Pandemic 2020

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I’m saying it’s not just republicans fooling people. It’s both parties. If you can’t see that you’re leaning too far your way.
So what about the flu? Are we all fooled and it’s just another normal flu? You keep saying we should equally be worried about all the other stuff going on and this is not anymore concerning. Could you elaborate. Also curious if you devote your time to any opioid crisis, homeless, etc., cause?
So what about the flu? Are we all fooled and it’s just another normal flu? You keep saying we should equally be worried about all the other stuff going on and this is not anymore concerning. Could you elaborate. Also curious if you devote your time to any opioid crisis, homeless, etc., cause?
There way worse shit killing way more people. Those are facts.

sorry I’m not panicking
Trump called those accused of Stock Dumping ...
“ I dont believe they did anything wrong , i find them all honorable people “ ....

( of course he did ... smh )
Which of those "worse shit" isn't also already being addressed? We should just ignore that just last week 175k people had covid-19, and now it's over 300k today, likely tomorrow will be close to 350k..
What’s the death rate of Covid? Infected and dead are two different things.
Show us some of these Democratic politicians that are 'fooling people', full context/speeches please, no edited bullshit.
If that’s what you think that’s fine. I’m not trying to convince you. I don’t care if or who u vote for it doesn’t matter anyway. But blaming one party is foolish IMO if you don’t agree fine. I don’t care bud
If that’s what you think that’s fine. I’m not trying to convince you. I don’t care if or who u vote for it doesn’t matter anyway. But blaming one party is foolish IMO if you don’t agree fine. I don’t care bud
Cant think of one? Im sure you are not just pulling shit out of your ass right? Just post some of these Democratic politicians you are saying is part of the problem, shouldn't be hard with how confident you are.
Cant think of one? Im sure you are not just pulling shit out of your ass right? Just post some of these Democratic politicians you are saying is part of the problem, shouldn't be hard with how confident you are.
I don’t have to think of one. U r right u win bud. Congrats. Nice job. I’m telling u what I believe. It’s wrong I’m sure you will point out. Like most of u do here
If that’s what you think that’s fine. I’m not trying to convince you. I don’t care if or who u vote for it doesn’t matter anyway. But blaming one party is foolish IMO if you don’t agree fine. I don’t care bud
what is it that you are not trying to convince us of?
I don’t have to think of one. U r right u win bud. Congrats. Nice job. I’m telling u what I believe. It’s wrong I’m sure you will point out. Like most of u do here
It is because one party is relying on lies and when they get caught they pull the good old, everyone does it crap.

I hope you are an American and understand if you have something you actually care about, post it, show your reasoning, I try to take people seriously, and not troll them.

But just posting random quips and trolling us and expecting to not get called out on it when you just push the Right wing narratives is asking a lot.

I don't know what is going on with this virus, other than it is serious, but I am basing that on information my wife has from being a pharmacist at a hospital, because it is impossible to really know what is happening until we get massively testing in place, which we don't have yet. That is why it is so scary, and why disinformation is so potent.

I wish you the best, hopefully you wake up from the cult logic one day and can have actual conversations here.
There’s facts it’s no where even close to what you’re saying.
The fact is that out of over 300k cases less than a third have recovered so far. Fact.

The death rate has been higher than the flu, and this thing is just getting going. Fact.

Idiots often think that they are invincible. Fact.
There’s the flu. Compare it’s not even close. This happened once. The flu is every year. Want to compare total numbers for history of flu vs Covid? Didn’t think so


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Ummm yes I’m pissed as I watch the buses drive down the street, people (kids) having street parties, non essential services carrying on as normal. I’m 59 and due to some bad life choices (it was a fun run) my health is not perfect but I feel great, take care of myself and very rarely get sick ..... type 2 diabetic though, and waiting for heart operation (minor shit). My pissed off thing is honestly not about me at all, it’s about all the others that are forced to work (I’m done as of Monday and will work from home a few hours a day), I’ll be ok but FFS we need to take this shit seriously and could seriously slow it the fuck down. It’s about 1-2 weeks before this shit gets out of hand. I honestly was pissed about your constantly saying the US is fucked but we’re doing a great job here.......we’re all fucked, and we’re not doing a great job. I am glad you have finally realized or acknowledged it is going to get as bad here if we don’t smarten the fuck up. We can see what happens when idiots don’t.
PS yes 4 as of today in our area but I’m pretty rural so safe for now, going fishing as soon as the ice goes out ;).
Like in most things trump takes up all the oxygen in the room and his performance was and is jaw dropping, Trump is why I ended up here in politics. Like I said we never heard too much from the medical or scientific community about problems in Canada, now that cases are increasing the system is starting to strain and we are hearing about issues. Issues like shortages of the chemicals needed to do tests and swabs etc. I thought we were testing vigorously and we are, compared to the USA, but not nearly enough. A lot of news about issues here is recent and it's the same everywhere, some governments and people not taking it seriously enough. Things are shutting down more each day here in NS, we've got about 15 cases and if we peek at 200 known in a couple of weeks, I'll be relieved

On the ground here Dudley I'm taking it very seriously at my local level and I'm doing everything in my power to help my community. I'm gonna talk to the local volunteer fire dept about a PPE drive from workshops and garages, also give a chance to those who bought up masks to give them away. They can set up drive thru drop off bins for glasses, face shield, reperators and other useful items. I 'm focusing closer to home, but the big news continues to come out of the states and I figure they are twice as bad off as we are in terms of infection rate and we are about a week ahead of tightening up our ship and social isolating. Even though you see crowds, many are taking what precautions they can and most people are taking this very seriously, the older the more serious.

I'm 65 myself, my health is good and I'm hunkered down and staying that way except to go out to buy groceries. I think the longer you can avoid this illness the better off you will be in terms of treatment options and survivability. Please do some homework on vitamin D, I'm taking 3000 !Us a day now and I'm getting sun at the first opportunity. It might reduce the chances of getting this bug (bigger viral load required) and help you avoid the worse effects if you do get it. Don't take my word for it, google me and make sure your family and friends are not deficient. It's hard to OD on vitamin D, even though it's oil based. It might be the best thing you can do, check out some videos Dudley, this is solid science, have a boo, most people are vit D deficient this time of year.
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