Pandemic 2020

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Are you saying 650 more people did not die due to complications with Coronavirus over the past 24 hours as Italy reported?
What I'm saying is that they are sensationalizing the numbers to a conflated level that society will accept through numbers, numerology has an impact on society especially when it is combined with fear.

Just because someone opens a Lemonade stand doesn't mean that product that you shall receive is made with 'real' sugar & lemons.

The question is why have thousands of people worldwide decided to cooperate in a grand Viral deception to the masses?
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So, what is it you are trying to convince us of?
Nothing, it's not about debate, it's about "triggering the Libs" and attempting to prove that a homeschooled bigoted moron is smarter than them tar edumacated and cultured liberals. He just generally wants to sow discord and disunity, constantly looking for wedge issues etc, Completely blind to what is happening around him, he's failing to pick up on the signals that normal humans do, a blind man stumbling around in the bright sunshine. He is oblivious like another troll or two here to the connection of empathy that binds us humans together foggy, the ties of love and caring, he's like Donald, in situation like this these types are worse than useless.
There is no way to know what the final totals are going to be but looking at the figures now there is a 12% mortality rate which is still pretty god damn high for just "the flu".

We really don't know the mortality rate. It is not that high though. We can't know the mmortality rate, because we don't know how many have been infected. The number of cases only resembles the ammount of test that are being done and the tests are targeted those who are most likely positive. No way to know how wide spread the virus is in the whole population.
I think the 14% figure was taken from the total deaths over the total recovered, where I am taking the figure from the total death over the balance of total deaths and total recovered.
There are more confirmed cases, but not knowing if they are going to recover or not you cannot take that into account when looking at the actual death rate.
Yep, that math makes complete sense.
Finally progress

So there is no way to know the real number is what you’re saying? Which is another reason not to freak out.
Math is confusing for you I see.
What I'm saying is that they are sensationalizing the numbers to a conflated level that society will accept through numbers, numerology has an impact on society especially when it is combined with fear.

Just because someone opens a Lemonade stand doesn't mean that product that you shall receive is made with 'real' sugar & lemons.

The question is why have thousands of people worldwide decided to cooperate in a grand Viral deception to the masses?
I cannot believe you are still spouting this rhetoric.
We really don't know the mortality rate. It is not that high though. We can't know the mmortality rate, because we don't know how many have been infected. The number of cases only resembles the ammount of test that are being done and the tests are targeted those who are most likely positive. No way to know how wide spread the virus is in the whole population.
I admit I am no scientist but I am following the numbers that are currently available. I wouldn't want to use the total confirmed cases over the number of deaths as we don't know if the remaining cases who have not died or recovered are going to die or recover.
The point of the matter is this shouldn't be nonchalantly swept under the rug. Many millions across the globe may die due to this which is a serious matter.
I just finished my last bottle of Jameson (God willing :) ) & this fucking shit song came into my head again (I'm pretty high), & I just want to share my misery with the World on RIU (That's what I habitually do, just in case you haven't noticed)
Does anyone else think that the Irish are a race of moaners?
I do, and it's very fucking sad.... :)
What I'm saying is that they are sensationalizing the numbers to a conflated level that society will accept through numbers, numerology has an impact on society especially when it is combined with fear.

Just because someone opens a Lemonade stand doesn't mean that product that you shall receive is made with 'real' sugar & lemons.

The question is why have thousands of people worldwide decided to cooperate in a grand Viral deception to the masses?
blah, blah, blah but not a clear statement.

Simple answer to this question:

Is this statement true or false:

Italy reached a grim milestone on Friday, with 627 people dying from the coronavirus in the country, making it not only the deadliest day, but the deadliest day worldwide since the outbreak began. That record was broken the very next day, as Italy reported an additional 793 deaths on Saturday.

True or false?
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