Pandemic 2020

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Italy's death toll has passed 600 dead a day and they have called in their military to enforce the lock down. The numbers don't lie, the US has more than 5 times the population and is one to two weeks behind what's happening there. If something doesn't drastically change in the next week Americans will start dying by the thousands every day and it will get worse by the day. Lock downs takes weeks to show any improvement in the situation and we are just now rolling them out now.
22,000 flu deaths in the us this season alone. We aren’t doing anything successfully about that. that’s the scary part
actually, you're wrong, it does care about easy in..Trumpers* believe this to be a hoax therefore they are walking around sans mask and gloves. a healthy Trumper can get it and not have anything..because hoax, and give it to family (please note their ages at time of death and how quickly they succumbed):

One person a day in New York. Yup it’s the trumpers. You wearing a mask? Are all those kid dancing on your beaches trumpers? Open your fucking eyes. It’s everyone but yes he didn’t fucking do much to stop it......,Same as our fucking leaders but we “all” suffer.
22,000 flu deaths in the us this season alone. We aren’t doing anything successfully about that. that’s the scary part
And with this one “BUT WHAT ABOUT?!?!?!?!” post, the trumpsucking sock puppet calmed the markets, stopped the mass unemployment, cured the pandemic and put food back on store shelves

happily ever after

the end
By the way, tRUmp is now sending out medical supplies to the states based on politics. He's punishing some states and rewarding others probably based on his enemies list and campaign strategy.

kind of like this?:

talk about lowest of low..daddy taught him well.
actually, you're wrong, it does care about easy in..Trumpers* believe this to be a hoax therefore they are walking around sans mask and gloves. a healthy Trumper can get it and not have anything..because hoax, and give it to family (please note their ages at time of death and how quickly they succumbed):

The asterisk after Trump means "but I am voting for him anyway".
Yup that’s a lot! This virus has been in the states for what? 3-4 weeks and now one a day in New York alone is dying. Jesus the stupid really do come out in times of crisis.
Here’s more than one a day in New York

Opioid-Involved Overdose Deaths
In 2017, there were 3,224 overdose deaths involving opioids in New York—a rate of 16.1 deaths per 100,000 persons compared to the average national rate of 14.6 deaths per 100,000 persons. The greatest rise occured among synthetic opioid-involved deaths (predominantly fentanyl) with 2,238 deaths reported in 2017, up from the 210 deaths in 2013 (Figure 1). Heroin-involved deaths also rose in the same four-year period from 666 deaths to 1,356 deaths. Deaths involving prescription opioids have shown a slower increase since 2013 from 859 to 1,044 cases in 2017.

There’s worse things killing more people everyday and we’re doing nothing about it. Or we are trying and have made no strides or leaps in containing them.
Here’s more than one a day in New York

Opioid-Involved Overdose Deaths
In 2017, there were 3,224 overdose deaths involving opioids in New York—a rate of 16.1 deaths per 100,000 persons compared to the average national rate of 14.6 deaths per 100,000 persons. The greatest rise occured among synthetic opioid-involved deaths (predominantly fentanyl) with 2,238 deaths reported in 2017, up from the 210 deaths in 2013 (Figure 1). Heroin-involved deaths also rose in the same four-year period from 666 deaths to 1,356 deaths. Deaths involving prescription opioids have shown a slower increase since 2013 from 859 to 1,044 cases in 2017.
we (America) are in trouble because after they realized the first tests sent out were defective..there was a two week silence (Trumpy* optics)..

"There was a period of time after the tests were recalled where there was near silence. It was about two weeks. And this caused confusion among labs about what, if anything, hospital laboratories could do," Mina said. "While we are on the correct trajectory now, we are unfortunately weeks behind where we should be as a country."

When this is gone we will still have the same numbers of deaths from the flu. Drunk driving death numbers will be the same. Will you guys be more focused on that once the corona thing passes? Or will u go back to living life as usual?
Here’s more than one a day in New York

Opioid-Involved Overdose Deaths
In 2017, there were 3,224 overdose deaths involving opioids in New York—a rate of 16.1 deaths per 100,000 persons compared to the average national rate of 14.6 deaths per 100,000 persons. The greatest rise occured among synthetic opioid-involved deaths (predominantly fentanyl) with 2,238 deaths reported in 2017, up from the 210 deaths in 2013 (Figure 1). Heroin-involved deaths also rose in the same four-year period from 666 deaths to 1,356 deaths. Deaths involving prescription opioids have shown a slower increase since 2013 from 859 to 1,044 cases in 2017.

There’s worse things killing more people everyday and we’re doing nothing about it. Or we are trying and have made no strides or leaps in containing them.

look no one cares about the deaths of citizens who do drugs..who were prescribed pain killers by drug dealing doctors getting paid by Big Pharma to one cares so much that Purdue owners walked away with $ one.

look no one cares about the deaths of citizens who do drugs..who were prescribed pain killers by drug dealing doctors getting paid by Big Pharma to one cares so much that Purdue owners walked away with $ one.

Yes that’s not a good story. Lmao.

Just like the people taking billions out before this crash.
Here’s more than one a day in New York

Opioid-Involved Overdose Deaths
In 2017, there were 3,224 overdose deaths involving opioids in New York—a rate of 16.1 deaths per 100,000 persons compared to the average national rate of 14.6 deaths per 100,000 persons. The greatest rise occured among synthetic opioid-involved deaths (predominantly fentanyl) with 2,238 deaths reported in 2017, up from the 210 deaths in 2013 (Figure 1). Heroin-involved deaths also rose in the same four-year period from 666 deaths to 1,356 deaths. Deaths involving prescription opioids have shown a slower increase since 2013 from 859 to 1,044 cases in 2017.

There’s worse things killing more people everyday and we’re doing nothing about it. Or we are trying and have made no strides or leaps in containing them.
Can you cite some cases of people contracting opioid abuse from casual contact in a bus or explain how it threatens to affect more than 50% of the population?

I'll wait.
Wait till this thing takes off in a country with a large population and a health care system designed to only take care of the rich, like Brazil with it's slums packed with people.

Governor Polis (D) of Colorado is here for his people..he's opening up the Health Exchange for those who don't have health in addition to all the other social safety net programs.

I specifically moved to Colorado because I had a bad feeling with Trumpy* being president this would be one of the safest states to be in if chaos ensued; my best chance for survival, although I know the silos are here and would be dead the moment they launch..but if it was something else..
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