
Yeah, shrooms don't take me deep enough. I have a bad repulsive reaction to strong foods, and the battle of trying to get dry shrooms down was always like the low point of the trip.
I'm not too into the heavy mushroom trips anymore. But a half 8th here or there to get weird is always fun. Acid is by far my drug of choice. Dmt is fun too
I will give you some if we can trip out in the cab of the truck

Hehe, that would be fun as hell. I have everything in my truck too. There's actually a decent stock sound system in my truck for the jams, I have a 12v plug in cooler to keep water/pop/juice good and cold. Don't forget I've got a CB too, we could talk shit to other crazies on the CB radio lol, the yard where I keep my truck is right by a truck stop too, so we could have endless fun talking shit to other drivers. There's super comfortable air adjustment seats in my truck. The yard where the truck is at is fairly secluded, secure and fenced in so no one could fuck with us either.
Hehe, that would be fun as hell. I have everything in my truck too. There's actually a decent stock sound system in my truck for the jams, I have a 12v plug in cooler to keep water/pop/juice good and cold. Don't forget I've got a CB too, we could talk shit to other crazies on the CB radio lol, the yard where I keep my truck is right by a truck stop too, so we could have endless fun talking shit to other drivers. There's super comfortable air adjustment seats in my truck. The yard where the truck is at is fairly secluded, secure and fenced in so no one could fuck with us either.
I seen joy ride.. I'm not talking shit to truckers.. if you never seen it watch joyride
Nice man. I'm on my 8th year. It never gets old. You can almost sit and watch them grow. What tek did you run with?

I went with PF Tek (vermiculite & brown rice flour) for my first try. Looked in yesterday, and everything is looking good. Innoculated seven jars, and all seven are nice and white (ie. doesn't appear that I have any contaminated ones).
I'm not too into the heavy mushroom trips anymore. But a half 8th here or there to get weird is always fun. Acid is by far my drug of choice. Dmt is fun too
Me too. It was always my favorite,, and there were many trippy weekends when I was in the military. Nice break from drinking beer every night. But I'm older now, and not too much into it. I tripped with a virgin buddy of mine, rather than let him try it alone, but it just wasn't what it was like before. But I'd still be up for shrooming a bit here and there. No static hangovers :)
Not every year, but yes I do. A limited range only though, as I'm not nearly as familiar with mushrooms as I am with plants and trees, which I also harvest from every year.

I'm hooked, not only do I love to cook/eat great food, the hunt is also so enticing and good exercise. I plan on picking at least 30-50lbs of morels in the coming weeks. The burn scar is 50,000+ acres and exactly 21 miles from my home, crazy huh. Only a real mushnut would be happy about that. There will also be zero competition from commercial pickers with all the restaurants closed. There is also spring amanitas, lion's mane, boletes(porcini), turkey tail, and chanterelles, near me. I understand you guys have quite the season up there, late, but more mild and longer. Which ones do you enjoy the most?
I'm hooked, not only do I love to cook/eat great food, the hunt is also so enticing and good exercise. I plan on picking at least 30-50lbs of morels in the coming weeks. The burn scar is 50,000+ acres and exactly 21 miles from my home, crazy huh. Only a real mushnut would be happy about that. There will also be zero competition from commercial pickers with all the restaurants closed. There is also spring amanitas, lion's mane, boletes(porcini), turkey tail, and chanterelles, near me. I understand you guys have quite the season up there, late, but more mild and longer. Which ones do you enjoy the most?
how do you get hooked up with people that know what and what not to pick? any advice? i'm not sure what grows around these parts: we are pretty high elevation (if that matters)
I'm hooked, not only do I love to cook/eat great food, the hunt is also so enticing and good exercise. I plan on picking at least 30-50lbs of morels in the coming weeks. The burn scar is 50,000+ acres and exactly 21 miles from my home, crazy huh. Only a real mushnut would be happy about that. There will also be zero competition from commercial pickers with all the restaurants closed. There is also spring amanitas, lion's mane, boletes(porcini), turkey tail, and chanterelles, near me. I understand you guys have quite the season up there, late, but more mild and longer. Which ones do you enjoy the most?
I got mushrooms popping all over my property , like Alice in Wonderland types with red cones & big flat flying saucer looking like things, but I'm scared as shit about them.
I'm hooked, not only do I love to cook/eat great food, the hunt is also so enticing and good exercise. I plan on picking at least 30-50lbs of morels in the coming weeks. The burn scar is 50,000+ acres and exactly 21 miles from my home, crazy huh. Only a real mushnut would be happy about that. There will also be zero competition from commercial pickers with all the restaurants closed. There is also spring amanitas, lion's mane, boletes(porcini), turkey tail, and chanterelles, near me. I understand you guys have quite the season up there, late, but more mild and longer. Which ones do you enjoy the most?

Morels, mainly. Ironically, where I was living way up north (close to Alaska), I had 500 acres of property, tons of mushrooms (and other edibles). Everything in abundance. There's just so few people. Your main competition is bears, moose, deer and other wildlife. We got evacuated, and eventually had to move due to forest fire. Still lots of mushrooms further down south, but I can't wait to find another isolated place up north again.
how do you get hooked up with people that know what and what not to pick? any advice? i'm not sure what grows around these parts: we are pretty high elevation (if that matters)
I was fortunate enough to know a few people near me, but there are usually face book groups in specific areas. You might also look into some books, I have a couple, one called everything the rain promises and more, by David aroura, great author, funny as hell, truly amazing work documenting thousands of specimens at a very early age in life. I think both of his books are on Western mushrooms, that might help.
me too. you see side by side pix of edible vs deadly and they look almost identical to me

I have a ton of books on plants, mushrooms, geology etc. Typically, every time I visit or go camping in a new area, I stop at the local bookstore and stock up.

However, I'm much more cautious with mushrooms than plants. I would never pick a mushroom unless it has been identified clearly to me by someone with the proper knowledge. Properly identifying a mushroom is just as important as being able to identify the difference between a wild carrot and water hemlock (which is exceptionally and fatally toxic). Many plants look eerily similar, but can be identified in some cases just by where they grow, which makes it a bit easier for certain species.
me too. you see side by side pix of edible vs deadly and they look almost identical to me
I have a ton of books on plants, mushrooms, geology etc. Typically, every time I visit or go camping in a new area, I stop at the local bookstore and stock up.

However, I'm much more cautious with mushrooms than plants. I would never pick a mushroom unless it has been identified clearly to me by someone with the proper knowledge. Properly identifying a mushroom is just as important as being able to identify the difference between a wild carrot and water hemlock (which is exceptionally and fatally toxic). Many plants look eerily similar, but can be identified in some cases just by where they grow, which makes it a bit easier for certain species.
There are many mushrooms that will make you sick, but only a handful that can kill you. My books recommend learning the deadly ones first, and collecting and identifying edible specimens multiple times before consuming.
I was chillin on the beach in Boracay some years back and these kids came up and sold me a half buko (coconut) shell full of uhong they said were picked straight from the carabou field for a hundred pesos. Turned out to be ok, I ate some and tripped.
I have a client who spent her twenties sailing around the south Pacific, she said there were psychedelic mushrooms on nearly every island. I have no idea what kind, I imagine cyanescens.