Autoflower Cuts

Looks like you’ll get 2-3 grams dried per cutting x5

was that worth the extra 10 grams?
Yes it will be, 1 gram will be cool to And I'm not being a dick lol my wife say i come across wrong in print lol.
I wasn't concerned about the outcome, Besides saying I hope to get 5 nugs the size of golfballs or a few doobs, I also said free sun, free soil, the pots where actually given to me. The seeds that i grew the autos with were freebies, rooting gel was a freebie to lol. I did this for the fun of it to see what would happen on a whim and the time and effort part Take more time and effort to get up in the morning lol.
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Yes it will be, 1 gram will be cool to And I'm not being a dick lol my wife say i come across wrong in print lol.
I wasn't concerned about the outcome, Besides saying I hope to get 5 nugs the size of golfballs or a few doobs, I also said free sun, free soil, the pots where actually given to me. The seeds that i grew the autos with were freebies, rooting gel was a freebie to lol. I did this for the fun of it to see what would happen on a whim and the time and effort part Take more time and effort to get up in the morning lol.

I must have missed that every possible thing you used was free. So I guess you are ahead of the game my bad.
I must have missed that every possible thing you used was free. So I guess you are ahead of the game my bad.
All good. I'm curious though what to expect in length of time to finish if they coincide with the girls i took them from on April 18th those girls finished on the 30th of May 42 days later. These lil girls are on day 56. and still growing and building bulk, But they were in a freeze mode for 3 weeks or so, could i say add that 3 weeks in limbo building roots on the end of the grow time?
The clone is flowering under 12/12 now right? Its hard to say from those pictures but it looks to me like the mother plant isn’t actually flowering but showing preflowers which is simply a sign of maturity. Which explains why it’s not continuing to transition into flower outside.

I could be wrong, just what it seems like to me. Like I said before many auto flower seeds contain plants that will not auto flower.

I did not think they were autos but they started to flower when the were growing 24 hours of light a day. I expected the mother outside would continue but it seems like it is enjoying the sunlight and is delaying flowering. Whether it will on its own or it will need shorter days to do it I have no idea. I have no wisdom to add to that.
There nothing worse than having someone with a chip on their shoulders coming on to a website and spouting off...
The fact that you clearly don't know what you're talking about with respect to Autos makes it worse...
You're filling peoples heads thoughts and ideas that I know for a fact are wrong...plain and simple.

I tried to be PC in my presentation to now its clear your not worth the time..

You come in these boards and argue with people who have eatablished themselves as knowing what they're talking lose!
Ok "friends" (and I use that term ever so loosely, and I dont wry or bother to "banish me" I DNT plan on coming back here anyways, for ppl that know it all, your facts are soooo fkn far from true u guys would be doing the entire growing community a favor if u smashed ur computers burned ur phones and forgot forums like this ever existed.. I thought there might be a wealth of knowledge here, and like myself ppl looking to learn try new things, as I'm always learning, cuz noone ever know everything about everything but hey that's just me.. but I deal with a wealth of fuckery and douchebagery DAILy as Is... Now my name might say "newbie" beside it but the fact that someone is new to a site u guys forget it's a fucking site, u guys might have been on here for 10 yrs.... Congrats, the past 20+ I've been in a garden not acting badass behind a computer looking for facts on Googe sesrch to spew at unknowing passers by so I can feel cool about myself, then u wake up the next day and FUCK I'm still 50 and live in my grandma's basement.... I've held back just to get the photographic proof to silence u half -wits and discourage anyone new coming here from listening to any of the garbage u type cuz the "VETERAN" tag beside your names did not come as a prize for having stellar gardens. It came from spending too much time on your fucking computers lol (which makes u a badass gardener OBV).... Here is an autoflower that when it was less then 2 weeks old I introduced to EXTREME stress almost to the point of death, which then I nursed bck to health for the sake of science and it's just what we do, I'm in this to learn, not to act like the almighty green thumbed God u like some others.. anyways this "autoflower" was dropped the beginning of the second week of February 2020, at first I wasn't sure what was going on, but them I noticed a few things and decided to ride it out and see for sure, which was when I met u fine folks which lit a fire under my ass even more to just be able to come back and do just this.. autoflower dropped in Feb. Stayed in veg throughout the entire grow all her sisters from the same batch started and finished, (I even contacted the company about this and consulted them. Cuts were taken in April, and if your theories were correct the mom the cuts were taken from would finish first, cuz once rooted it would follow it's life's course, and the clones having being taken months after the mom had recovered, would then finish next, along with the other cutting taken at the same time. Here's the mom and 2 of the cuts that were placed under 12/12 for 3 weeks one clone I left in the veg tent under 20/4 so being an autoflower, and the veg room still having 3000k boards in it, the cutting under 20/4 should have MATURED further along then the plants placed under 12/12 correct? Mhm wrong again! This plant as with all PLANts in mother nature's abilities surpass the thought process and ability to reason of even the most "well known of members " apparently as u can see from the side by side pic, one of these clones, all taken at the same time mind u is clearly further along then the others, and it's most def not the clone kept under 20/4 as I suspected this plants sheer will and determination to live surpassed it's desire to remain autoflower, it's plant kingdom fight or flight response sort of... It wants to live and will do so. No matter what it needs to do or change on order to do so to (in one way or another ) carry out its life course... Hard to comprehend I know esp from a "newbie" ITS PRETTY DEEP SHIT now I'm pretty sure u guys can tell the plants and which ones I'm speaking of by the pictures but I'm sure once u realize how wRONG U ARE, OR UR PROB those kind of ppl that will say" oh those are just random plants he blah blah blah‍♂️ I deal with ppl like u all the time sadly... Hopefully with a little help from God, if there is one, the plague of ignorance blanketing this world that manifests itself thru text warriors like u guys won't last forever I just hope maybe one of u is a little slower to cast judgement, cuz none of u are guru's CLEARLY! or even novices for that matter...,and most of all none of u know anyone else on heres abilities, backgrounds or have even actually seen their gardens... I hope to God anyone thinking about taking your Google search found factual advice and planning on putting it into action sees how fucking obsolete most of u guys actually are in the "big picture" and whoever the fuck up there said it's pointless to clone autos cuz it would only be a bud on a stick‍♂️♂️ omg, do any of those pictures look like a plant that would produce a single bud on a stick?
Oh btw, it might say "newbie by my name, ahem... And no I don't beg and harass anyone for anything free, and actually I worked my ass off for every penny that was put into my 10,000$ room. And in YEARS of doing this stuff, also working designing and installing nft and ebb'n'flo system got me some recognition and I actually had the companies I work with, seek me out, most of u probably run some of the stuff I tested... But I figured u prob already all knew that's well seeing how smart u guys came off as.... I'll probably get cussed out and maybe even ha e a sponsor drop me if they see this but if I can stop one poor souls from completely fucking up their shit cuz they listened to u, or just cuz they decided to Not try something
new cuz of your "words of encouragement" the greatest discoveries were made by mistakes being made... Remember that....your "abundance of knowledge" might have prevented a future ground breaking discovery just cuz u decided to cast shade instead of just letting it be, and keeping your opinions to yourself, cuz that is in fact exactly what they are. Opinions... All of u ha e a great day... And for gurus I'll say it again I'm EXTREMELY suprised how much u guys underestimate the abilities of this plant.... It is not "just a plant"...
.deep shit huh! And toadstool whatever the fuck ur name isnuo there, if u ever even muttered or whispered a word around me about anything to do with my parents breeding trying to be a smartass... dude....‍♂️♂️♂️ My mom's almost 100 and she would beat your fucking ass u fkn dweeb. Go Google search some pictures to Photoshop and call ur own again u fuckin loser. Remember just cuz ur single celled brains cannot comprehend does not even slightly make anything "IMPOSSIBLE" walking on the moon was impossible, so was flying over the Atlantic, and traveling from coast to coast in less then 3 weeks! Think for a minute before u start acting like the knownit all badasses you most def are not... It Hurst when u land on ur fkn face trust me I know. But it made me fast better at what I do, mY e u guys should hurry the fuck up and fall already cuz it's looking like u need to step up ur game a bit, seeing how a meer peasant "NEWBIE" DID THE IMPOSSIBLE!!. Oh, I'm about 2 months from being able to test the seeds from another one of her cutting to see if they remained auto or if they changed as well, it's all for the sake of science cuz AGAIN NOONE KNOWS EVERYTHING WE LEARN WVERY TIME WE STEP FOOT IN THE GARDEN OR OUT THE DOOR. THE SECOND U THINK U KNOW EVERYTHING FIND SOMETHING NEW TO DO..


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Ok "friends" (and I use that term ever so loosely, and I dont wry or bother to "banish me" I DNT plan on coming back here anyways, for ppl that know it all, your facts are soooo fkn far from true u guys would be doing the entire growing community a favor if u smashed ur computers burned ur phones and forgot forums like this ever existed.. I thought there might be a wealth of knowledge here, and like myself ppl looking to learn try new things, as I'm always learning, cuz noone ever know everything about everything but hey that's just me.. but I deal with a wealth of fuckery and douchebagery DAILy as Is... Now my name might say "newbie" beside it but the fact that someone is new to a site u guys forget it's a fucking site, u guys might have been on here for 10 yrs.... Congrats, the past 20+ I've been in a garden not acting badass behind a computer looking for facts on Googe sesrch to spew at unknowing passers by so I can feel cool about myself, then u wake up the next day and FUCK I'm still 50 and live in my grandma's basement.... I've held back just to get the photographic proof to silence u half -wits and discourage anyone new coming here from listening to any of the garbage u type cuz the "VETERAN" tag beside your names did not come as a prize for having stellar gardens. It came from spending too much time on your fucking computers lol (which makes u a badass gardener OBV).... Here is an autoflower that when it was less then 2 weeks old I introduced to EXTREME stress almost to the point of death, which then I nursed bck to health for the sake of science and it's just what we do, I'm in this to learn, not to act like the almighty green thumbed God u like some others.. anyways this "autoflower" was dropped the beginning of the second week of February 2020, at first I wasn't sure what was going on, but them I noticed a few things and decided to ride it out and see for sure, which was when I met u fine folks which lit a fire under my ass even more to just be able to come back and do just this.. autoflower dropped in Feb. Stayed in veg throughout the entire grow all her sisters from the same batch started and finished, (I even contacted the company about this and consulted them. Cuts were taken in April, and if your theories were correct the mom the cuts were taken from would finish first, cuz once rooted it would follow it's life's course, and the clones having being taken months after the mom had recovered, would then finish next, along with the other cutting taken at the same time. Here's the mom and 2 of the cuts that were placed under 12/12 for 3 weeks one clone I left in the veg tent under 20/4 so being an autoflower, and the veg room still having 3000k boards in it, the cutting under 20/4 should have MATURED further along then the plants placed under 12/12 correct? Mhm wrong again! This plant as with all PLANts in mother nature's abilities surpass the thought process and ability to reason of even the most "well known of members " apparently as u can see from the side by side pic, one of these clones, all taken at the same time mind u is clearly further along then the others, and it's most def not the clone kept under 20/4 as I suspected this plants sheer will and determination to live surpassed it's desire to remain autoflower, it's plant kingdom fight or flight response sort of... It wants to live and will do so. No matter what it needs to do or change on order to do so to (in one way or another ) carry out its life course... Hard to comprehend I know esp from a "newbie" ITS PRETTY DEEP SHIT now I'm pretty sure u guys can tell the plants and which ones I'm speaking of by the pictures but I'm sure once u realize how wRONG U ARE, OR UR PROB those kind of ppl that will say" oh those are just random plants he blah blah blah‍♂️ I deal with ppl like u all the time sadly... Hopefully with a little help from God, if there is one, the plague of ignorance blanketing this world that manifests itself thru text warriors like u guys won't last forever I just hope maybe one of u is a little slower to cast judgement, cuz none of u are guru's CLEARLY! or even novices for that matter...,and most of all none of u know anyone else on heres abilities, backgrounds or have even actually seen their gardens... I hope to God anyone thinking about taking your Google search found factual advice and planning on putting it into action sees how fucking obsolete most of u guys actually are in the "big picture" and whoever the fuck up there said it's pointless to clone autos cuz it would only be a bud on a stick‍♂️♂️ omg, do any of those pictures look like a plant that would produce a single bud on a stick?
Oh btw, it might say "newbie by my name, ahem... And no I don't beg and harass anyone for anything free, and actually I worked my ass off for every penny that was put into my 10,000$ room. And in YEARS of doing this stuff, also working designing and installing nft and ebb'n'flo system got me some recognition and I actually had the companies I work with, seek me out, most of u probably run some of the stuff I tested... But I figured u prob already all knew that's well seeing how smart u guys came off as.... I'll probably get cussed out and maybe even ha e a sponsor drop me if they see this but if I can stop one poor souls from completely fucking up their shit cuz they listened to u, or just cuz they decided to Not try something
new cuz of your "words of encouragement" the greatest discoveries were made by mistakes being made... Remember that....your "abundance of knowledge" might have prevented a future ground breaking discovery just cuz u decided to cast shade instead of just letting it be, and keeping your opinions to yourself, cuz that is in fact exactly what they are. Opinions... All of u ha e a great day... And for gurus I'll say it again I'm EXTREMELY suprised how much u guys underestimate the abilities of this plant.... It is not "just a plant"...
.deep shit huh! And toadstool whatever the fuck ur name isnuo there, if u ever even muttered or whispered a word around me about anything to do with my parents breeding trying to be a smartass... dude....‍♂️♂️♂️ My mom's almost 100 and she would beat your fucking ass u fkn dweeb. Go Google search some pictures to Photoshop and call ur own again u fuckin loser. Remember just cuz ur single celled brains cannot comprehend does not even slightly make anything "IMPOSSIBLE" walking on the moon was impossible, so was flying over the Atlantic, and traveling from coast to coast in less then 3 weeks! Think for a minute before u start acting like the knownit all badasses you most def are not... It Hurst when u land on ur fkn face trust me I know. But it made me fast better at what I do, mY e u guys should hurry the fuck up and fall already cuz it's looking like u need to step up ur game a bit, seeing how a meer peasant "NEWBIE" DID THE IMPOSSIBLE!!. Oh, I'm about 2 months from being able to test the seeds from another one of her cutting to see if they remained auto or if they changed as well, it's all for the sake of science cuz AGAIN NOONE KNOWS EVERYTHING WE LEARN WVERY TIME WE STEP FOOT IN THE GARDEN OR OUT THE DOOR. THE SECOND U THINK U KNOW EVERYTHING FIND SOMETHING NEW TO DO..
Baaaaaaaahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaww I dunno man looks pretty legit, and I see ur a little HoTT tempered(with reason to be I guess cuz I also read what some of these guys wrote to u) and like I said before when I stopped in I thought it was a bit uncalled for.. I usually don't find reason to respect anyone's self proclaimed guru status's either I find theyr eusualky all suffering from how do they say, like the dude In The loud truck always reving his engine cuz it's loud and makes him feel big.. oh little dick syndrome omg anyways good job bro, looks like u actually pulled that one off.. unless I did just out some random flowering plant in there ‍♂️♂️ sry I couldnt help it, happy growing FAM and keep up the good work G*3nius!
Baaaaaaaahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaww I dunno man looks pretty legit, and I see ur a little HoTT tempered(with reason to be I guess cuz I also read what some of these guys wrote to u) and like I said before when I stopped in I thought it was a bit uncalled for.. I usually don't find reason to respect anyone's self proclaimed guru status's either I find theyr eusualky all suffering from how do they say, like the dude In The loud truck always reving his engine cuz it's loud and makes him feel big.. oh little dick syndrome omg anyways good job bro, looks like u actually pulled that one off.. unless I did just out some random flowering plant in there ‍♂️♂️ sry I couldnt help it, happy growing FAM and keep up the good work G*3nius!
Thnx man and I'm glad I cAn sense someone's sarcasm lol kinda on my level, seeni dbt even mind when ppl are being dicks, see Im Trying to be friends with u even:) lol just strikes a nerve sometimes, when some ppl act like they are just *soooooo special* lol and by calling you dumb and insulting u they're just totally confirming they are like 3 levels lower then the shyte u just composted and fed to ur plants. But the shyte they bring isn't even that useful is what it is I'm out bro got wrk to do I DNT xo.e on places like thiss to talk about gardening much cuz I'm actually gardening..‍♂️ later bro
I’m wicked confused was that rant and these full grown plant photos supposed to proved you revegged a plant that doesn’t veg? I think I said it before you did literally none of this start to finish to show us anything at all. Idk who got you so mad but I will just politely ask wtf are you talking about?? Your testing seeds now? We don’t know what you crossed with whatsoever first and foremost and second wasn’t this thread about vegging Auto clones? Which you can’t, I know because I literally actually tried it. If you wanna take a cutting off a clone and plant it and then veg it that would be something. But your not even doing that. Sorry can’t get behind this. I believe your plants look beautiful brother but the rest is very very far from even having a preponderance of evidence leading me to believe it’s legit. Your just like boom here’s plants and this is what happened believe suckers!!!!
I don't know to much about autos. But from what I hear . . what gain does trimming an auto give ya as to letting it do its thing as an auto? Just curious. . I know why id do it on my regulars but just wondering.
The same reason mate. Can do just about anything to an auto that you can with a photo. I've seen guys mainline them and get 10oz.
I've had a couple pounders after abusing them. Generally don't get much bigger than 4oz if I leave them alone to do their thing though.
Here's an auto that was topped, LST and heavily trimmed all the way through veg.
Had to cut it into 6 to get it down the attic hatch. 19/5 from seed to chop.
"Air layering" would maybe work better with autos than the usual cut n clone method. Would avoid the 2 week stunt while they root up cos the roots are grown before you take the cutting. If you don't know what I'm on about Google it and prepare to have your mind blown lol.
I've never seen anyone keep an auto in veg but I've seen a few dudes do some surprising shit from cloning them as experiments. Get a lot of things like that on afn as it's an almost entirely auto growing community.
"Air layering" would maybe work better with autos than the usual cut n clone method. Would avoid the 2 week stunt while they root up cos the roots are grown before you take the cutting. If you don't know what I'm on about Google it and prepare to have your mind blown lol.
I've never seen anyone keep an auto in veg but I've seen a few dudes do some surprising shit from cloning them as experiments. Get a lot of things like that on afn as it's an almost entirely auto growing community.
Autobeast is a Beast

After i see most of the answers given to people about autoflowering plants on here i PM and give them that link. ^^^^^
Autobeast is a Beast

Haha yeah I learned a lot from that thread mate. He's not as good as rambogarden or 912greenskell though. Go see what those guys can do with autos.
They make my pounders look like runts.
Rambos had them at 800g indoors using 15litre pots of coco and skell gets some of them well over a kilo outside in a big ol pile of horse shit.
Crazy good growers !
Right on I follow Autobeast and Man'O'Green

Haha yeah I learned a lot from that thread mate. He's not as good as rambogarden or 912greenskell though. Go see what those guys can do with autos.
They make my pounders look like runts.
Rambos had them at 800g indoors using 15litre pots of coco and skell gets some of them well over a kilo outside in a big ol pile of horse shit.
Crazy good growers !