TRUMPS* Secret Police

look at you, white knighting for a racist junkie
Actually no givng someone the opportunity to speak regardless of view is the basis of democracy. People like you love to shout from the room tops freedom of speech if your views get quashed so in the interest of fairness it's only right he gets to express his opinions too.

Secondly if someone has been through the judicial systems and paid for their crimes (outside of murder and pedophiles as these crimes never get spent) or the "druggy" or "thug" has reformed in the errors of his ways then who are you to judge. After all it's about what you do now surely that continues to pay for the actions of your previous involvements.

I was actually sitting on the fence about the disagreement but your so self indulged you attack anyone who see differently or not in agreencen with you.
I haven't see ya about JJ, I see Donald is having a Helluva time and the republicans are living a nightmare and are in trouble in Dixie. Donald don't learn and is repeating the same mistake in portland only on steroids, that hammered him in the polls with the BLM movement and Lafayette park back in June. Secret federal police snatching people off the street, how do ya think that is gonna go over with voters? Someone is gonna kill the sons of bitches.
Is there a figure for how many people who have been snatched from the streets?

Also what sort of response is being given from those families? Have they been held on some form a terror charge? I'm interested as this is something a little crazy for a country that always portrays the land of the brave home of the free?
Is there a figure for how many people who have been snatched from the streets?

Also what sort of response is being given from those families? Have they been held on some form a terror charge? I'm interested as this is something a little crazy for a country that always portrays the land of the brave home of the free?
The numbers are not that important, it's the videos of it happening that have the biggest impact. Not to worry it was a mistake on Trump's part, it's how you grow movements. Trump is a criminal psychopath with an IQ of 78 who was given enormous unchecked power, what do you expect? If he had half a brain he'd have a chain around their necks by now and after november for sure, the next one will be smarter, if he gets the chance.
The numbers are not that important, it's the videos of it happening that have the biggest impact. Not to worry it was a mistake on Trump's part, it's how you grow movements. Trump is a criminal psychopath with an IQ of 78 who was given enormous unchecked power, what do you expect? If he had half a brain he'd have a chain around their necks by now and after november for sure, the next one will be smarter, if he gets the chance.
Oh yeah I'm not in disagreement about any of the points you've made. I think Trump's an unhinged mad man who is in out of his depth. How the world is not a molten nuclear mess is a modern day wonder.

I was just interest on the size of his mad kidnapping scheme. Also how is this not globally reported, it's fucking mental.
I'm also interested in what sort of money/favours would of been granted during trumps impeachment trial, to prevent him from walking like John Wayne every night from all the raping he was gonna get in prison.
I'm also interested in what sort of money/favours would of been granted during trumps impeachment trial, to prevent him from walking like John Wayne every night from all the raping he was gonna get in prison.
Trump harnessed the republican base, which had become racist as a reaction to the Obama presidency, it had a real good start though, Obama's presidency merely completed the process and drove the moderates out, or marginalized them. There are primary elections that each party holds before the main event to select candidates and almost the only ones who show up to vote in primaries are the most extreme elements of the party. The racist republican base is completely enthralled to Trump and believe all or most of the lies, the republican politicians fear a mean tweet from Trump and thus the wrath of their base. This goes for senators and congressmen as well as some state governors, the ones facing catastrophe.

This is how tens of thousands of citizens were killed and are currently being killed because of fear of a fucking mean tweet, a fart is more substantial. This is the incredibly cheap price of human lives, not by the individual, but by the tens of thousands, just a mean tweet, that's all it takes, the whole idea has me really disgusted. Courage is the queen of all the virtues, for without courage none of the others are possible.
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Actually no givng someone the opportunity to speak regardless of view is the basis of democracy. People like you love to shout from the room tops freedom of speech if your views get quashed so in the interest of fairness it's only right he gets to express his opinions too.

Secondly if someone has been through the judicial systems and paid for their crimes (outside of murder and pedophiles as these crimes never get spent) or the "druggy" or "thug" has reformed in the errors of his ways then who are you to judge. After all it's about what you do now surely that continues to pay for the actions of your previous involvements.

I was actually sitting on the fence about the disagreement but your so self indulged you attack anyone who see differently or not in agreencen with you.
who was stopping your racist junkie buddy from spewing his shit?

youre crying over imaginary persecution that never happened.
I think you're a bit overly sensitive where was he racist? He was complaining about the damage and things being stolen from SME's. Nothing about race.

You lable him a druggy 10 years ago it was an illegal offence to have cannabis. During the 20's you had prohibition. Your still a druggy for using cannabis technically even crossing borders. I don't like the idea of heroin and see what it does to people. Doesn't mean he can't reform.

Protesting yes I agree with the right to protest. Smashing and stealing from shops really? That's just shows a percentage of people trying to create anarchy in my view not sending a message of change. Hundreds of thousands of other people manage to protest pretty much simultaneously with out the need of destroying property and stealing.

Added to this you lable him racist which by definition would define him an intolerant but your equally as intolerant of his former drug use evening using it to try and discredit his argument.

Why not be more engaging and challenge his views rather than attack him........
Trump harnessed the republican base, which had become racist as a reaction to the Obama presidency, it had a real good start though, Obama's presidency merely completed the process and drove the moderates out, or marginalized them. There are primary elections that each party holds before the main event to select candidates and almost the only ones who show up to vote in primaries are the most extreme elements of the party. The racist republican base is completely enthralled to Trump and believe all or most of the lies, the republican politicians fear a mean tweet from Trump and thus the wrath of their base. This goes for senators and congressmen as well as some state governors, the ones facing catastrophe.

This is how tens of thousands of citizens were killed and are currently being killed because of fear of a fucking mean tweet, a fart is more substantial. This is the incredibly cheap price of human lives, not by the individual, but by the tens of thousands, just a mean tweet, that's all it takes, the whole idea has me really disgusted. Courage is the queen of all the virtues, for without courage none of the others are possible.
Well, written like that it's hard to say they are not spinless. The best leaders don't always make favourable discions.

Here is the problem with the power social media has. We also wonder why every one is now imaged obsessed. Sad for the kids too really.
I don't like either side Dem or Republican. But for the life of me can't figure out why the Dems have put Biden up again after he has already lost twice. I lean more towards Democrat than Republican but the Dems for some reason seem to keep nominating the same unlikable people to run. Right now would have been the time to bring in a new candidate that people actually like and want to vote for, not someone who has already tried to run twice and lost. As hard as the Dems are trying to undermine the current presidency and as mad as half the country is at Trump they have really squandered a chance to win in my opinion by picking the same old rich white guy that has already tried and lost a couple times.
Well, written like that it's hard to say they are not spinless. The best leaders don't always make favourable discions.

Here is the problem with the power social media has. We also wonder why every one is now imaged obsessed. Sad for the kids too really.
Facebook has more power and reach than TV networks, they will be regulated, Canada and other countries are powerless to stop the flow of bullshit coming out of the USA through social media companies. They complain about the Russians, who are using their own technology, legal structure and greedy corporations against them and spewing their disinformation. Fox news will be wiped out of existence using existing law and broadcast regulation, their malicious disinformation cost tens of thousands of lives and they are a public mence as is facebook and twitter. Regulation and law are coming to deal with these issues and racism too, both are national security threats and will be treated as such, that will change everything in the years to come.
I don't like either side Dem or Republican. But for the life of me can't figure out why the Dems have put Biden up again after he has already lost twice. I lean more towards Democrat than Republican but the Dems for some reason seem to keep nominating the same unlikable people to run. Right now would have been the time to bring in a new candidate that people actually like and want to vote for, not someone who has already tried to run twice and lost. As hard as the Dems are trying to undermine the current presidency and as mad as half the country is at Trump they have really squandered a chance to win in my opinion by picking the same old rich white guy that has already tried and lost a couple times.

Gee, another "I don't like tRUmp but" guy, just keep trying trumptard, someone is bound to believe your horse shit sooner or later.
I don't like either side Dem or Republican. But for the life of me can't figure out why the Dems have put Biden up again after he has already lost twice. I lean more towards Democrat than Republican but the Dems for some reason seem to keep nominating the same unlikable people to run. Right now would have been the time to bring in a new candidate that people actually like and want to vote for, not someone who has already tried to run twice and lost. As hard as the Dems are trying to undermine the current presidency and as mad as half the country is at Trump they have really squandered a chance to win in my opinion by picking the same old rich white guy that has already tried and lost a couple times.
Trump is in power and the gop run the senate, they and nobody else are responsible for the multiple catastrophes facing America. Trump is a moron with a professionally assessed IQ of 78, only those stupider than him will vote for him. Vote for Joe or stay home, it's real simple for a patriot. 300,000 dead before Donald is done and everybody else back up and running with covid under management.
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Facebook has more power and reach than TV networks, they will be regulated, Canada and other countries are powerless to stop the flow of bullshit coming out of the USA through social media companies. They complain about the Russians, who are using their own technology, legal structure and greedy corporations against them and spewing their disinformation. Fox news will be wiped out of existence using existing law and broadcast regulation, their malicious disinformation cost tens of thousands of lives and they are a public mence as is facebook and twitter. Regulation and law are coming to deal with these issues and racism too, both are national security threats and will be treated as such, that will change everything in the years to come.
More laws to lock up non violent offenders on is exactly what this country needs. SMH. Political stance or not more laws to lock up up non violent people is not the way to do it. Censorship is what your asking for, and that's a scary path. Are you gonna ask the same secret police your bitching about to enforce your new laws as well. Sounds a bit like the old Soviet Union to me.
More laws to lock up non violent offenders on is exactly what this country needs. SMH. Political stance or not more laws to lock up up non violent people is not the way to do it. Censorship is what your asking for, and that's a scary path. Are you gonna ask the same secret police your bitching about to enforce your new laws as well. Sounds a bit like the old Soviet Union to me.
Hate speech laws are coming, social division is a threat to all modern multicultural societies and America is one. People get off the plane these days not a boat and go back home frequently for family events etc. The internet can also bring their culture and local media back home to them and allow them to retain their cultures and chat with relatives, English is only required for work and other things. I would expect official statues for Spanish in many places in a decade or two, including federally, they are not immigrants, Texas. California and Florida were spanish and absorbed by the USA, they have rights both human, historical and cultural. I would also expect regulation of guns too, if the government can regulate calbers and automatic weapons they can even do the same with semi autos, even pistols. The second amendment is about collective responsibility, not individual rights.
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I think you're a bit overly sensitive where was he racist? He was complaining about the damage and things being stolen from SME's. Nothing about race.

You lable him a druggy 10 years ago it was an illegal offence to have cannabis. During the 20's you had prohibition. Your still a druggy for using cannabis technically even crossing borders. I don't like the idea of heroin and see what it does to people. Doesn't mean he can't reform.

Protesting yes I agree with the right to protest. Smashing and stealing from shops really? That's just shows a percentage of people trying to create anarchy in my view not sending a message of change. Hundreds of thousands of other people manage to protest pretty much simultaneously with out the need of destroying property and stealing.

Added to this you lable him racist which by definition would define him an intolerant but your equally as intolerant of his former drug use evening using it to try and discredit his argument.

Why not be more engaging and challenge his views rather than attack him........
"how is that trump supporter a racist?!?!?!?"

I don't like either side Dem or Republican. But for the life of me can't figure out why the Dems have put Biden up again after he has already lost twice. I lean more towards Democrat than Republican but the Dems for some reason seem to keep nominating the same unlikable people to run. Right now would have been the time to bring in a new candidate that people actually like and want to vote for, not someone who has already tried to run twice and lost. As hard as the Dems are trying to undermine the current presidency and as mad as half the country is at Trump they have really squandered a chance to win in my opinion by picking the same old rich white guy that has already tried and lost a couple times.
"i don't like republicans but"

Gee, another "I don't like tRUmp but" guy, just keep trying trumptard, someone is bound to believe your horse shit sooner or later.
I'm not sure if you think I'm someone else or what I've never been on the political forum but I've posted about growing on this site for years if you bother to go look. I don't care for Trump, that being said I'm prob best off to stay out of the political forum I guess since my views aren't popular. Since I don't agree with either side. Call me a conspiracy theorist if you want but I tend to believe that politicians aren't actually in charge of anything. So to me for both sides to be so angry and divided against each other is kinda silly. I tend to believe that multi national corporations and a few elites make all the important decisions for our country.