TRUMPS* Secret Police

Clearly your happy for peados to run the streets, druggies which you have such a problem with dealing to kids, bankers allowed to do what the fuck they like with no criminal reprocussions as they did such a good job keeping the world.out of recession. Rapist's allowed to go untouched.

To name a few. Your clearly some mid twenties idealist.
Oh God I wasn't defending the actions of trump and his mad occupy cities and kidnap people. That's what's happening in China right now.

Secondly alot of people judge things based the actions of individuals and expect them to reflect that of the majority. I imagine the guy who shot the gas round was more than likely a jar head with itchy fingers. Also there has been no supporting evidence in this post of accounts prior to that but everyone has a view.

You also have to remember what type of people are attracted to these job roles. For example alot of enforcement (can't speak world.wide) but here certain are fucking dick heads with no understanding of or they were bullied become bullies.

I mearly was finding out both sides of the argument/incident. Reserving judgment before making a decision. Also firing gas at short range means you need no additional elevation to reach it's target. The fact is smashed the guy and killed him from that video alone could be seen as accidental.

From someone who has lived around major gun control his whole life its a mental comprehension the everyone turns up with guns. Not saying our enforcement is much better as we've had a few miss ID's in recent year tragically resulting in death of innocents.

I have a certain interest in your mad political system and the mad people that it allows to power (trump).
33% of the population of any country are arseholes they exist from mere bigots to full blown psychos, every country has them even yours and mine, they don't mind authoritarian governments at all, as long as the figure they are on the right racial, ethnic, religious or ideological side. They who are the core of Trump's support almost all are racists or lunatics, even the few blacks who claim to support him. Others were conditioned to racism by friends, family and local culture, they are the ones who can be chipped away from Trump's support. History made the USA the last western country to have slavery and a century of successful white terrorism and social assault against blacks specifically. So yeah with 75% of white American males racist on some level, folks get conditioned and adopt stereotypes, they also get pissed and should.

But I'm not black, though I do have empathy and a good imagination and the perspective of history too. To have your person physically threatened and to have yourself, family friends and community constantly socially assaulted for no reason might be a bit though to take. But those most guilty have been driven mad, those whom the Gods wish to destroy they first make mad.
I mean racism doesnt really happen back home to be fair. Here in Spain I'm hated from my heritage but hey it's Spain. These cunts are mental, not American mental but still.

However I find the economic divides are still more of a serious threat to the world. The poorer you are the more likely you are to die prematurely the poorer you are the worse health care you get the poorer you are the worse your education is the poorer you are the more likely you are to have family/social issues to name a few.

This I find more abhorrent as it effects every single person world wide.

I get your empathy I do, I also am empathetic.

Added I read a stat that around 8000 people a year are shot and killed/injured from police forces in the US alone. That's fucking insane.
They've been defunding schools for years but I don't hear you bitching about that???? How are we supposed to educate with all our money going to militarizing our police???
Trust me ive worked in education and I fucking hate the lack.of funding foe schools. But if you understand that statement properly education is the best tool for reform. I think alot more.of a countries budget should be plowed in to.schools.

Was also in my last post just posted at the same time.

Education unfortunately is becoming more elitist. If you have money great. Poor, oh well luck.of the draw. It's sad.
I love his latest quote from Mary his niece. Sh is wearing a bikini top at around 16 years old I think and he says, "Jesus Mary. You're stacked."
Back to the point in hand. What the fuck?

He actually talked about his young niece in that sense in public? Does someone have a recording/video of this somewhere?
We all know its about this,

View attachment 4630562

Nixon did the same in summer of 1968 and won when the "silent majority" rallied to his use of US troops to put down protests at that time. It worked then. We'll know in a few weeks if that trick works today. I don't think it will but then again, I never would have voted for Trump. We'll just have to wait and see. Trump needs his approval rating to get to 47 or 48%.

Trump is going to spill blood. All for a political show. Absolutely vile and disgusting.
Unfortunately what you say is probably true. Escalation and authoritarianism are his game. He will do anything for a distraction from facts showing the worst leadership we have ever seen.
Donald is screwing the pooch with his secret police, he is tipping his hand early to distract and look strong for his base. He should have kept them secret and deployed them on election day as "security" around polling places in blue states, that was the plan. This was another bad mistake by Trump, when they gas and tear gas the moms, the dads will show up next and it will be an entirely different situation, the men will quickly organise for a different purpose and then the secret police are in serious jeopardy. If the republicans aren't panicking over this shit, they really do wanna die politically, this will not work in America, it wouldn't work in Canada either. Trump's secret police will be shattered before the election in a long hot summer of civil unrest, Joe might end up on TV with a promise to the public to identify, prosecute and fire every one of them, let them think about that.
How do you think many veterans and citizens are going to view this, with Trump's record in mind? What happens when it's a retired general or admiral, or a hundred of them staring down these cocksuckers? What happens when Joe promises identification, prosecution and firing the lot of them to the public (at the right time)? This is Donald's path to political perdition and he's sprinting.
Pres. Trump ‘Making A Show Of Unauthorized Use Of Force’ | Morning Joe | MSNBC

The Morning Joe panel discusses the beating of a Navy veteran in Portland and how Pres. Trump’s deployment of unmarked federal troops to the city is, as Anne Applebaum put it, ‘performative authoritarianism.’
Oh God I wasn't defending the actions of trump and his mad occupy cities and kidnap people. That's what's happening in China right now.

Secondly alot of people judge things based the actions of individuals and expect them to reflect that of the majority. I imagine the guy who shot the gas round was more than likely a jar head with itchy fingers. Also there has been no supporting evidence in this post of accounts prior to that but everyone has a view.

You also have to remember what type of people are attracted to these job roles. For example alot of enforcement (can't speak world.wide) but here certain are fucking dick heads with no understanding of or they were bullied become bullies.

I mearly was finding out both sides of the argument/incident. Reserving judgment before making a decision. Also firing gas at short range means you need no additional elevation to reach it's target. The fact is smashed the guy and killed him from that video alone could be seen as accidental.

From someone who has lived around major gun control his whole life its a mental comprehension the everyone turns up with guns. Not saying our enforcement is much better as we've had a few miss ID's in recent year tragically resulting in death of innocents.

I have a certain interest in your mad political system and the mad people that it allows to power (trump).

it's math..he's at very minimum a narcissist. 1% of US are narcissist with 75%+ being male..add in our very fvcked system of electoral college?