Pandemic 2020

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When this is gone we will still have the same numbers of deaths from the flu. Drunk driving death numbers will be the same. Will you guys be more focused on that once the corona thing passes? Or will u go back to living life as usual?
Man you are as clueless and sociopathic as Donald, you have no idea what is about to happen in America, no clue of, or feeling for the magnitude of what is inevitably approaching, as surely as the sun is gonna rise tomorrow. What folks are gonna see on TV starting in a couple of weeks is gonna break their hearts, then fill them with rage, directed at Trump.

It's time for individual responsibility, community responsibility, self sacrifice and action, time to start hunkering down, or fighting if required, or if you can volunteer, equipment and labor to sew masks on a local level.

No time for a normal person to carry Donald's water, even the Russian trolls are taking a break, much less the American neonazi socks.
Yup that’s a lot! This virus has been in the states for what? 3-4 weeks and now one a day in New York alone is dying. Jesus the stupid really do come out in times of crisis.
Dudley ya sound pissed about the government response and I haven't seen too many governments respond correctly outside of asia, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore & S Korea, increasingly China can be added to that list too, but not for the first 6 weeks of the outbreak. We are gonna need a rest like most everybody else, then start over correctly with massive testing and proper organization, we will.

How's your health? I'm 65 and my health is pretty good with low BP
Are ya still working? the Gov is giving $900/bi weekly per person laid off or in quarantine. Retired for me so no cash, don't need it anyway.
Ontario is a hot spot, is there any illness in your community, close by?

Everybody is still adapting and reorganizing, people, businesses and governments, time for a break while we get our shit together. Starting last week in Canada the numbers of new infections are starting to level off with self isolation and public behavior changes, it will take a few weeks for this to be reflected in the news. Hopefully we don't get above our hospitalization rate and ventilator numbers, if we test, restrict mobility and self isolate, we can mobilize and shift extra resources to hard hit regions, drawing them from the quiet parts of the country.
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Dudley ya sound pissed about the government response and I haven't seen too many governments respond correctly outside of asia, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore & S Korea, increasingly China can be added to that list too, but not for the first 6 weeks of the outbreak. We are gonna need a rest like most everybody else, then start over correctly with massive testing and proper organization, we will.

How's your health? I'm 65 and my health is pretty good with low BP
Are ya still working? the Gov is giving $900/bi weekly per person laid off or in quarantine. Retired for me so no cash, don't need it anyway.
Ontario is a hot spot, is there any illness in your community, close by?

Everybody is still adapting and reorganizing, people, businesses and governments, time for a break while we get our shit together. Starting last week in Canada the numbers of new infections are starting to level off with self isolation and public behavior changes, it will take a few weeks or this to be reflected in the news. Hopefully we don't get above our hospitalization rate and ventilator numbers, if we test restrict mobility and self isolate, we can mobilize and shift extra resources to hard hit regions, drawing them from the quiet parts of the country.

Hopefully, this will give some of us time to absorb what our president has(not) done..HE DOESN'T WANT YOU TESTED BECAUSE THAT TWO WEEK PERIOD OF SILENCE WAS CRUCIAL AND NOW ITS OUT OF dear Trumper* when your best friend or uncle or grandpa dies you can rest knowing that ORANGE MAN BAD WAS DIRECTLY RESPONSIBLE BECAUSE OPTICS..all those retired miners with respiratory? gone.
democrats forced trump to call an incoming pandemic a hoax

That's cute :)

Interestingly enough, they're doing temperature checks on everyone entering the White House today, then again to enter the press conference Covfefe is holding. Just can't risk someone infecting the president with the coronahoax.
I was just down in my basement shop, and found a half dozen regular dust masks, a 2x pack of N95 masks, a box of nitrile gloves and a new pair of safety glasses. I'm gonna call the local volunteer fire department and see if I can get the ball rolling on gathering PPE supplies from home workshops shops in the surrounding communities. Drop it off in bins at the fireman's hall, if we can't use the equipment someone else can, maybe Toronto or even New York in a month.

Think something like this could work to help alleviate shortages and protect healthcare and other vital workers in your area? Anybody with a work shop probably has this stuff laying around and a lot of guys have shops or garages, time to cough (pun) it up. Facebook posts and local media campaigns could yield a lot of vital equipment quickly, just organisation required, willing hands and donations won't be an issue.
I was just down in my basement shop, and found a half dozen regular dust masks, a 2x pack of N95 masks, a box of nitrile gloves and a new pair of safety glasses. I'm gonna call the local volunteer fire department and see if I can get the ball rolling on gathering PPE supplies from home workshops shops in the surrounding communities. Drop it off in bins at the fireman's hall, if we can't use the equipment someone else can, maybe Toronto or even New York in a month.

Think something like this could work to help alleviate shortages and protect healthcare and other vital workers in your area? Anybody with a work shop probably has this stuff laying around and a lot of guys have shops or garages, time to cough (pun) it up. Facebook posts and local media campaigns could yield a lot of vital equipment quickly, just organisation required, willing hands and donations won't be an issue.
The local hospital has put out a general request for donations of any masks, paint masks, whatever.
so 284K cases worldwide with US at 21K (known because we don't test) that comes close to 10% of the world's reported cases of 148 countries.

10% of reported..let that sink in.

we're not testing..and we're at 10%
That's cute :)

Interestingly enough, they're doing temperature checks on everyone entering the White House today, then again to enter the press conference Covfefe is holding. Just can't risk someone infecting the president with the coronahoax.

Trumpy* said that back in the day (two weeks ago) 'democratic hoax'.
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