Should Democrats shut down the debates?

be broke as hell if you made any kind of serious bet. Now you want to do it again?
Sure, but you have no honor or integrity, no Trumper does, you might as well make an agreement with Trump or Hitler. Losers like you have no honor and are unworthy of the respect of decent men, you're a racist and a Russian dupe, a sucker for Trump. A fool who abases himself carrying Donald's water for free.
If Joe were smart he would want the debates to continue, so that he can move some of his positions a bit further left, in effort to galvanize progressive support around the Democratic nominee.
Says the person who bought into the fallacy of logic made by Sanders, that: "fascist Republicans gained power during the 2010's because Democrats weren't far enough to the left". The trend of Democrats losing seats might have been true in 2016. Hasn't been true ever since.

Let the facts by his guide. He can't win. He can only help Trump's chances in the fall. Bernie should concede and then recede.
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That's what Clyburn says. In effect, Democrats should shut this debate off to avoid the chance of fumbling the election to Trump. Look at the GOP's primaries. They even canceled the entire process in some states.
Didn't Trump quit going to the debates and instead held fundraisers that he said he would donate to the Veterans but never did?
Most Sanders supporters are not Democrats.

Y'all are lucky that Sanders and us give your party the illusion of more support.

He is going to lose harder than Hillary.

I can't wait. Probably going to be the biggest embarrassment that the DNC has never seen, period.


If Joe were smart he would want the debates to continue, so that he can move some of his positions a bit further left, in effort to galvanize progressive support around the Democratic nominee.
All he can do is explain that his plan is already on the left, and Bernie will complain that they are not left enough. If Bernie wants Trump out of office, he would drop and get behind the team effort to get a landslide Democratic victory in the fall, top to bottom of the ticket.

He gave it a good 5 year run, he lost 2x, there is no reason to continue other than his own vanity, or hurting the Democratic party. He knows the Russians are still supporting his candidacy and he is getting/got smoked.
You guys literally said the same thing about Hillary. More than a few of you would be broke as hell if you made any kind of serious bet. Now you want to do it again?

I commend your bravery

Your posts are lacking. Trump cheated with the help of the Russians and data manipulation.

And he squeezed by with 80k votes, even though Clinton had over 2 million more than he did.

The fun thing with this election (unlike 2016) is Trump has a record he has to run on now, and it has been a train wreck. And he won't be able to troll his way through this one, he tried, and got impeached for his troubles.
Says the person who bought into the fallacy of logic made by Sanders, that: "fascist Republicans gained power during the 2010's because Democrats weren't far enough to the left". That might have been true in 2016. Hasn't been true ever since.

Let the facts by his guide. He can't win. He can only help Trump's chances in the fall. Bernie should concede and then recede.
I don't know who you think you're quoting, but I never said that, or brought up anything of the sort.
I don't know who you think you're quoting, but I never said that, or brought up anything of the sort.
Read the sentence again. I was citing Sanders's fallacy of logic behind Democratic Party losses in the early 2010's.
Read the sentence again. I was citing Sanders's fallacy of logic behind Democratic Party losses in the early 2010's.

I did..

Says the person who bought into the fallacy of logic made by Sanders, that: "fascist Republicans gained power during the 2010's because Democrats weren't far enough to the left". The trend of Democrats losing seats might have been true in 2016. Hasn't been true ever since.

Let the facts by his guide. He can't win. He can only help Trump's chances in the fall. Bernie should concede and then recede.
Like I said..
I don't know who you think you're quoting, but I never said that, or brought up anything of the sort.
Well, you support Sanders, that's his argument, what else can I say?
I don't support each and every one of his positions, so you shouldn't say that I "bought into the fallacy of logic" of something that which I never even chimed in on. There are certainly issues that I disagree with Bernie on. There are also issues which I disagree with my wife on, but I still married her.
I don't support each and every one of his positions, so you shouldn't say that I "bought into the fallacy of logic" of something that which I never even chimed in on. There are certainly issues that I disagree with Bernie on. There are also issues which I disagree with my wife on, but I still married her.
It's ludicrous to claim you thought Bernie could beat Trump without believing the story he used to justify his candidacy. Maybe you just thought, "hell yeah, I want that" without caring about his chances in the fall. But I don't think so.
“Let’s shut this puppy down, and let’s move on and worry about November,” Carville said. “This thing is decided. There’s no reason to keep it going, not even a day longer.”

Clyburn said to NPR on Tuesday. “It is time for us to cancel the rest of these debates — because you don’t do anything but get yourself in trouble if you continue in this contest when it’s obvious that the numbers will not shake out for you.”

Bernie Sanders, who isn't a Democrat and has run a bid to defeat Democrats instead of Republicans for the last four years, would have one more chance to further Trump's re-election if the debate is held. At this point, Sanders has no hope of winning the nomination but Trump holds out the hope for material he can use. Why should Democrats do Sanders and Trump's bidding? There is no need for another debate. It can't be held in front of a live audience, we already know enough about these two old men, just shut it down and focus on beating Trump.

that's for Bernie Sanders to decide and no one else..we're going to forgive you for asking, if you forgive us for not answering.
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It's ludicrous to claim you thought Bernie could beat Trump without believing the story he used to justify his candidacy. Maybe you just thought, "hell yeah, I want that" without caring about his chances in the fall. But I don't think so.

you'd be wise to stop quoting members when they never said those's against TOS and you've been reported i'm tired of your shit.
that's for Bernie Sanders to decide and no one else..we're going to forgive you for asking, if you forgive us for not doing.
Whether or not to hold the debate is for the DNC to decide.

As far as Sanders is concerned, he has no chance to win. Time to wrap it up. A rational person would do so.
you'd be wise to stop quoting members when they never said those's against TOS and you've been reported i'm tired of your shit.
Oh, how about this blast from 2016, you know, when Bernie tried to steal the primary from Clinton?

Sanders is a master negotiator.

the super-delegate conversation goes like this:

'if you change your pledge and give to me, i will give/make sure your state gets insert what the state needs'.:mrgreen:

people aren't stupid; they know the odds with Clinton.

That was from April 1, 2016, too funny the date and your incessant whining about superdelegates.