Pandemic 2020

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I'll be signing a DNR if I think I've got it.
That's a heavy thing for your wife to deal with if it happens. I totally understand the concern, though. Still, though, I can't fathom what it would be like if I survive my spouse. I'm going to do what I can to not make my wife go through that. I don't know if your situation and it's none of my business but I have no doubt there are others who will have a hole in them where you were if you go.

But dude, I expect to see your dumb posts here after we come out the other side. You are like a stink bug. Can't squash them. You'll survive.
They didn't just out nowhere come up with a test out of thin air Fogdog, the tests you are concerned with are skewed, the test number results aren't accurate.

You think we can just magically ask virologist to instantly come with a test out of nowhere, as if there's just an expresslane to tracking some random deadly disease, get real all of you!

Look at how you've just blindly accepted that the tests are pure and like heaven sent from a laboratory out in some foreign country, and yeah they got an award for that too, isn't that special, why don't we put our lives in their hands?

If our country is under attack from an outward enemy isn't it proper to discuss this seriously, I'm trying to figure out why war is about to come about because of a virus, and I get cursed out and discredited by anyone stick trapped to the old model, America is changing within the Government and war is headed our way, but people want to yell and create division, I appreciate that you ate speaking to me as a human being and taking my words into consideration, thank you friend.
Who is attacking this country?
Aww someone’s feelings are hurt because he said the 1000’s of people dying is a hoax.........give me a fucking break. Yes he’s possibly mentally ill and if that’s the case ........ well opps but seriously WTF. We own what we say and he owns it so fuck him and the crazy horse he road in on. And no the dog didn’t eat my glasses lol.
My fucking dog ate my glasses OK, and I'm not in a good mood & I'm basically sick of reading your inane thoughts, is that explanation enough for you?
Did I clear things up?
Good, have a nice life (what's left of it)
I went out for a walk in the dark with just a T-shirt on in the light cold rain for just a moment, I saw your previous post, thank you for allowing for common ground between us, take care wherever you are located as well friend, and please continue enjoying life however you may, let us reach the end of this tunnel together shall we?

Anyone who's seen me around on the forum knows I'm not here to stir sh#t up, I come out when I feel something serious needs to be spoken, I've never gotten this involved into a post this deep since I joined this forum 4 years back, if I am wrong about this I agree to my account being erased and my IP address forever banned, I'm not someone who would cause harm and spead disinformation to anyone ever, I'm seeing something here I've never seen before, I'm fully aware how insane what I'm telling everyone here sounds, I don't need to be told how terrible again and again I am because of it dear friends, I'm having anxiety too I'm trying to be a window to others from what I have realized. Gen Y here btw.
They were talking about closing the liquor stores here, sales shot up 3x, it will make the toilet paper panic look tame. PS Buy a brewing kit and acquaint yerself with the art of brewing fine beer, and or wine. The Co2 generated by brewing helps with the grow too, if ya can grow pot you can brew beer.
Apparently Colorado has more liquor stores per capita than just about anywhere else

the beer aisle in the grocery store looked nearly untouched the last time I was able to go there, and had been ever since the panic hit here on Thursday the 12th.

my main concern now is food. I honestly believe that it will start being rationed as the pandemic hits its peak in the next month or two
I honestly believe that it will start being rationed as the pandemic hits its peak in the next month or two
Only to prevent panic buying, people want to buy more and go less often a sensible plan. Ya figure you folks got the bug?

Anyway the toilet paper panic is solved, I've calculated I've got enough bum wad for 150 days using this handy dandy calculator

Only to prevent panic buying, people want to buy more and go less often a sensible plan. Ya figure you folks got the bug?

Anyway the toilet paper panic is solved, I've calculated I've got enough bum wad for 150 days using this handy dandy calculator

2 Years?!.......i must have figured something wrong :o
Looks like they are ready to throw Las Vegas to the wolves, a lot of old people live there....
Las Vegas mayor, Nevada governor spar over casino closures
Las Vegas Mayor Carolyn Goodman became an outspoken outlier by declaring that her city should be allowed to stay open for business.
“Our economy depends on tourism and being open for dining, entertainment, gaming, sports,” Goodman said in a prepared speech before the Las Vegas City Council."...

Looks like they are ready to throw Las Vegas to the wolves, a lot of old people live there....
Las Vegas mayor, Nevada governor spar over casino closures
Las Vegas Mayor Carolyn Goodman became an outspoken outlier by declaring that her city should be allowed to stay open for business.
“Our economy depends on tourism and being open for dining, entertainment, gaming, sports,” Goodman said in a prepared speech before the Las Vegas City Council."...

They do gamble in Vegas, looks like they want to roll the dice, or bones as they say. All bets are off, gameover. Unfortunately what happens in Vegas doesn't stay in Vegas when it comes to the coronavirus.
Apparently Colorado has more liquor stores per capita than just about anywhere else

the beer aisle in the grocery store looked nearly untouched the last time I was able to go there, and had been ever since the panic hit here on Thursday the 12th.

my main concern now is food. I honestly believe that it will start being rationed as the pandemic hits its peak in the next month or two
I'm doing a spreadsheet tomorrow & calculate how many chickens & lb.'s of beans & rice & frozen veggies I need for 3 months
I have enough food now in my new freezer for 3/4 weeks, but I'm going to max it.
I used to develop 3 day menus in the past but that no longer will be adequate it seems.
Now I have to plan on a monthly menu which is going to be a challenge for sure.
Oh well :)
Looks like they are ready to throw Las Vegas to the wolves, a lot of old people live there....
Las Vegas mayor, Nevada governor spar over casino closures
Las Vegas Mayor Carolyn Goodman became an outspoken outlier by declaring that her city should be allowed to stay open for business.
“Our economy depends on tourism and being open for dining, entertainment, gaming, sports,” Goodman said in a prepared speech before the Las Vegas City Council."...

Stay away from sin city JJ, surely the Lord thy God will smite it in his righteous wrath during these times of tribulation, surely sodom will be struck down! Looks like the mayor will be the agent of it too.
I went out for a walk in the dark with just a T-shirt on in the light cold rain for just a moment, I saw your previous post, thank you for allowing for common ground between us, take care wherever you are located as well friend, and please continue enjoying life however you may, let us reach the end of this tunnel together shall we?

Anyone who's seen me around on the forum knows I'm not here to stir sh#t up, I come out when I feel something serious needs to be spoken, I've never gotten this involved into a post this deep since I joined this forum 4 years back, if I am wrong about this I agree to my account being erased and my IP address forever banned, I'm not someone who would cause harm and spead disinformation to anyone ever, I'm seeing something here I've never seen before, I'm fully aware how insane what I'm telling everyone here sounds, I don't need to be told how terrible again and again I am because of it dear friends, I'm having anxiety too I'm trying to be a window to others from what I have realized. Gen Y here btw.
Sorry, but I have to ask,

This isn't some deep state zionists puppet masters are taking over the world kind of thing is it?
I'm doing a spreadsheet tomorrow & calculate how many chickens & lb.'s of beans & rice & frozen veggies I need for 3 months
I have enough food now in my new freezer for 3/4 weeks, but I'm going to max it.
I used to develop 3 day menus in the past but that no longer will be adequate it seems.
Now I have to plan on a monthly menu which is going to be a challenge for sure.
Oh well :)
We tried to order food last night since we can’t go out anymore

no deliveries until Friday

I’ve just decided to eat less. The worst isn’t even close yet. We’ve got months of this in our future
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