perfect for you eh... takes me 30mina to type and the i csnt even get to the text to eddit it ad it scrolls allover its impossible to even see the words i type its off the screen and it wont let me on it.
If i typed all i need to say ud be lost if i spoke it different story but instil wana be a member on here so i try and i edit asmuch as it lets me. Cant feelvmy hands or arms fingers feel like 1 fat hammer hit finger
a raging epidemic
From the police funding cuts? For real. Less people on the streets (because they're in school) = less need for policing. They already paid cash for marks and it was arguably successful - https://www.nytimes.com/2007/06/19/nyregion/19schools.htmlWhere do you propose the funds for these hypothetical bonuses will come from?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but the us is a federation of states not a country in the truest sense, and as such it is not the federal governments job to legislate in these cases.Executive branch has fumbled away every opportunity that came their way.
Oh man, it’s just one guy coming in from Chynah, someday soon it will all magically go away, arm the teachers just in case.
Is your schizophrenia responding to any treatment?georgia guidestones
Really do i need to explain it u cant see the numbers ur self and put 2 and 2 together ?
Go on the who website ifnu trust them somuch check every years figure and see wrre noway near a normal years flu yet ...but i cant remeber doing this yearly...
If u cant see the big picture n whats going on then the fucktards are doing a good job on you. Other wcountry news says it all
Dont look in the mainstream news its all linked .
So nieve if u cant see how it works togeather
25 nations sign a treaty and attend meatings.
China now breaching a 70 year world wide treaty during covid hmm yeah no worries there is somuch going on i couldnt type it all on my phone it taken me 8 years research to see this shit coming as many did and many more are now waking up.
Yeah 3yr old i must be bro. Nerve damage and neurological shit i struggle to find the phone and see straight but yeah my problem i must be perfect for you eh... takes me 30mina to type and the i csnt even get to the text to eddit it ad it scrolls allover its impossible to even see the words i type its off the screen and it wont let me on it.
If i typed all i need to say ud be lost if i spoke it different story but instil wana be a member on here so i try and i edit asmuch as it lets me. Cant feelvmy hands or arms fingers feel like 1 fat hammer hit finger
From the police funding cuts? For real. Less people on the streets (because they're in school) = less need for policing. They already paid cash for marks and it was arguably successful - https://www.nytimes.com/2007/06/19/nyregion/19schools.html
Telling that when you give people an incentive (such as jobs) and take away disincentives (such as being told they are acting white by studying), most anybody can do well.
Not to mention investing in education will save money down the road as people make less stupid decisions (bankruptcy and the like)
Well then forget it.Thanks, but he was saying that about Jimi's wife,
I just read @Bugeye 's post to you.
The effing ahole is gloating over your wife's career crisis.
He doesn't usually get personal. You must have cut him deep.
Props to you for your calm response to a truly fucked up and uncalled for act by that jerk.