Bernie Sanders 2020

Cool meltdown, you seem like a Bernie supporter. I get that you just don't like him because he saw more combat than you did but it's no reason to lash out at me so emotionally. You seem unstable, petty and childish. Your belief that anyone is using multiple accounts just to argue against your nonsense, yeah delusions of grandeur. Maybe you're manic...
All I'm asking is have some fucking respect for those who served and earned certain accommodations, Petey himself said he was not a combat veteran. Shit nothing wrong with being just a vet unless you lying about being a vet, in which Petey did not...just not a combat vet. Very fucking reason you dont see him in armor ( first and biggest clue ).
Now back to the real, Petey wont win because he will not get the black vote nor will the religious vote for him...last part is sad but very true.
You are not taking this very well. Sorry to bust your lie. Buttigieg is not a combat veteran. Veteran yes..combat veteran no. Another thing you should know if you are what you say you are. In the picture with him carrying his fucking rifle, where in the fuck is his armor??? GTFO dont insult the men who earned that badge.
Why the turn in me...I listen to what someone told me long ago...then paid attention to the clues.and for the future dont back me up for shit. I'm a grown as man who really dont need your help to argue my point...and I only need one account to do it

It's good to see a lively debate and fight on the democratic side, but people should temper their comments and rhetoric about the candidates. These are the people you will end up supporting, so be moderate, lest some Trumper dredge up your comments and throw them in your face during the general election. Picking a good leader to go up against Trump is important, so is getting behind the eventual nominee and going all out, congress can pick up the pieces and work out the details, as long as you win that too. The most important thing is to defeat Trump and by as wide a margin as possible, everything else is of secondary importance. Bernie's health care program will have to get by congress and Bernie ain't no Trump, neither is anybody else on the democratic ticket. Hang together or hang separately as Franklin said, because if trump wins he will, either hang Uncle Sam or Uncle Sam will do Donald, life or death.

Don't expect Trump to remain idle however, he's got a hot flame under his ass this time and I expect he's gonna pull off a Stone pardon or some other bullshit during super tuesday. Trump figures the democratic primary will be a distraction, but new wide screen TV's do split screen real well and the news people will need something to talk about while waiting for the primary results.
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All I'm asking is have some fucking respect for those who served and earned certain accommodations, Petey himself said he was not a combat veteran. Shit nothing wrong with being just a vet unless you lying about being a vet, in which Petey did not...just not a combat vet. Very fucking reason you dont see him in armor ( first and biggest clue ).
Now back to the real, Petey wont win because he will not get the black vote nor will the religious vote for him...last part is sad but very true.
I feel like if either win the nomination itll be based solely off of who runs as VP. I'm going for whoever but either pete or bernard is going to be a tough sell. Trump still got people thinking the Mueller report amounted to nothing.
Hell I'd even put a seed or 2 on trump not even going to the debates
I feel like if either win the nomination itll be based solely off of who runs as VP. I'm going for whoever but either pete or bernard is going to be a tough sell. Trump still got people thinking the Mueller report amounted to nothing.
Hell I'd even put a seed or 2 on trump not even going to the debates

Not me..they fact check live now during debates and correct live too.

Trump got elected with deplorables and a few Hillary haters; not uttering one fact- it's going to be different this time.
Biden front runner how. Please remind me how many delegates he has
Seeing as though he said the election is too far away (about a year ago), you must just being trying to troll some more. But seriously though, around this time was when Trump and Guiliani started their propaganda hit piece on Biden it seems Trump at least agreed with him back then.

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Something shitty happen to you in real life?

Anyway you wanted a reminder, he has 6/4,765. The front runner Pete has 22/4,765.
Seeing as though he said the election is too far away (about a year ago), you must just being trying to troll some more. But seriously though, around this time was when Trump and Guiliani started their propaganda hit piece on Biden it seems Trump at least agreed with him back then.

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Something shitty happen to you in real life?

Anyway you wanted a reminder, he has 6/4,765. The front runner Pete has 22/4,765.
Yes I agree it is early, but people not feeling Biden. He seems like age has taken hold of him. No energy.
Biden front runner how. Please remind me how many delegates he has
Seeing as though he said the election is too far away (about a year ago), you must just being trying to troll some more. But seriously though, around this time was when Trump and Guiliani started their propaganda hit piece on Biden it seems Trump at least agreed with him back then.

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Something shitty happen to you in real life?

Anyway you wanted a reminder, he has 6/4,765. The front runner Pete has 22/4,765.
You guys do realize that post is from last may right?... when ummm.. biden was fucking polling the highest. And Bernie was in 2nd. Keep me out of whatever bullshit you guys got going on right now. I'm going for whoever is the democratic nominee
Yes I agree it is early, but people not feeling Biden. He seems like age has taken hold of him. No energy.
Agreed, it does seem that it is hard for him to run against Democrats.

I am not worried about energy in the General, Trump can't keep his mouth shut and will provide all the energy that the Democratic nominee will ever need. Just like Trump did in 2018.
Agreed, it does seem that it is hard for him to run against Democrats.

I am not worried about energy in the General, Trump can't keep his mouth shut and will provide all the energy that the Democratic nominee will ever need. Just like Trump did in 2018.
I think who ever comes out the primary will win. The reason Biden wont is because he has too many people taking votes from him with Amy, Pete, and Doomberg...Bernie only has Warren and people are leaving her
I think who ever comes out the primary will win. The reason Biden wont is because he has too many people taking votes from him with Amy, Pete, and Doomberg...Bernie only has Warren and people are leaving her
Biden wont win and Bernie is going to lose to trump just on taxes alone. Even if there wont be a tax hike, most people believe there will be and as you know... noone will do the research on their own.
Biden wont win and Bernie is going to lose to trump just on taxes alone. Even if there wont be a tax hike, most people believe there will be and as you know... noone will do the research on their own.
I dont think Bernie will lose. He has a nice size base and some others will vote for him just because they hate Trump. Bernie's trick at the end of the primary is how can he bring all together. My vote for Bernie is actually a vote against me but it will help out so many more.
I think who ever comes out the primary will win. The reason Biden wont is because he has too many people taking votes from him with Amy, Pete, and Doomberg...Bernie only has Warren and people are leaving her
We will see if it is the Democrats version of what happened to the Republicans in 2016 on Feb 29th.

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I dont think Bernie will lose. He has a nice size base and some others will vote for him just because they hate Trump. Bernie's trick at the end of the primary is how can he bring all together. My vote for Bernie is actually a vote against me but it will help out so many more.
I dont care about a tax increase if it comes down to it. It's for the good of the nation. But unless bernie has a SOLID vp. Hes cooked. Just had a heart attack, hes old, hes a socialist. Trump and fox will be working overtime with the disinformation. But if barny wins he got my vote
I dont care about a tax increase if it comes down to it. It's for the good of the nation. But unless bernie has a SOLID vp. Hes cooked. Just had a heart attack, hes old, hes a socialist. Trump and fox will be working overtime with the disinformation. But if barny wins he got my vote
Please don't let the word socialist scare you. When trump gives away subsidies to farmers what do you call that