Should Democrats shut down the debates?


Well-Known Member
“Let’s shut this puppy down, and let’s move on and worry about November,” Carville said. “This thing is decided. There’s no reason to keep it going, not even a day longer.”

Clyburn said to NPR on Tuesday. “It is time for us to cancel the rest of these debates — because you don’t do anything but get yourself in trouble if you continue in this contest when it’s obvious that the numbers will not shake out for you.”

Bernie Sanders, who isn't a Democrat and has run a bid to defeat Democrats instead of Republicans for the last four years, would have one more chance to further Trump's re-election if the debate is held. At this point, Sanders has no hope of winning the nomination but Trump holds out the hope for material he can use. Why should Democrats do Sanders and Trump's bidding? There is no need for another debate. It can't be held in front of a live audience, we already know enough about these two old men, just shut it down and focus on beating Trump.
The GOP would love bernie to keep going, might as well let Tulsi in too. Why would you have debates when the nomination is settled.
That's what Clyburn says. In effect, Democrats should shut this debate off to avoid the chance of fumbling the election to Trump. Look at the GOP's primaries. They even canceled the entire process in some states.
Joe and Bernie sitting in chairs like in a studio interview without an audience, a nice polite conversation about policy and the vision for the future, no personal attacks with a seated moderator in the middle. Two mature reasonable adults having a civil discussion, agree to go reto, they know the rules, they're old enough to remember how gentlemen spoke to each other.
But the real reason is that it only helps Trump. We get it.

Most Sanders supporters are not Democrats.

Y'all are lucky that Sanders and us give your party the illusion of more support.

He is going to lose harder than Hillary.

I can't wait. Probably going to be the biggest embarrassment that the DNC has never seen, period.
Joe and Bernie sitting in chairs like in a studio interview without an audience, a nice polite conversation about policy and the vision for the future, no personal attacks with a seated moderator in the middle. Two mature reasonable adults having a civil discussion, agree to go reto, they know the rules, they're old enough to remember how gentlemen spoke to each other.
I wonder what it would be like if Trump could choose this format.

Most Sanders supporters are not Democrats.

Y'all are lucky that Sanders and us give your party the illusion of more support.

He is going to lose harder than Hillary.

I can't wait. Probably going to be the biggest embarrassment that the DNC has never seen, period.
Have you picked a username for after the election? Of course you have. I am sure you have half a dozen accounts in reserve.
If Joe were smart he would want the debates to continue, so that he can move some of his positions a bit further left, in effort to galvanize progressive support around the Democratic nominee.
Most Sanders supporters are not Democrats.
99.9% of bernie's supporters are hard left progressives and will vote for Joe, Donald is toast in November. Most of em would rather eat shit and die than vote for Trump or not vote at all. Dunno what the purpose of your sock is anymore, do you? Little Joe is gonna beat Donald to death, in november and it looks like the senate might change hands, with the coronavirus there might even be a few GOP vacancies. Guess ya can't wait for the coronavirus oversight hearings eh? I can't wait myself!:D Neither can most Americans who should be real pissed by then.