Should Democrats shut down the debates?


Well-Known Member
Because I checked the facts myself via official gov docs, as previously posted. We could argue semantics all day, but frankly his answer did not seem completely honest given the facts of the past. Foggy's fact-checking included this, which was my previous point as well. Sure, it's not a huge deal, but I'd like our future President to me more transparent than Biden seems to be..

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"No cost-of living adjustments for one year" is not Biden being in favor of taking away people's Social Security. Biden is not the one being disingenuous on this topic.

The Hill is slightly right leaning, but media checkers describe them as "mostly factual"..

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"Mostly Factual" is a synonym for "partially full of shit".

That is the best type of Russian propaganda one could hope for to fool the masses. trick people into believing them to sell their lies as they pick the accurate stories that don't go against their narratives.

And they are all in on Bernie, which is why I put "Left", because that is who the Russians are attacking with their disinformation campaign from the Hill.

Russian Propaganda Rule 3: Wrap the lie in a kernel of Truth:

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
"No cost-of living adjustments for one year" is not Biden being in favor of taking away people's Social Security. Biden is not the one being disingenuous on this topic.

"Mostly Factual" is a synonym for "partially full of shit".

That is the best type of Russian propaganda one could hope for to fool the masses. trick people into believing them to sell their lies as they pick the accurate stories that don't go against their narratives.

And they are all in on Bernie, which is why I put "Left", because that is who the Russians are attacking with their disinformation campaign from the Hill.

Russian Propaganda Rule 3: Wrap the lie in a kernel of Truth:
OK, I'm willing to concede that that putting a freeze on SS cola for a year is technically different than reducing social security, even tho the end result is effectively similar.

These days I feel like "mostly factual" is sadly about as good as we can get. Please tell me which news source you find completely unbiased?


Well-Known Member
OK, I'm willing to concede that that putting a freeze on SS cola for a year is technically different than reducing social security, even tho the end result is effectively similar.

These days I feel like "mostly factual" is sadly about as good as we can get. Please tell me which news source you find completely unbiased?
Ap News is a great free source. At least you don't have to question which key pieces of information are planted to get you to feel a certain way with the very high factual reporting. Reuters too. Bias is one thing, I would deal with either right/left bias if everything they do is very high in the factually correct.
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Well-Known Member
I posted it just a page back. Here it is again. Not an article, but a transcript.
On page 9811 Biden begins to speak on his support for the tax plan:
"Mr. BIDEN. Madam President, I am not sure that I am going to take the full 15 minutes allotted me under this special order. The subject which I rise to speak to this afternoon is the same subject that our colleagues, Senators KASSEBAUM and GRASSLEY, spoke to earlier; that is, within the next 12 to 18 months this country will face an economic and political crisis of ex-traordinary proportions if Congress re- f uses to take decisive action on the deficits that we face. That is why some of my colleagues and I are proposing what is referred to as the bipartisan budget freeze which will stop the runaway deficits in their tracks..."
..later he goes on to say:

"There is next year's budget agenda in one sentence: Cuts in medicare, cuts in Federal pensions, cuts in indexing for social security and other indexed programs. That is what we will see next year. The administration's budget proclaims it."

Meanwhile during the debate last night he denied ever doing so.
Note: I struck out a disingenuous statement in your post. if you want to discuss that bit of fakery, I'll be glad to do so. I have read the transcript you included links to and your post misquotes Biden in the section that was struck.

Maybe you should have been listening to the debate instead of channeling what some thought guide tells you happened. So, here is the exact record of that conversation. You tell me where Joe lies:

CNN video replay of the debate, Part 3, beginning at 6:45

The exact words of and the context of the question Sanders asked:

Sanders: "Let me ask you a question, Joe, you're right here with me. Have you been on the floor of the Senate, you were in the Senate"
Joe interjects: "Yeah".
Sanders: "Time and time talking about the necessity, with pride, about cutting Medicare, cutting Social Security, cutting veterans programs",
Joe interjects, "no"
Sanders: "You never said that"
Joe: "no"
Sanders: "Alright, America, go to the website right now. Go to the youtube right now. Time after time -- you were not a fan of Bowe Simpson?"
Joe: "I was not a fan of Bowle-Simpson"
Sanders: "You were not a fan of the balanced budget amendment which calls for cuts in Social Security? Come on Joe, you were."
Joe: "look, here's the deal"
Sanders: "Why don't you just tell the truth here, we all make mistakes"
Joe: "I am telling the truth. You said that I in fact... why am I rated at 96% by the Social Security organizations? Why am I viewed as a strong supporter? I have have laid out how I will increase Social Security benefits. I have laid out how it is in fact going to be paid for. Go to Joe, look at my exchanges with Paul Ryan and his desire to privatize and or cut Social Security and understand how he (points at Sanders) manipulated an ad."
Sanders: "Joe let me repeat it again, I want you to be straight with the American People. I'm saying that you have been on the floor of the Senate time and time again talking about the need to cut social security, medicare and veterans programs. Is that true or is that not true?"
Joe: "No that is not true"
Joe: "That is not true. What is true is, in discussions on how to deal with the deficit, everything was on the table. I did not support any of those cuts. In Social Security, in Veteran's benefits,
Sanders "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Everything was on the table, including, in your judgement, cuts to social security."
Joe: In order to get the kinds of changes we need on other things related"
Sanders: "So"
Joe: "But we did not cut it, I did not go for it"
Sanders: "Because people like me stopped it"
Joe: "laughs"
Sanders: "Joe, you just contradicted yourself"

So, that's the whole discussion. At no point does Joe lie there. He did not support or vote for cuts in Social Security. Is the very act of allowing the discussion of cuts to those programs somehow an act of guilt? Is that what you are saying?

Regarding the claim about his statements, you said: "Meanwhile during the debate last night he denied ever doing so."

If you say he lies, you have to do more than just say he did. Joe Biden in fact did not support a cut of Social Security in a speech on the Senate floor in 1984.

In addition, I've transcribed the debate conversation accurately and nowhere in there does he deny supporting making a one year freeze in Medicare. He denies the accusation that Bernie made, that Biden talked about the "need to cut Social Security". If the section you copied from the Congressional Record is intended to prove that, it fails.

I'm not going to try to prove a negative. I refer to the Politifacts piece. They found Bernie's ad "mostly false". Bernie claims Politifacts and Washington Post are false. That's the part where I stopped listening. My ability to suspend disbelief in what Sanders is saying ended there.
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Well-Known Member
The Hill is slightly right leaning, but media checkers describe them as "mostly factual"..

View attachment 4506137
The problem with The Hill may not be their news reporting but most definitely their opinion pieces. As the part that YOU MOST CONVENIENTLY LEFT OUT says:

The Hill also features other outside opinion contributors such as Newt Gingrich among other prominent figures. The general overall tone of all op-ed’s taken together leans right and although there are more left leaning columnists, there are more stories that favor the right and utilize more emotional language such as this: Katie Pavlich: The frauds of the climate change movement.

The Hill has faced criticism for the hiring of John Solomon, who is described as a strong supporter of President Trump and a conspiracy theorist, with his previous opinion columns under review for false content. Further, it has been reported that owner Jimmy Finkelstein “kept a watchful eye on the newspaper’s coverage to ensure it is not too critical of the President.”

Anyway, that shit piece from The Hill and posted by Buss began with an absolutely false accusation. Biden did not support cuts in Medicare, Social Security and Veterans benefits. Bernie is the one who is lying and distorting the facts by making that claim and he dug himself even deeper into that hole when he brought it up during the debate.
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Well-Known Member
OK, I'm willing to concede that that putting a freeze on SS cola for a year is technically different than reducing social security, even tho the end result is effectively similar.
Not similar at all. Not giving people a raise at this time is not at all like reducing their pay, especially if the reason for not giving them a raise at this time is so that you can continue paying them.


Well-Known Member
Note: I struck out a disingenuous statement in your post. if you want to discuss that bit of fakery, I'll be glad to do so. I have read the transcript you included links to and your post misquotes Biden in the section that was struck.

Maybe you should have been listening to the debate instead of channeling what some thought guide tells you happened. So, here is the exact record of that conversation. You tell me where Joe lies:

CNN video replay of the debate, Part 3, beginning at 6:45

The exact words of and the context of the question Sanders asked:

Sanders: "Let me ask you a question, Joe, you're right here with me. Have you been on the floor of the Senate, you were in the Senate"
Joe interjects: "Yeah".
Sanders: "Time and time talking about the necessity, with pride, about cutting Medicare, cutting Social Security, cutting veterans programs",
Joe interjects, "no"
Sanders: "You never said that"
Joe: "no"
Sanders: "Alright, America, go to the website right now. Go to the youtube right now. Time after time -- you were not a fan of Bowe Simpson?"
Joe: "I was not a fan of Bowle-Simpson"
Sanders: "You were not a fan of the balanced budget amendment which calls for cuts in Social Security? Come on Joe, you were."
Joe: "look, here's the deal"
Sanders: "Why don't you just tell the truth here, we all make mistakes"
Joe: "I am telling the truth. You said that I in fact... why am I rated at 96% by the Social Security organizations? Why am I viewed as a strong supporter? I have have laid out how I will increase Social Security benefits. I have laid out how it is in fact going to be paid for. Go to Joe, look at my exchanges with Paul Ryan and his desire to privatize and or cut Social Security and understand how he (points at Sanders) manipulated an ad."
Sanders: "Joe let me repeat it again, I want you to be straight with the American People. I'm saying that you have been on the floor of the Senate time and time again talking about the need to cut social security, medicare and veterans programs. Is that true or is that not true?"
Joe: "No that is not true"
Joe: "That is not true. What is true is, in discussions on how to deal with the deficit, everything was on the table. I did not support any of those cuts. In Social Security, in Veteran's benefits,
Sanders "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Everything was on the table, including, in your judgement, cuts to social security."
Joe: In order to get the kinds of changes we need on other things related"
Sanders: "So"
Joe: "But we did not cut it, I did not go for it"
Sanders: "Because people like me stopped it"
Joe: "laughs"
Sanders: "Joe, you just contradicted yourself"

So, that's the whole discussion. At no point does Joe lie there. He did not support or vote for cuts in Social Security. Is the very act of allowing the discussion of cuts to those programs somehow an act of guilt? Is that what you are saying?

Regarding the claim about his statements, you said: "Meanwhile during the debate last night he denied ever doing so."

If you say he lies, you have to do more than just say he did. Joe Biden in fact did not support a cut of Social Security in a speech on the Senate floor in 1984.

In addition, I've transcribed the debate conversation accurately and nowhere in there does he deny supporting making a one year freeze in Medicare. He denies the accusation that Bernie made, that Biden talked about the "need to cut Social Security". If the section you copied from the Congressional Record is intended to prove that, it fails.

I'm not going to try to prove a negative. I refer to the Politifacts piece. They found Bernie's ad "mostly false". Bernie claims Politifacts and Washington Post are false. That's the part where I stopped listening. My ability to suspend disbelief in what Sanders is saying ended there.
It doesn't matter what the facts are. Bernie Bros./Trumpers twist them to suit their preconceived conclusions.

So disruptive.



Well-Known Member
I missed the mano a mano debate on Sunday, but sounds like Biden did not implode, so time to shut down the debates and crown Joe the winner. Not sure how much longer Joe can hold rallies with the Coronavirus recommendations of no more than 10 people at an event now. He was perfectly fine when it was 50 people. lol


Well-Known Member
I missed the mano a mano debate on Sunday, but sounds like Biden did not implode, so time to shut down the debates and crown Joe the winner. Not sure how much longer Joe can hold rallies with the Coronavirus recommendations of no more than 10 people at an event now. He was perfectly fine when it was 50 people. lol
Not much left to do except sit back until November and watch Trump grow steadily more unhinged as he doesn't get his steady ego boost from his cult's hate rallies.

Im sure those counties will be happy to not have the spikes in hate crimes and unpaid bills from Trump leaving them the mess to clean up and OT to pay for them.


Well-Known Member
I missed the mano a mano debate on Sunday, but sounds like Biden did not implode, so time to shut down the debates and crown Joe the winner. Not sure how much longer Joe can hold rallies with the Coronavirus recommendations of no more than 10 people at an event now. He was perfectly fine when it was 50 people. lol
Wow. That sure has hurt him bad. You sure know how to hit him where it counts.

Compared to Trump's travelling freak circus (incorporated), Joe doesn't stand a chance. Shit, I'll bet he has fewer Facebook friends than Bernie or Trump.

You should feel pretty good about his chances.


Well-Known Member
I missed the mano a mano debate on Sunday, but sounds like Biden did not implode, so time to shut down the debates and crown Joe the winner. Not sure how much longer Joe can hold rallies with the Coronavirus recommendations of no more than 10 people at an event now. He was perfectly fine when it was 50 people. lol


Well-Known Member
OK, I'm willing to concede that that putting a freeze on SS cola for a year is technically different than reducing social security, even tho the end result is effectively similar.

These days I feel like "mostly factual" is sadly about as good as we can get. Please tell me which news source you find completely unbiased?
Effective propaganda contains nuggets of truth. You must know this. You cite all the good propaganda.


Well-Known Member
I missed the mano a mano debate on Sunday, but sounds like Biden did not implode, so time to shut down the debates and crown Joe the winner. Not sure how much longer Joe can hold rallies with the Coronavirus recommendations of no more than 10 people at an event now. He was perfectly fine when it was 50 people. lol
Why are you impotently trying to attack a guy you called irrelevant months ago, you dumb racist


Well-Known Member
I heard Moscow Mitch would only vote on a worker stimulus bill for this virus after they voted on a FISA bill. gotta keep that narrative about false FISA investigations going. even the IG said none of the actions were criminal.


Well-Known Member
I heard Moscow Mitch would only vote on a worker stimulus bill for this virus after they voted on a FISA bill. gotta keep that narrative about false FISA investigations going. even the IG said none of the actions were criminal.
I wasn't aware FISA was going to help save lives during this epidemic. What am I missing here?

Anyway, Good For Mitch that his priorities are in order.