TRUMPS* Secret Police

This is absoultely bat shit crazy. Never have I seen such madness in a world leasing country.

I made the point on another thread that you Americans didn't like Clinton. Surely the hate for Clinton wasn't as bad as chosing Trump?
He's clearly in bed with Putin all cuddled up. Seeing as Putin managed to create a position of power higher than governement with no means of removal. Do you guys think that Trump is mirroring his behaviours?
Clinton won the popular vote by 3 million more people than Trump did. So, we didn't actually CHOOSE Trump. Clinton was leagues more qualified and the majority said so. Trump managed to thread the needle and win as a minority president.

Trump is Putin's tool. It's been pretty clear since before the 2016 election that there are financial arrangements between the two and Putin has something on him. One would not be wrong to guess that Trump's tax reports -- that he lied about releasing -- contain some of that dirt.

But regarding Trump's behavior as if he were already a military dictator -- to ape Putin? I don't think so, not the Putin part. Trump was always like that. He was making threats of blood running in the streets if he lost the last election too. Violence was always part of his rhetoric, offering to pay legal services to people who beat hecklers during his rallies, for example. Long before that, he campaigned to have some black kids killed by the state for what eventually turned out to be false charges by the NYC police. That was in the 80's. History has a way of repeating itself.

Trump said Monday he will send federal law enforcement to certain cities, "all run by very liberal Democrats," in the latest example of his "law and order" messaging.

Trump railed against Portland and others, saying in the Oval Office that he will be sending in some federal law enforcement.

"We're not going to let New York and Chicago and Philadelphia, Detroit and Baltimore and all of these, Oakland is a mess. We're not going to let this happen in our country. All run by liberal Democrats," Trump said.
All true.
It’s what is needed. The USA is going to shit because of the woke brigade.

The world shook their head at what happened in Seattle. It’s a disgrace and a national embarrassment for the USA.

Trump isn’t going anywhere. It’s hilarious that the dems want a senile, pedo as president instead of someone who is actually doing good things for the USA economy.

His idiot predecessors outsourced all manufacturing to China.

This Covid shit is the new moon landing. Bull shit propaganda to fuck over a rising China, and stop it overtaking a declining USA.

Same thing the moon landings did to russia.
Bingo! Time to close their Marxist playbook.
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Clinton won the popular vote by 3 million more people than Trump did. So, we didn't actually CHOOSE Trump. Clinton was leagues more qualified and the majority said so. Trump managed to thread the needle and win as a minority president.

Trump is Putin's tool. It's been pretty clear since before the 2016 election that there are financial arrangements between the two and Putin has something on him. One would not be wrong to guess that Trump's tax reports -- that he lied about releasing -- contain some of that dirt.

But regarding Trump's behavior as if he were already a military dictator -- to ape Putin? I don't think so, not the Putin part. Trump was always like that. He was making threats of blood running in the streets if he lost the last election too. Violence was always part of his rhetoric, offering to pay legal services to people who beat hecklers during his rallies, for example. Long before that, he campaigned to have some black kids killed by the state for what eventually turned out to be false charges by the NYC police. That was in the 80's. History has a way of repeating itself.

This is mental how this was allowed to happen really. The other thing I was going to ask you American dweller's how is the court process to release his tax records going?

I can only think that he's hiding some serious shit as he seems to be stone walling alot of stuff to prevent them from being shown. Or he's just flat out broke. Remember no one know money like he does!

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Secondly I do love the bit about irony. There's pictures of trump on peado island with Epstien and Prince Andrew to name a few. Funny I guess that....
That’s the problem today. Kids think there are 2 sides. It’s stupid.

Most people are centre left.

This silly shit has spread to the U.K. BLM is fair enough in the usa. The history is complicated.

That doesn’t apply in the U.K.. The police don’t shoot anyone, no one is racist and most of the black community are descendants of the wind rush generation. Not descendants of slave labour in the U.K.

Many people like to say that white people all have ancestors linked to slavery. Ridiculous. My grandad was a miner who fought in a world war.

I wonder how many black people are descendants of slave traders? Or even related to slave traders. It still goes on. African slaves are sold (by Africans) to people in the Middle East daily.

They are building World Cup stadiums now in Qatar.

Great Britain banned slavery over 100 years ago.

We have had 2 awful wars with Germany in the last 100 years. We dont blame Germans for being descendants of nazis!
Estimates in the US is only about 30% are descendants of slaves.
The guys keeps banging on racist junkie to everything another guy keeps saying. The guy hasn't said anything racist and admitted he's done a bit of heroin.

I mearly said why not question and find out more about his views rather than be abusing.
You said more than that but OK, if you want to be sociable, I'll talk. Not sure if you can keep up your end though.

Some people just show up to troll. That's how I took your earlier posts. Let us examine your earlier post and see if you were asking a simple question:

QUOTE="Silentvirtue, post: 15671521, member: 1037847"]
What history ? The US is like 500ish years old. The history that was there was destroyed by the European's and killing the indigenous people helped further delete parts of it. They're still being shafted now. Most colonies weren't formed untill 1600s.

Empires conquered and fell many times over before "modern USA" was even a twinkle.

It has to be said you have no idea what the precursors were to that guy being nailed with tear gas. It's an edited video that shows him kicking gas away and getting nailed.

What you don't see is what his behaviour was before that first gas can was fired and secondly it was a freak accident. You Americans should all know about hitting people with projectiles. You have enough gun related deaths both purposeful and accidental and more blue on blue attacks than alot of other nations. So it's unfair to judge who was right or wrong without seeing the clash of ideas from start to finish.

You know,

You are pretty ignorant.

So, it's here that we get a view on why I'm hostile to you. First, all we have to go on is the video? That's not true. There were plenty of accounts of the incident and not a single one mentioned an action that justified shooting that guy in the head. Second of all, regarding how it could be an accident. That's mighty generous of you. No, it was not an accident for two reasons. Those federal goons were there unasked for by state and local authorities. They shouldn't have been there. At all. Also, the round came in a flat trajectory. It was aimed head high into a crowd. That, is not accidental. The only question remains is what that goon was thinking when he did it and that's kind of irrelevant right now.

Trump put the people of Portland at risk by sending troops to occupy it and bust some heads for a political gain. A man is in the hospital critically injured because of that. The violence was not an accident. Trump caused the situation and he's notorious for his lack of empathy. He doesn't care what happens to people except himself. He will do anything to win.

So, I am kind of touchy about people who defend Trump by false speculation about "accidents" that just kind of happen when militarized federal police are around.
Yeah he's using what he's doing in Portland as a way to appear tough to the people who support him. Oregon is small potatoes, he knows it's likely not going to be any help with him getting elected again so why not make a democratic government look weak. Portland is a fucking reck currently and I have to say some of it does come from some of our elected officials currently in office.
Estimates in the US is only about 30% are descendants of slaves.
It doesn't matter the government failed all black Americans for over a century and a half, they broke their ideals. constitution and aided and abetted law breaking and rights violations against them. Compensation is due and not a pittance either, native Americans too with treaties (legal contracts) honored or compensated. Justice.
You said more than that but OK, if you want to be sociable, I'll talk. Not sure if you can keep up your end though.

Some people just show up to troll. That's how I took your earlier posts. Let us examine your earlier post and see if you were asking a simple question:

QUOTE="Silentvirtue, post: 15671521, member: 1037847"]
What history ? The US is like 500ish years old. The history that was there was destroyed by the European's and killing the indigenous people helped further delete parts of it. They're still being shafted now. Most colonies weren't formed untill 1600s.

Empires conquered and fell many times over before "modern USA" was even a twinkle.

It has to be said you have no idea what the precursors were to that guy being nailed with tear gas. It's an edited video that shows him kicking gas away and getting nailed.

What you don't see is what his behaviour was before that first gas can was fired and secondly it was a freak accident. You Americans should all know about hitting people with projectiles. You have enough gun related deaths both purposeful and accidental and more blue on blue attacks than alot of other nations. So it's unfair to judge who was right or wrong without seeing the clash of ideas from start to finish.


So, it's here that we get a view on why I'm hostile to you. First, all we have to go on is the video? That's not true. There were plenty of accounts of the incident and not a single one mentioned an action that justified shooting that guy in the head. Second of all, regarding how it could be an accident. That's mighty generous of you. No, it was not an accident for two reasons. Those federal goons were there unasked for by state and local authorities. They shouldn't have been there. At all. Also, the round came in a flat trajectory. It was aimed head high into a crowd. That, is not accidental. The only question remains is what that goon was thinking when he did it and that's kind of irrelevant right now.

Trump put the people of Portland at risk by sending troops to occupy it and bust some heads for a political gain. A man is in the hospital critically injured because of that. The violence was not an accident. Trump caused the situation and he's notorious for his lack of empathy. He doesn't care what happens to people except himself. He will do anything to win.

So, I am kind of touchy about people who defend Trump by false speculation about "accidents" that just kind of happen when militarized federal police are around.

Oh God I wasn't defending the actions of trump and his mad occupy cities and kidnap people. That's what's happening in China right now.

Secondly alot of people judge things based the actions of individuals and expect them to reflect that of the majority. I imagine the guy who shot the gas round was more than likely a jar head with itchy fingers. Also there has been no supporting evidence in this post of accounts prior to that but everyone has a view.

You also have to remember what type of people are attracted to these job roles. For example alot of enforcement (can't speak world.wide) but here certain are fucking dick heads with no understanding of or they were bullied become bullies.

I mearly was finding out both sides of the argument/incident. Reserving judgment before making a decision. Also firing gas at short range means you need no additional elevation to reach it's target. The fact is smashed the guy and killed him from that video alone could be seen as accidental.

From someone who has lived around major gun control his whole life its a mental comprehension the everyone turns up with guns. Not saying our enforcement is much better as we've had a few miss ID's in recent year tragically resulting in death of innocents.

I have a certain interest in your mad political system and the mad people that it allows to power (trump).