Schools open & I'm going too die

Stock up on clorox, hydroxy chloroquine and laser body probes and you will ride out this “Kung Flu”.
Advice from Rollitup contributors has made me a millionaire, so I'll pass on a tip for others. Stock up on Chlorox, hydroxychoroquine and UV-C laser body probes to sell when the apocalypse begins this November. Regardless of who wins the election, this simple plan will make you millions!!!

People may thank me now!!!

I have stock on hand to sell!!! The first ten lucky buyers of my super de duper Coronapocalypse survival kits will also recieve a free case of bleach injectors!!! Act NOW!!! Just go to this website: www.coronapocalypseforidiots.derp and place your order now!!!
Yes, Science - given to us by God!

We didn't just wake up one day with the knowledge, it was gifted from our Creator <3 to help us survive and thrive and to understand the Majesty of HIS creation :)
And then God's children ignored advice from scientists.
Why is ALL of Biden's* cheap shit made in China?

Because we (again, the rhetorical 'we' the people) sold all of our jobs oversea's from greed pushed by big business.

Which @rkymtnman is another capitalism fail right?

When you find the perfect system, let me know.

f I had to choose between broken Capitalism and perfect Socialism, i'll choose Capitalism every time.
bidens merchandise is made in the USA

When are you going to apologize for lying btw?

Not very christian of you
Do you have trouble comprehending the most simple knowledge of Covid and the risks to us all which increase every day until a cure is found.

The USA has about 4% of the world's population yet it claims about 25% of the deaths from covid.

Is it possible that the numbers have been inflated for nefarious reasons ?
Because we (again, the rhetorical 'we' the people) sold all of our jobs oversea's from greed pushed by big business.
What party supports the businesses of which you speak? Which party passed legislation as the largest bank bailout in history. Also who did the largest business bailout in history? Any idea which party that was?

You disagree with welfare for people but not for businesses. You’re supporting business and bank bailouts when you vote republican.
What party supports the businesses of which you speak? Which party passed legislation as the largest bank bailout in history. Also who did the largest business bailout in history? Any idea which party that was?

You disagree with welfare for people but not for businesses. You’re supporting business and bank bailouts when you vote republican.

"Heads I win, tails you lose...suckers" - The Federal Reserve owners