So, how's Trump doing?

How would you rate Trump's responce to the virus?

  • Good, he's done the best he can

    Votes: 5 13.9%
  • Fair, he could have done better

    Votes: 2 5.6%
  • Miserable, he has the death's of thousands on his teeny tiny flaying hands.

    Votes: 29 80.6%

  • Total voters
I told you it was coming

WASHINGTON – The Federal Emergency Management Agency asked the Pentagon for 100,000 body bags, a chilling request as the COVID-19 pandemic spirals.

Known as mortuary pouches, the heavy-duty zippered bags are typically used in the military to contain the remains of troops killed in combat. Wednesday, more than 1,000 people died of the coronavirus in the USA, raising the death toll over 5,000. A week ago, the total was less than 1,300.

"The Department of Defense and the Defense Logistics Agency have a long-standing arrangement with FEMA to procure key commodities from DLA's industrial partners during crisis response operations,” Air Force Lt. Col. Michael Andrews, a Pentagon spokesman, said in a statement Thursday. “DLA is currently responding to FEMA's prudent planning efforts for 100,000 pouches to address mortuary contingencies on behalf of state health agencies."

So, unless you want too use old bedsheets for your Parents, get them now while they are still available on eBay (sold out on Amazon)
Here order your own directly from China, Trump will fuck that up too, order in bulk for your area. You can have an American flag silk screened on the white ones for veterans. (highlight, then left click, then select got to...) TOS violation to post this kind of link.
So Defense Production Act.

Per Trump, needed, not needed. Needed. Not needed. Needed. Not needed. Now it's needed again. For ventilators. Which Trump has stated the US has plenty of.

I think he took a dump on GM/Ventec when they told him how much it costs. They are going to make them anyway but the US Federal govt hasn't placed an order yet. The first ones are due to roll off the line middle of April with 10,000/month capacity thereafter.

On Friday, Trump told reporters that he thought Washington had an agreement with General Motors to manufacture the ventilators but said the company lowered its estimate of how many units it could produce and that "price became a big object."

I do hope they go through regulatory requirements before going to patients with them. This is one area where no heroics, development or invention is needed (sorry @DIY-HP-LED , but a person in an induced coma whose breathing and life depend on a ventilator 24/7 isn't the one to be experimenting with). If it were me, I'd throw money at this problem. But I'd inspect the shit out of the whole thing while writing those checks.
do hope they go through regulatory requirements before going to patients with them. This is one area where no heroics, development or invention is needed (sorry @DIY-HP-LED , but a person in an induced coma whose breathing and life depend on a ventilator 24/7 isn't the one to be experimenting with). If it were me, I'd throw money at this problem. But I'd inspect the shit out of the whole thing while writing those checks.
Unfortunately foggy desperate doctors are gonna be making the calls and will use anything at hand approved or not, including some MIT designed open source gizmo made by local engineers. Desperate times, desperate measures, I'm wondering why my own government didn't ramp up ventilator production in february, we make a good one for this shit. Unfortunately you can make all the ventilators you want, but it's not nearly as effective as personal distancing and other government mandated actions to reduce contagion.

The most powerful and richest nation on earth has been reduced to this horrible situation by dereliction of duty and monumental incompetence, we need not dwell on it, all know the news. We have been left scrambling for solutions, fortunately Canada is expected to come in under the hospitalisation and ventilator model curves, I hope! America and the UK, not so much and are desperately scrambling for solutions and tossing decades of regulation out the window (temporarily) and experimenting on people, unethical and immoral in normal times, but not now, they are dying anyway.

All the best in the USA, I figure you are on your own, order your own PPE, crowd source and fund raise for your own area. China has apparently anticipated your need and have lots, go to and look for wholesale lots, aliexpress has stuff in retail lots. If you buy for yourself, buy extra and donate it. Count on Trump to fuck this up too, he's off to a flying start, good luck to you folks and us all.
Unfortunately foggy desperate doctors are gonna be making the calls and will use anything at hand approved or not, including some MIT designed open source gizmo made by local engineers. Desperate times, desperate measures, I'm wondering why my own government didn't ramp up ventilator production in february, we make a good one for this shit. Unfortunately you can make all the ventilators you want, but it's not nearly as effective as personal distancing and other government mandated actions to reduce contagion.

The most powerful and richest nation on earth has been reduced to this horrible situation by dereliction of duty and monumental incompetence, we need not dwell on it, all know the news. We have been left scrambling for solutions, fortunately Canada is expected to come in under the hospitalisation and ventilator model curves, I hope! America and the UK, not so much and are desperately scrambling for solutions and tossing decades of regulation out the window (temporarily) and experimenting on people, unethical and immoral in normal times, but not now, they are dying anyway.

All the best in the USA, I figure you are on your own, order your own PPE, crowd source and fund raise for your own area. China has apparently anticipated your need and have lots, go to and look for wholesale lots, aliexpress has stuff in retail lots. If you buy for yourself, buy extra and donate it. Count on Trump to fuck this up too, he's off to a flying start, good luck to you folks and us all.
I think you misunderstand the difference between bandaging a cut and ICU.

When a person who is dying due to coronavirus related pneumonia is put onto a ventilator, they are induced into a coma and the ventilator does all their breathing for them for weeks, months, however long it takes. With a high tech ventilator the patient has 50% chance of living. On top of that, there are limited trained staff, so you don't want cobbled together crap that requires constant attention. You need reliable, trusted and familiar gear in that setting. I get the spirit you are bringing to this. Whatever it takes, right? A kid with a bicycle pump and duct tape perhaps. I'm just saying I'd go a different route. I'd throw money, not creativity at this problem. I'd pump whatever it takes to build a fleet of top of the line ventilators, ones that are duplicates of models already being used in ICUs and spend something like a billion dollars on them. Hold the prize money up and get the sharks to jump through hoops for it. I'd inspect the shit out of whoever wins the bids too.
I think he took a dump on GM/Ventec when they told him how much it costs. They are going to make them anyway but the US Federal govt hasn't placed an order yet. The first ones are due to roll off the line middle of April with 10,000/month capacity thereafter.

On Friday, Trump told reporters that he thought Washington had an agreement with General Motors to manufacture the ventilators but said the company lowered its estimate of how many units it could produce and that "price became a big object."

I do hope they go through regulatory requirements before going to patients with them. This is one area where no heroics, development or invention is needed (sorry @DIY-HP-LED , but a person in an induced coma whose breathing and life depend on a ventilator 24/7 isn't the one to be experimenting with). If it were me, I'd throw money at this problem. But I'd inspect the shit out of the whole thing while writing those checks.
PS check out and search for "mask making equipment" they apparently have lots of that too, a good crowd funded or fund raiser for your state or city. Look for logistical bottlenecks and equipment availability, etc local engineering expertise would be required, make it a nonprofit and get government help, money support etc. I believe the filter media is made in America too. A good group project for people with expertise in such things, money and willing hands should not be an issue for any organisation attempting mask manufacturer.
I think you misunderstand the difference between bandaging a cut and ICU.

When a person who is dying due to coronavirus related pneumonia is put onto a ventilator, they are induced into a coma and the ventilator does all their breathing for them for weeks, months, however long it takes. With a high tech ventilator the patient has 50% chance of living. On top of that, there are limited trained staff, so you don't want cobbled together crap that requires constant attention. You need reliable, trusted and familiar gear in that setting. I get the spirit you are bringing to this. Whatever it takes, right? A kid with a bicycle pump and duct tape perhaps. I'm just saying I'd go a different route. I'd throw money, not creativity at this problem. I'd pump whatever it takes to build a fleet of top of the line ventilators, ones that are duplicates of models already being used in ICUs and spend something like a billion dollars on them. Hold the prize money up and get the sharks to jump through hoops for it. I'd inspect the shit out of whoever wins the bids too.
Doctors and experts will be making the calls, breaking the regulations and protocols, they and I would like to see proper equipment, procedures and treatment protocols developed and used. I imagine most would try anything rather than face a family and explain why they had to play God, playing God is tough business and doctors are very tough people. In normal times doctors are just like scientists and engineers, peer reviewed studies, double blinded and all that, it these times they step back in time and use empirical methods until the proper research comes online and clinical trials are run and treatment protocols developed from them.

I posted an engineer's perspective on this, an EVBOG by a fellow from Australia, he looks at the metronics giveaway ventilator design and open source projects too. I'm an electronics geek too and he has some entertaining nerd stuff. A great idea too, a lot of electronics engineers go there for entertainment and he has a corner on the test equipment and component market, they make all the purchasing decisions, so he has no shortage of advetisers.
PS check out and search for "mask making equipment" they apparently have lots of that too, a good crowd funded or fund raiser for your state or city. Look for logistical bottlenecks and equipment availability, etc local engineering expertise would be required, make it a nonprofit and get government help, money support etc. I believe the filter media is made in America too. A good group project for people with expertise in such things, money and willing hands should not be an issue for any organisation attempting mask manufacturer.
I was talking about ventilators. Why you talking about masks?

Anyway, you check out We can agree to disagree on this. Both of us are armchair generals.
No they won't.
It's war foggy, lot's of shit happens in a war, we don't like it, but it happens.
I don't disagree on proper ventilators, but if they bring in a thousand from India that run on smartphones FDA regulations won't stand in the way and either will they for a thrown together open sourced MIT design. Your right though we are armchair generals, concerned and informed citizens too.

This mask manufacturing idea might be of some value though, if you want to make these things in America, you'll need them by the billions anyway. Make them locally, don't wait for Trump. We in Canada will face a PPE crunch too and this ain't a bad plan for us either, lot's of businesses and organizations will help out too, it will be required to get the economy back up and running too, By the end of summer mask use in public will be widespread, the CDC will probably change its view on it soon too.

Sometimes I feel like an old man in WWII sitting on the home front by the radio with a map of the world on the wall. Though we can help in this struggle by perhaps doing more than just sitting home killing time, we can communicate and work online too. They can fly in equipment and supplies from China in days though and Uncle Sam might even help with it, eventually. Do what ya can locally to help your community and self, there is gonna be a PPE shortage, it's up to all of us to help solve it, I say make it here and crowdsource and fundraise locally to do it quickly.

We have a few weeks before the problem becomes acute in Canada, in America it already is.
It's war foggy, lot's of shit happens in a war, we don't like it, but it happens.
I don't disagree on proper ventilators, but if they bring in a thousand from India that run on smartphones FDA regulations won't stand in the way and either will they for a thrown together open sourced MIT design. Your right though we are armchair generals, concerned and informed citizens too.

This mask manufacturing idea might be of some value though, if you want to make these things in America, you'll need them by the billions anyway. Make them locally, don't wait for Trump. We in Canada will face a PPE crunch too and this ain't a bad plan for us either, lot's of businesses and organizations will help out too, it will be required to get the economy back up and running too, By the end of summer mask use in public will be widespread, the CDC will probably change its view on it soon too.

Sometimes I feel like an old man in WWII sitting on the home front by the radio with a map of the world on the wall. Though we can help in this struggle by perhaps doing more than just sitting home killing time, we can communicate and work online too. They can fly in equipment and supplies from China in days though and Uncle Sam might even help with it, eventually. Do what ya can locally to help your community and self, there is gonna be a PPE shortage, it's up to all of us to help solve it, I say make it here and crowdsource and fundraise locally to do it quickly.

We have a few weeks before the problem becomes acute in Canada, in America it already is.
Just saying, they won't be blowing up protocols. Not in the ICUs. Too busy, too much at stake. I think you might have seen too many war movies or General Hospital episodes.

No invention is needed here. Not for ventilators. When dealing with so many unknowns, this is one issue that you can end with a large check. No need to gamble people's lives on untested or unfamiliar equipment too. Obviously, Trump doesn't think so, I'm just saying for enough money, you can get enough ventilators to meet needs to get us through the summer. We might see peak demand soon that exceeds supply but nothing you suggest would meet needs within a week or two in NY either. I'm talking about building enough reliable equipment and facilities to see us through a summer of chasing down hot spots and treating illnesses while we build herd immunity yet avoid spikes like is about to happen in the US very soon.
It isn't how he's doing, it's what is he doing, and the answer to that is he's hiring immigrant workers despite millions of citizens being out of work.

Why is it that the last while we've seen a bunch of Trumptards continuously saying immigrants are horrible? They need to ask Trump that question now.

Just saying, they won't be blowing up protocols. Not in the ICUs. Too busy, too much at stake. I think you might have seen too many war movies or General Hospital episodes.

No invention is needed here. Not for ventilators. When dealing with so many unknowns, this is one issue that you can end with a large check. No need to gamble people's lives on untested or unfamiliar equipment too. Obviously, Trump doesn't think so, I'm just saying for enough money, you can get enough ventilators to meet needs to get us through the summer. We might see peak demand soon that exceeds supply but nothing you suggest would meet needs within a week or two in NY either. I'm talking about building enough reliable equipment and facilities to see us through a summer of chasing down hot spots and treating illnesses while we build herd immunity yet avoid spikes like is about to happen in the US very soon.
Right now most of the panic by the medical community in America is for PPE, anyway they can get it, they aren't particular where it comes from as long as it's up to standard. Make masks in America, that's something that can be done quickly, by regular Americans working together, tens of billions will be needed, with normal leadership, military procurement measures would have been taken months ago and still aren't. I'm watching TV and Trump still doesn't want to let the logistic planners loose. Local people will have to band together and buy equipment from China or where ever it can be obtained and go for it like there's a war on, the troops need armour and are begging at every opportunity for it, it's an immediate issue. If you lose your front line healthcare workers it will get ugly real quick. Humans organize and the government failed federally, fall back to the state and local level, DIY and innovation for now I'm afraid. The quicker proper equipment is obtained and running in America the better, for masks and gloves at least, existing organisations and companies can be harnessed to do this locally. Whatever it takes.
Unfortunately foggy desperate doctors are gonna be making the calls and will use anything at hand approved or not, including some MIT designed open source gizmo made by local engineers.

A Minnesota doctor had the same idea March 15.

"the rapidly growing team is already nearing completion of their fourth prototype, has run successful tests on pigs and has manufacturing partners from around the country coming online. "

A Minnesota doctor had the same idea March 15.

"the rapidly growing team is already nearing completion of their fourth prototype, has run successful tests on pigs and has manufacturing partners from around the country coming online. "

I'ma stick to the fish tank cleaner myself.
I'ma stick to the fish tank cleaner myself.
I'm sure there are youtube videos with complete instructions, or there would be if Youtube didn't take them down. The only ones here who would try that shit are the Trumpers, so there would be no loss I suppose if I did some research on doses etc...