Pandemic 2020

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How does a government keep a Lie perpetual such as this virus is being perpetuated? Continue the Lie through the peoples trust in science and credentials that these Doctor's have backing up their claims, people wouldn't dare doubt that a 'test kit' would be used against them by a trustworthy & caring doctor/biologist.

Look at how quickly the test kits were developed, just how much trust can we place into something that has placebo written all over it? What if only 10% of the test kits are even really active kits that show proof of anything, how hard would it be to just have a kit that indicates influenza for some, and the Lie hidden being that the kits were developed to react to a designated predisposition to a common virus, and then have some that randomly indicate that the dreaded CoronaVirus is creating the illness that any such person has contracted or became sickened by.

You see fear can exist within a test kit, belief and faith in science and doctors is like a religion for many, people just accept what they are given from the Medical community because why wouldn't doctor's who have a background in human health and wellness, have our health in their best interest?

Over in Italy, the common people don't have control over the numbers that their government is releasing, much like here in America, whether we agree with war or not our country decides what will occur with or without our approval, people in Italy know their gov is lying and inflating the numbers, and going off of faulty test kits, but just because people know what's happening and are aware of a fallacy taking place before them, they have No control what their deepstate gov forces them to do, becoming a fascist like state suddenly as Italy has because of a virus, it's all very visible to those with eyes to see it.
How does a government keep a Lie perpetual such as this virus is being perpetuated? Continue the Lie through the peoples trust in science and credentials that these Doctor's have backing up their claims, people wouldn't dare doubt that a 'test kit' would be used against them by a trustworthy & caring doctor/biologist.

Look at how quickly the test kits were developed, just how much trust can we place into something that has placebo written all over it? What if only 10% of the test kits are even really active kits that show proof of anything, how hard would it be to just have a kit that indicates influenza for some, and the Lie hidden being that the kits were developed to react to a designated predisposition to a common virus, and then have some that randomly indicate that the dreaded CoronaVirus is creating the illness that any such person has contracted or became sickened by.

You see fear can exist within a test kit, belief and faith in science and doctors is like a religion for many, people just accept what they are given from the Medical community because why wouldn't doctor's who have a background in human health and wellness, have our health in their best interest?

Over in Italy, the common people don't have control over the numbers that their government is releasing, much like here in America, whether we agree with war or not our country decides what will occur with or without our approval, people in Italy know their gov is lying and inflating the numbers, and going off of faulty test kits, but just because people know what's happening and are aware of a fallacy taking place before them, they have No control what their deepstate gov forces them to do, becoming a fascist like state suddenly as Italy has because of a virus, it's all very visible to those with eyes to see it.

What if...? What if...? What if...?
Only the strong survive it’s gods will

If there was a god (there isn't any such sky daddy deity by the way), why did he create the virus? Or the flu for that matter?

"I will create the flu. It'll kill a bunch of people. I'll let the strong survive. I'm doing this because I find it entertaining to kill weak people." -God

Or are you trying to say that Trump is god?
This was the first concert I went to after Vietnam, at the LA Forum. some high school friends bought me a ticket. I think i was 3 days from the jungle. I dropped acid for the first time......o_O

I was at that concert too- it was the first concert I ever went to, and the first time I smoked pot (actually hash)

At one point Mark said "this is for everyone who smokes marijuana!", and then they launched into "Inside Looking Out"

I remember thinking "he's talking to me now", and how I had been transformed and would never be the same

They actually played 2 dates at the Forum in 1971- one in February, and one in October

I think I was at the one in October as I was a freshman in highschool
How does a government keep a Lie perpetual such as this virus is being perpetuated? Continue the Lie through the peoples trust in science and credentials that these Doctor's have backing up their claims, people wouldn't dare doubt that a 'test kit' would be used against them by a trustworthy & caring doctor/biologist.

Look at how quickly the test kits were developed, just how much trust can we place into something that has placebo written all over it? What if only 10% of the test kits are even really active kits that show proof of anything, how hard would it be to just have a kit that indicates influenza for some, and the Lie hidden being that the kits were developed to react to a designated predisposition to a common virus, and then have some that randomly indicate that the dreaded CoronaVirus is creating the illness that any such person has contracted or became sickened by.

You see fear can exist within a test kit, belief and faith in science and doctors is like a religion for many, people just accept what they are given from the Medical community because why wouldn't doctor's who have a background in human health and wellness, have our health in their best interest?

Over in Italy, the common people don't have control over the numbers that their government is releasing, much like here in America, whether we agree with war or not our country decides what will occur with or without our approval, people in Italy know their gov is lying and inflating the numbers, and going off of faulty test kits, but just because people know what's happening and are aware of a fallacy taking place before them, they have No control what their deepstate gov forces them to do, becoming a fascist like state suddenly as Italy has because of a virus, it's all very visible to those with eyes to see it.

Are you saying 650 more people did not die due to complications with Coronavirus over the past 24 hours as Italy reported?
I was at that concert too- it was the first concert I ever went to, and the first time I smoked pot (actually hash)

At one point Mark said "this is for everyone who smokes marijuana!", and then they launched into "Inside Looking Out"

I remember thinking "he's talking to me now", and how I had been transformed and would never be the same

They actually played 2 dates at the Forum in 1971- one in February, and one in October

I think I was at the one in October as I was a freshman in highschool
It was October....and I'm pretty sure he was talking to me...:eyesmoke:
Like in most things trump takes up all the oxygen in the room and his performance was and is jaw dropping, Trump is why I ended up here in politics. Like I said we never heard too much from the medical or scientific community about problems in Canada, now that cases are increasing the system is starting to strain and we are hearing about issues. Issues like shortages of the chemicals needed to do tests and swabs etc. I thought we were testing vigorously and we are, compared to the USA, but not nearly enough. A lot of news about issues here is recent and it's the same everywhere, some governments and people not taking it seriously enough. Things are shutting down more each day here in NS, we've got about 15 cases and if we peek at 200 known in a couple of weeks, I'll be relieved

On the ground here Dudley I'm taking it very seriously at my local level and I'm doing everything in my power to help my community. I'm gonna talk to the local volunteer fire dept about a PPE drive from workshops and garages, also give a chance to those who bought up masks to give them away. They can set up drive thru drop off bins for glasses, face shield, reperators and other useful items. I 'm focusing closer to home, but the big news continues to come out of the states and I figure they are twice as bad off as we are in terms of infection rate and we are about a week ahead of tightening up our ship and social isolating. Even though you see crowds, many are taking what precautions they can and most people are taking this very seriously, the older the more serious.

I'm 65 myself, my health is good and I'm hunkered down and staying that way except to go out to buy groceries. I think the longer you can avoid this illness the better off you will be in terms of treatment options and survivability. Please do some homework on vitamin D, I'm taking 3000 !Us a day now and I'm getting sun at the first opportunity. It might reduce the chances of getting this bug (bigger viral load required) and help you avoid the worse effects if you do get it. Don't take my word for it, google me and make sure your family and friends are not deficient. It's hard to OD on vitamin D, even though it's oil based. It might be the best thing you can do, check out some videos Dudley, this is solid science, have a boo, most people are vit D deficient this time of year.
I take 1000 a day lol. I’m all good jsyk, when this all started I was saying take it serious (heard 100 times everyone, including me were overreacting) but don’t panic. Now I’m saying take it extremely serious but still don’t panic. The quicker we get through this the less impact it will have on the world as we know it. I am having a teleconference tomorrow re work plan with owner and it will be emergencies only response and volunteers only. That’s to start, envisioning a total shutdown by weeks end.
Compassion is staying home and not spreading
Panicking is going and emptying shelves selfishly
oh, hi

Its so good to see that you are back so soon.

Say, I was wondering if you could answer a question I asked a while back. I'm sure you were very busy and so just forgot to answer it. You seemed very earnest about convincing us of something but it wasn't clear exactly what it was. I was wondering if you could please explain what it is that you were trying to convince us about?
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