Well-Known Member
I heard she’s spending all of her time preparing to read next years Juneteenth’s children book.He has low energy, is cranky and needs a nap. Where's his supportive wife?
I heard she’s spending all of her time preparing to read next years Juneteenth’s children book.He has low energy, is cranky and needs a nap. Where's his supportive wife?
Her new kidneys look great
Vacating her pre-nuptials with an attoney?
Possibly not a far stretch
Melania Trump used White House move to renegotiate prenup, book claims
First lady delayed moving from New York for five months, reportedly saying aim was ‘taking care of Barron’
Pre-planning for the eventual divorce? I mean who could possibly live with the man?
Rome did as well with the Emperors Nero and Caligula, same fucking thing 2000 years ago. Shows ya how far the GOP base has fallen behind, forget the 19th century.This guy is a life threating menace to the entire country & the World at large.
The asshole leading this Nation insisted today that he was serious when he revealed that he had directed his administration to slow coronavirus testing in the United States — shattering the defenses of senior White House aides who argued Trump’s remarks were made in jest.
“I don’t kid. Let me just tell you. Let me make it clear,” Trump told reporters, when pressed on whether his comments at a campaign event Saturday in Tulsa, Okla., were intended as a joke.
“We have got the greatest testing program anywhere in the world. We test better than anybody in the world. Our tests are the best in the world, and we have the most of them. By having more tests, we find more cases,” he continued.
But, he doesn't want too test anymore because the results prove he's a shithead.
So, you (Trump) essentially want too stick your dumb fucking head into the sand & ignore testing, because it shows that your an incompetent fool that has fucked up the response to the Virus from the beginning?
Jesus, Mary & fucking Joseph, how the fuck did the USA end up with such a complete fucking idiot in it's worst crisis since the last century.
Well, I guess if you believe in God, it's just vengence
They react fast to get into the news cycle and to spread it on social media and share it by email. They make effective hard hitting ads, Joe must love them! I hope daddy warbucks Bloomberg is shoveling lots of cash at these guys to run the best of this shit on TV in red states, this is Steve Schmidt's handiwork.I fucking love these guys