Pandemic 2020

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I'm doing a spreadsheet tomorrow & calculate how many chickens & lb.'s of beans & rice & frozen veggies I need for 3 months
I have enough food now in my new freezer for 3/4 weeks, but I'm going to max it.
I used to develop 3 day menus in the past but that no longer will be adequate it seems.
Now I have to plan on a monthly menu which is going to be a challenge for sure.
Oh well :)
I bet you could grow great tomatoes under lights.
We tried to order food last night since we can’t go out anymore

no deliveries until Friday

I’ve just decided to eat less. The worst isn’t even close yet. We’ve got months of this in our future
Buck if you have this and don't become too ill you'll be immune in a month or so and there should be a test to certify it. If your certified immune you'll be able to get employment, you be in demand or able to work as normal, provided you can find any. I don't think it will be that bad, put in a victory garden in the backyard if you can and are concerned.

If half of CA get the bug within 2 months it will be a disaster, but it will also mean a large majority of the population will be immune by fall, a half million or more Californians might be dead from the virus though. It doesn't include the cancer patients, heart attack and stroke victims and accident victims, who will die because the medical system is overwhelmed.
Buck if you have this and don't become too ill you'll be immune in a month or so and there should be a test to certify it. If your certified immune you'll be able to get employment, you be in demand or able to work as normal, provided you can find any. I don't think it will be that bad, put in a victory garden in the backyard if you can and are concerned.

If half of CA get the bug within 2 months it will be a disaster, but it will also mean a large majority of the population will be immune by fall, a half million or more Californians might be dead from the virus though. It doesn't include the cancer patients, heart attack and stroke victims and accident victims, who will die because the medical system is overwhelmed.
This is just the first pass thru, it will take 18 months to work it's self out
The guy has been rambling on basically denying there's a really big problem going on here, I'm stuck in my home with my wife & son & I have no more Jameson & only 3 cans of beer left, so, I'm not in a good mood.
Sorry for the screaming :)
Because I’m not a hysterical fear monger , I don’t believe there is a problem? I’ve lived through many hurricanes in FL & seen someone get stabbed over a bag of ice ! I know what desperate people are capable of , that’s more scary then the cause imo ! At least you have power to keep your 3 beers cold ya fricking drunk !
This is just the first pass thru, it will take 18 months to work it's self out
They will have a vaccine rolled out by then, perhaps sooner for the vulnerable and elderly, to save lives, everybody else waits until the trials are done. We will see, this is a novel situation and a novel virus, things might change quickly, other countries could just act and vaccinate certain populations too
Buck if you have this and don't become too ill you'll be immune in a month or so and there should be a test to certify it. If your certified immune you'll be able to get employment, you be in demand or able to work as normal, provided you can find any. I don't think it will be that bad, put in a victory garden in the backyard if you can and are concerned.

If half of CA get the bug within 2 months it will be a disaster, but it will also mean a large majority of the population will be immune by fall, a half million or more Californians might be dead from the virus though. It doesn't include the cancer patients, heart attack and stroke victims and accident victims, who will die because the medical system is overwhelmed.
Lol @ testing
Lol @ testing
A Massachusetts woman who has already been fighting cancer is now facing down the coronavirus — and a $35,000 bill for a virus test.
I'm doing a spreadsheet tomorrow & calculate how many chickens & lb.'s of beans & rice & frozen veggies I need for 3 months
I have enough food now in my new freezer for 3/4 weeks, but I'm going to max it.
I used to develop 3 day menus in the past but that no longer will be adequate it seems.
Now I have to plan on a monthly menu which is going to be a challenge for sure.
Oh well :)
Trade you’re 3 beers for a bologna sandwich or two lol ! I got 2 fresh sides of organic black angus cut & vacuum sealed from the Amish meat market in deep freezers . It costs way more to run that then my 1000w QB’s & COBS put priorities are a bitch lol!
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Carrying Donald's water after this fiasco is not the way to a peaceful life, at least around here. If you think Trump is fit for office you are delusional, he's worse than useless in this crises, he dangerous. A stunning failure of leadership that has directly threatened your own life and that of many North Americans. Firing the pandemic response team in 2018, failure to prepare when clear evidence indicated this months ago, incompetence and dangerous lies over testing, masks and PPE, failures to initiate and oversee preparations by mustering national resources. He even contributed to the spread by incompetently evacuating people back to the states.

If you're carrying Donald's water at this point or even for the last 3 years, you are the one who is deranged. WTF are you trying to convince about you're alternate bullshit reality. Face it, the only reason you support Trump is because you're a bigot and your fear and hate have so warped your mind and blinded your senses, that you still support this evil fool in the face of a mountain of evidence that he is dangerous and unfit.

It's the bald faced truth and you know it. Do the Devil's work long enough and you become indistinguishable from him. The line between good and evil could not be more stark and obvious, which side are you on? Blood is being spilled over this now and the numbers will grow to unbelievable proportions soon, most of the deaths could have been prevented in North America with decent leadership in the USA.

Jesus Christ, your perspective is astounding and your disconnection from reality is profound. Even Tucker Carlson came around, Hannity is a psycho like Trump. Government by sociopath, look it up and see if the description fits Donald, or even you.

He's carrying Donald's ball sack on his chin and Donald's orange penis down his throat
We tried to order food last night since we can’t go out anymore

no deliveries until Friday

I’ve just decided to eat less. The worst isn’t even close yet. We’ve got months of this in our future
You have to eat less because you can’t get food delivered? You didn’t decide shit ! you can’t eat what you don’t have lol! Hopefully someone will give you a fish or a lesson lol.
What's the problem? Falsified information is what I've been saying this entire thread, why would I suddenly agree with all the numbers we are being told? False.

What do the numbers matter if it's all a big lie, what I'm telling you FogDog is that War is about to start, Civil and World War , this is the beginning of a new age that's foreign to everyone alive, but you need to realize what's begun has something worse than a virus behind it, Civil War in America will spill over into world war.

You can't continue to trust the information of the past Age, that age is going to fade more as this continues forwards, attach yourself to what world news is telling you and you then welcome yourself to being caught off guard when the bloodshed begins.

Still not answering his or any other questions.

Locations with Confirmed COVID-19 Cases, by WHO Region
  • Algeria
  • Benin
  • Burkina Faso
  • Cabo Verde
  • Cameroon
  • Central African Republic
  • Chad
  • Congo
  • Equatorial Guinea
  • Eswatini
  • Democratic Republic of Congo
  • Ethiopia
  • Gabon
  • Gambia
  • Ghana
  • Guinea
  • Ivory Coast (Côte d’Ivoire)
  • Kenya
  • Liberia
  • Mauritania
  • Namibia
  • Niger
  • Nigeria
  • Rwanda
  • Senegal
  • Seychelles
  • Somalia
  • South Africa
  • Sudan
  • Tanzania
  • Togo
  • Zambia
  • Zimbabwe
  • Antigua and Barbuda
  • Argentina
  • Barbados
  • Bolivia
  • Brazil
  • Canada
  • Chile
  • Colombia
  • Costa Rica
  • Cuba
  • Dominican Republic
  • Ecuador
  • El Salvador
  • French Guiana
  • Guadalupe
  • Guatemala
  • Guyana
  • Haiti
  • Honduras
  • Jamaica
  • Martinique
  • Mexico
  • Nicaragua
  • Panama
  • Paraguay
  • Peru
  • Saint Lucia
  • Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
  • Suriname
  • Trinidad and Tobago
  • Uruguay
  • United States
Eastern Mediterranean
  • Afghanistan
  • Bahrain
  • Djibouti
  • Egypt
  • Iran
  • Iraq
  • Jordan
  • Kuwait
  • Lebanon
  • Morocco
  • Oman
  • Pakistan
  • Qatar
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Tunisia
  • United Arab Emirates
  • Albania
  • Andorra
  • Armenia
  • Austria
  • Azerbaijan
  • Belarus
  • Belgium
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Bulgaria
  • Croatia
  • Cyprus
  • Czechia
  • Denmark
  • Estonia
  • Finland
  • France
  • Georgia
  • Germany
  • Gibraltar
  • Greece
  • Holy See (Vatican City)
  • Hungary
  • Iceland
  • Ireland
  • Israel
  • Italy
  • Kazakhstan
  • Kyrgyzstan
  • Latvia
  • Liechtenstein
  • Lithuania
  • Luxembourg
  • Malta
  • Moldova
  • Monaco
  • Montenegro
  • Netherlands
  • North Macedonia
  • Norway
  • Poland
  • Portugal
  • Romania
  • Russia

  • San Marino
  • Serbia
  • Slovakia
  • Slovenia
  • Spain
  • Sweden
  • Switzerland
  • Turkey
  • Ukraine
  • United Kingdom
South-East Asia
  • Bangladesh
  • Bhutan
  • India
  • Indonesia
  • Maldives
  • Mongolia
  • Nepal
  • North Korea
  • Sri Lanka
  • Thailand
Western Pacific
  • Australia
  • Brunei Darussalam
  • Cambodia
  • China
  • Fiji
  • Hong Kong
  • Japan
  • Macau
  • Malaysia
  • New Zealand
  • Philippines
  • Republic of Korea
  • Singapore
  • Taiwan
  • Vietnam

But wait Italy.................

Why would Italy be on total lockdown and like stacking the bodies high, when supposedly most of the Earth now has cases in each country?

Why didn't anyone else (as a nation) build a hospital in 2 days?

Do you feel that China couldn't support Nazism just because they are residing in Asia and speak their own languages? Why wouldn't they take aim at our socioeconomic's in this day in age, it had to happen eventually?

Did you not sense the fear based choreography that was broadcasted from every angle towards us, the sudden rush of information was a clear sign that something above the normal was being pressed into our minds, look how many people it's still affecting, people are stuck in the twilight zone around me, but time is as is was before for me because I see what's being constructed, I'm not right about everything always but I decided this is too serious not to speak up, daunting times are ahead but if you know the truth you will be better equiped to tackle what's being hidden between the lies and the changes that are coming.

I waited 2 days to even begin my first reply to this thread back on Thursday, I wanted to absorb as much as I could before speaking, but I'm not attached to an information source, I'm just going off what I'm sensing/reading/seeing/meditating on, I'm not watching endless amounts of news and propaganda, I'm going off my own logic, my answer is logic and insight defeats any questions/problems if enough information is gathered.

Nothing superhuman about what I'm visualising and comprehending about this situation, I simply see through things, then build my understanding around clues that are surrounding this form of hysteria.

Oh look it's another copy paste job and looks like there is gap where 3 countries have been taken out. Edit information much?
I don't follow the news so what about myself? I'm getting my information from backed up bodies who get peer reviewed ALL THE FUCKING TIME!

I'm sorry I overlooked your post, I didn't realize you'd feel the need to lash out at me this way, what's your problem anyhow, why so much anger?

I said World War is coming to warn others, why should I be banned, I'm being peaceful with others here who have been vile towards me, I didn't expect you to respond this way, but your true colors must be bleeding through, you need to go wash up, you've made a mess of yourself.

He started this thread in the first place and has had to see you spouting all this unintelligible nonsense, I think he has been trying to hold his tongue personally and the stupidity has gotten too much for him to bear. This is like sport for me, not getting angry at any of your replies, just laughing my ass off that there are people like you out there.

They didn't just out nowhere come up with a test out of thin air Fogdog, the tests you are concerned with are skewed, the test number results aren't accurate.

You think we can just magically ask virologist to instantly come with a test out of nowhere, as if there's just an expresslane to tracking some random deadly disease, get real all of you!

Look at how you've just blindly accepted that the tests are pure and like heaven sent from a laboratory out in some foreign country, and yeah they got an award for that too, isn't that special, why don't we put our lives in their hands?

If our country is under attack from an outward enemy isn't it proper to discuss this seriously, I'm trying to figure out why war is about to come about because of a virus, and I get cursed out and discredited by anyone still trapped to the old model, America is changing within the Government and war is headed our way, but people want to yell and create division, I appreciate that you are speaking to me as a human being and taking my words into consideration, thank you friend.

But you said in a previous post that the world has known about this since November. That's almost 6 months ago, so not a short time to get tests made. Think you are forgetting some of these so called facts you have been giving us(without credible links, just copy paste jobs).

I went out for a walk in the dark with just a T-shirt on in the light cold rain for just a moment, I saw your previous post, thank you for allowing for common ground between us, take care wherever you are located as well friend, and please continue enjoying life however you may, let us reach the end of this tunnel together shall we?

Anyone who's seen me around on the forum knows I'm not here to stir sh#t up, I come out when I feel something serious needs to be spoken, I've never gotten this involved into a post this deep since I joined this forum 4 years back, if I am wrong about this I agree to my account being erased and my IP address forever banned, I'm not someone who would cause harm and spead disinformation to anyone ever, I'm seeing something here I've never seen before, I'm fully aware how insane what I'm telling everyone here sounds, I don't need to be told how terrible again and again I am because of it dear friends, I'm having anxiety too I'm trying to be a window to others from what I have realized. Gen Y here btw.

Seems to me like you are stirring shit up right now and spreading disinformation. You have still yet to cite a credible source for you so called information or even a link to this information. Again only copy paste jobs.

I kept it short and sweet for you this time dear.
Others are giving links to their information, where you are just telling us it's false information without giving any proof yourself.
Can you not see how hard it is for anybody to take you seriously when you are not giving credible information that can be backed up?
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I just finished my last bottle of Jameson (God willing :) ) & this fucking shit song came into my head again (I'm pretty high), & I just want to share my misery with the World on RIU (That's what I habitually do, just in case you haven't noticed)
Does anyone else think that the Irish are a race of moaners?
I do, and it's very fucking sad.... :)
Im not sure but I knew this one Irish girl once....
I went out for a walk in the dark with just a T-shirt on in the light cold rain for just a moment, I saw your previous post, thank you for allowing for common ground between us, take care wherever you are located as well friend, and please continue enjoying life however you may, let us reach the end of this tunnel together shall we?

Anyone who's seen me around on the forum knows I'm not here to stir sh#t up, I come out when I feel something serious needs to be spoken, I've never gotten this involved into a post this deep since I joined this forum 4 years back, if I am wrong about this I agree to my account being erased and my IP address forever banned, I'm not someone who would cause harm and spead disinformation to anyone ever, I'm seeing something here I've never seen before, I'm fully aware how insane what I'm telling everyone here sounds, I don't need to be told how terrible again and again I am because of it dear friends, I'm having anxiety too I'm trying to be a window to others from what I have realized. Gen Y here btw.
If you are legit who you say, what else are you reading/watching to get this information that you are believing? Who is influencing what it is that you believe to the point that you are posting here that this is a hoax?

Are you getting stuff on your FB feed or other sites? If so post it, let us see if it stands up to scrutiny.

I've never gotten this involved into a post this deep since I joined this forum 4 years back,

Hmmm what was going on 4 years ago...
Looks like they are ready to throw Las Vegas to the wolves, a lot of old people live there....
Las Vegas mayor, Nevada governor spar over casino closures
Las Vegas Mayor Carolyn Goodman became an outspoken outlier by declaring that her city should be allowed to stay open for business.
“Our economy depends on tourism and being open for dining, entertainment, gaming, sports,” Goodman said in a prepared speech before the Las Vegas City Council."...

The mafia has bills.
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