What has Trump done to this country?


Well-Known Member
Why Donald is desperate to control the SDNY, anybody who takes the job knows it comes with a jail sentence and a destroyed life.
Barr's Botched Effort To Rig SDNY For Trump Prompts Investigation | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

Rachel Maddow reviews the many investigations being conducted by the U.S. Attorney's Office in the Southern District of New York that touch upon some aspect of Donald Trump's affairs, which may explain Bill Barr's eagerness to recast the office with people more favorable to Trump. Aired on 6/22/2020.


Well-Known Member
Why Donald is desperate to control the SDNY, anybody who takes the job knows it comes with a jail sentence and a destroyed life.
Barr's Botched Effort To Rig SDNY For Trump Prompts Investigation | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

Rachel Maddow reviews the many investigations being conducted by the U.S. Attorney's Office in the Southern District of New York that touch upon some aspect of Donald Trump's affairs, which may explain Bill Barr's eagerness to recast the office with people more favorable to Trump. Aired on 6/22/2020.
Tax returns, baby!


Well-Known Member
The infected American...
Thanks To COVID-19, 'Americans Are Too Dangerous To Be Let Out Of Our Own Country' | All In | MSNBC

Chris Hayes: “As the President was in Arizona checking out that wall, we got news of a possible new travel ban…This one not by the President—the guy who loves travel bans to keep people out. No, by the European Union to keep us out.” Aired on 06/23/2020.


Well-Known Member
Tax returns, baby!
Trump has at least a dozen things to worry about with the SDNY, the Stormy Daniels pay off is first up and individual #1 is looking at 10 years in the slammer on the one alone. They could probably put cuffs on him right after Joe is inaugurated and it would be a great way for the SDNY DA to hold onto a job, speedy justice.

If Trump loses he will be thrashing around like a fucking madman, all the TV news shows will have experts outlining his legal fate on Jan 20th 2021, it will drive him completely insane. You will have until Nov 3rd to Jan 20th, 78 days of fucking Hell as Donald squirms, freaks out and tries to disassemble the DOJ by firing everybody, he will probably issue a blanket pardon and empty out every prison in America etc. He must be squeazing Pence for a pardon, or will after Nov, he pardons Pence and resigns, then Pence pardons him, it's the only possible way out that I can see.


Well-Known Member
Found this response online ... thought it was funny.

Harry S. Truman : "The buck stops here." .......

Donald Trump : "The buck stops? People are saying the buck stops, I don't know... how can we know the buck has stopped? It may have stopped somewhere... if not for the Democrats the buck would keep going and never stop !

If people listened to me no bucks would stop ever, they'd keep going around. I've ordered everyone in my administration to pass the buck, and I've succeeded in passing the buck more than any other President. I've set the record for passing the buck!

I'd like to see Sleepy Joe Biden pass the buck like I do, he wouldn't last a day!" SAD


Well-Known Member
Stone Prosecutor Zelensky Exposes Barr's Corruption

Former Mueller team member Assistant US Attorney Aaron Zelensky testifies to Congress about AG Bill Barr's corrupt abuse of the criminal justice system. Barr and his lackey US Attorney Tim Shea direct the prosecutors on Roger Stone's case to go easy on Stone because of Stone's relationship with Donald Trump. Zelensky and the other Stone prosecutors resign from the case rather than take part in Barr and Shea's unethical scheme.


Well-Known Member
Biden Leading Trump By 14 Points Nationally: Poll | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Joe Biden is leading the president by 14 points nationally, according to NYT/Siena polling. Biden is also leading with independents and senior citizens. The panel discusses. Aired on 6/24/2020
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Well-Known Member
Only thing trump has done right ..... provide unlimited ways to meme the fat baboon.
Check out the rest of the channel .... brilliant :D:bigjoint:

nice find!:clap:

too bad Maestro didn't do the very end..'nothing really matters to meeeeeeeeeeee..'
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Well-Known Member
Found this response online ... thought it was funny.

Harry S. Truman : "The buck stops here." .......

Donald Trump : "The buck stops? People are saying the buck stops, I don't know... how can we know the buck has stopped? It may have stopped somewhere... if not for the Democrats the buck would keep going and never stop !

If people listened to me no bucks would stop ever, they'd keep going around. I've ordered everyone in my administration to pass the buck, and I've succeeded in passing the buck more than any other President. I've set the record for passing the buck!

I'd like to see Sleepy Joe Biden pass the buck like I do, he wouldn't last a day!" SAD
trumpy* never met an adverb he didn't like..