TRUMPS* Secret Police

Clearly your happy for peados to run the streets, druggies which you have such a problem with dealing to kids, bankers allowed to do what the fuck they like with no criminal reprocussions as they did such a good job keeping the world.out of recession. Rapist's allowed to go untouched.

To name a few. Your clearly some mid twenties idealist.

he has to do a thorough pat's just him.

regarding the above? change; true paradigm shift in the US has always come from the bottom and it's like birthing a baby..painful and bloody.
it's math..he's at very minimum a narcissist. 1% of US are narcissist with 75%+ being male..add in our very fvcked system of electoral college?
Here's an idea for you. Watch Beau's video again and find out where the US military field manual is for this shit that he quoted and post a link to it and copy paste some salient quotes from it here on this secret police thread. Let's see how well events track with the predictions in the manual and show why Trump is a moron. It would be a good little project for someone, just go to the site and link to the pdf while downloading it to an editor or browser tab.

These goons are completely untrained in this shit and might not even have legal authority to arrest anybody, they are blatantly breaking the law and illegally assaulting citizens on video. Imagine the advantages the people who read and deploy the manual and the other lessons of public persuasion will have. Knowledge and expertise versus ignorance and gut "feelings".

Have a poke around for the field manual, there is trouble afoot and this is the Bible, for it at least, it is a book of Prophecy.
It’s what is needed. The USA is going to shit because of the woke brigade.

The world shook their head at what happened in Seattle. It’s a disgrace and a national embarrassment for the USA.

Trump isn’t going anywhere. It’s hilarious that the dems want a senile, pedo as president instead of someone who is actually doing good things for the USA economy.

His idiot predecessors outsourced all manufacturing to China.

This Covid shit is the new moon landing. Bull shit propaganda to fuck over a rising China, and stop it overtaking a declining USA.

Same thing the moon landings did to russia.


That’s the problem today. Kids think there are 2 sides. It’s stupid.

Most people are centre left.

This silly shit has spread to the U.K. BLM is fair enough in the usa. The history is complicated.

That doesn’t apply in the U.K.. The police don’t shoot anyone, no one is racist and most of the black community are descendants of the wind rush generation. Not descendants of slave labour in the U.K.

Many people like to say that white people all have ancestors linked to slavery. Ridiculous. My grandad was a miner who fought in a world war.

I wonder how many black people are descendants of slave traders? Or even related to slave traders. It still goes on. African slaves are sold (by Africans) to people in the Middle East daily.

They are building World Cup stadiums now in Qatar.

Great Britain banned slavery over 100 years ago.

We have had 2 awful wars with Germany in the last 100 years. We dont blame Germans for being descendants of nazis!
Why are you so butt hurt about it? Shit no skin off my back if someone is protesting inequality. And we got all of our racist ideas from your wack ass country.
Of course it got ugly today in Portland. More than a thousand turned out in a show of solidarity against federal agents on our streets. Not stopping with this cluster fuck, Trump is threatening other cities. I hope the example we, in Portland, are giving him causes him to change his mind. The worse it is for Portland, the less he's going to have for everybody else. I don't see the people of this city backing down. .


‘Very frightening’: Opposition grows to US agents in cities

The following says a lot about how the people of Portland are coming together against Trump's ICE agents being sicced on us.

Crowds had recently numbered fewer than 100 people but swelled to more than 1,000 over the weekend, again attracting a broader base in a city that’s increasingly unified and outraged.

If you haven't yet done so, send messages to your elected officials voicing opposition to Trump's illegal use of federal officers.
This thread brought out all the trolls, saw lots of 'China' 'Liberal' bashing and lots of heads in the sand.
Protesting yes I agree with the right to protest. Smashing and stealing from shops really? That's just shows a percentage of people trying to create anarchy in my view not sending a message of change. Hundreds of thousands of other people manage to protest pretty much simultaneously with out the need of destroying property and stealing.
You get that this is not being caused by the protestors in the relatively few spots that it did occur right?

Like I said I don't like either side, both are far too extreme for me to get on board. My "BUT" was in reply to why can't the Dems put up someone who is charismatic and not viewed as part of the problem. I prefer to vote Democrat because of prison reform, cannabis laws, universal health care. Those are the things that are most important to me and would get me to vote. Instead the candidate they pick was in Senate for over 30 years which means to me that he has been bought and paid for by the elites who don't want the above things I mentioned.
Why does that 'mean that to you'? Biden is one of the only politicians to have a long career in DC and not leave office rich. He is squeaky clean and has been proven for decades to not be controversial outside of edited and out of context garbage trolling. Democrats do not need a cult leader, they need someone competent that can get work done to fix all the crap that Trump has left our country exposed to.

Clearly your happy for peados to run the streets, druggies which you have such a problem with dealing to kids, bankers allowed to do what the fuck they like with no criminal reprocussions as they did such a good job keeping the world.out of recession. Rapist's allowed to go untouched.

To name a few. Your clearly some mid twenties idealist.

Then you should really like Biden, since that were the major things that he was trying to fix with the 1994 Crime bill before the Republicans started to pack it full of poison pills before it got passed.

Trust me ive worked in education and I fucking hate the lack.of funding foe schools. But if you understand that statement properly education is the best tool for reform. I think alot more.of a countries budget should be plowed in to.schools.

Was also in my last post just posted at the same time.

Education unfortunately is becoming more elitist. If you have money great. Poor, oh well luck.of the draw. It's sad.
More stupid shit. Education is becoming 'more' elitist? WTF, you really think that this is the case?

There is very little historical understanding in your posts.
This thread brought out all the trolls, saw lots of 'China' 'Liberal' bashing and lots of heads in the sand.

You get that this is not being caused by the protestors in the relatively few spots that it did occur right?

Why does that 'mean that to you'? Biden is one of the only politicians to have a long career in DC and not leave office rich. He is squeaky clean and has been proven for decades to not be controversial outside of edited and out of context garbage trolling. Democrats do not need a cult leader, they need someone competent that can get work done to fix all the crap that Trump has left our country exposed to.

Then you should really like Biden, since that were the major things that he was trying to fix with the 1994 Crime bill before the Republicans started to pack it full of poison pills before it got passed.

More stupid shit. Education is becoming 'more' elitist? WTF, you really think that this is the case?

There is very little historical understanding in your posts.
Of course education is becoming more elitist. University fee are higher than they have ever been including adjustment for inflation. You're judged upon your academically abilities when going for better jobs. Most of which requires a degree. Now alot of people cannot stomach being in debt for a massive part of there life to repay student fees and loans. Others don't get access to loans of grants an subsquently cannot afford to pay the huge amounts of money it costs to attend further/higher education, regardless of academic level. So maybe you're the one with your head in the sand regarding the educational systems. That's not even considering top tier or second tier universities.

You comment on my disgreements with vandelisim and looting. I know it's small % I can see with my own eyes. Your just trying to bracket a comment in the racist tag as your opinions differs slightly to mine.

Also the lawless comment you mention is regarding the comment previous about not having police forces. Not about noncing Biden or pedo island loving Trump. They're both scum bags as fair as I can see and feel sorry for you Americans. You've got the choice between a peado (Trump), a peado (biden), Scientologist nutter (cruise) or a fucking absolute egotistical cock sucker (west).
Back 10 years ago it was more affordable. Now it's astronomically priced and will only ever continue to increase making it less avaliable to the average joe people on low incomes. If that's not becoming less avalible to the economically challenged then I dont know what is.

Look at the statistics regarding inner city deprived areas and the education levels and spending compare that to more well of areas and see the disparities in educational equality. Further supporting my argument of of education becoming more elitist. Having worked in inner city, suburban and rural facilities the contrast is stark.

Money is a direct cause it's effects everything. From people's behaviours when inheriting or gaining large amounts. It effects the quality of your education and where you are educated, your health money and health have a correlation including the type of health care you have, your social standing is measured by wealth both socially and for nation statistical purposes.

Education is the way out however when it's underfunded at grass roots and overly charged at the latter end how can you still say the more economically adept households don't do better.

I see your point of avalibilty compare to the 20's however look over the past decade and watch the trend of average student debt due to increases in fees, loans and interest rates.

Given it's current trend University will eventually be middle class only due to cost and possibly even eventually pricing out the lower end of the middle class.
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That’s the problem today. Kids think there are 2 sides. It’s stupid.

Most people are centre left.

This silly shit has spread to the U.K. BLM is fair enough in the usa. The history is complicated.

That doesn’t apply in the U.K.. The police don’t shoot anyone, no one is racist and most of the black community are descendants of the wind rush generation. Not descendants of slave labour in the U.K.

Many people like to say that white people all have ancestors linked to slavery. Ridiculous. My grandad was a miner who fought in a world war.

I wonder how many black people are descendants of slave traders? Or even related to slave traders. It still goes on. African slaves are sold (by Africans) to people in the Middle East daily.

They are building World Cup stadiums now in Qatar.

Great Britain banned slavery over 100 years ago.

We have had 2 awful wars with Germany in the last 100 years. We dont blame Germans for being descendants of nazis!
No one is racist in the U.K. haha haha!
Lemme guess, can you post a picture of your forearm? Thanks
No one is racist in the U.K. haha haha!
Lemme guess, can you post a picture of your forearm? Thanks

Yeah to be honest racism isn't massive in the UK having lived there not to say it doesn't exist. I found there was more hatred between the nations of GB ie england Ireland Scotland Wales. Like seriously some of them hate themselves. Werid sick British behaviours and traits.

You obviously get small groups anti muslims but I didn't see anti blacks, but you get that everywhere and unfortunately you can't stop there mad way of thinking like the far right nearly beat Angela mearkle a few years back. We all know what happens when Germany gets a right wing nutter in charge.......

Again this comes back to education the lesser educated, they see there city blown up by an extremist muslim and then sees Muslims as terrorists. Educating these individuals will change there mind.....eventually, just shouting racist or abuse does nothing but ignite the fires.