Bernie Sanders 2020

Dude dumb as fuck...CONGRATULATION Sky we have a new winner as the low information voter on riu. Hannimal
So you are now best friends with the biggest racist on RIU but a mayor who fired the chief of a corrupt police department is bad because google.

Just accept that Bernie is unelectable because he's dying. Just don't go whining for months when the DNC delegates don't go with him because he's not a democrat. Just vote against Trump, no matter who the nominee is.
You still pretending to be black???? Wheres Uncle Buck amazing how you two always find stuff out about people here with the use of IP's. Wonder why that is. Got the ficking PM to show it
So you are now best friends with the biggest racist on RIU but a mayor who fired the chief of a corrupt police department is bad because google.

Just accept that Bernie is unelectable because he's dying. Just don't go whining for months when the DNC delegates don't go with him because he's not a democrat. Just vote against Trump, no matter who the nominee is.
Yawn. You lie like UB
Yawn. You lie like UB
Nah it's true, if I were elected mayor, anywhere, and the police department was full of corruption, the first thing I would do would be to fire the police chief. It doesn't matter what color his skin is or what color mine is, I'd expect a resignation letter immediately. This is really all you've got on him. He fired a black police chief therefore he's racist? BULLSHIT!

Lookign at policies and accomplishments, Bernie has never accomplished a fucking thing in 30 years drawing a government check. Buttigieg on the other hand, has gone from combat veteran to intelligence officer to Harvard grad magna cum laude to mayor of a city that saw significant improvements in regard to poverty, especially for minorities.

You're the one lying and that's why you are now all friendly with the worst racist on RIU.
Nah it's true, if I were elected mayor, anywhere, and the police department was full of corruption, the first thing I would do would be to fire the police chief. It doesn't matter what color his skin is or what color mine is, I'd expect a resignation letter immediately. This is really all you've got on him. He fired a black police chief therefore he's racist? BULLSHIT!

Lookign at policies and accomplishments, Bernie has never accomplished a fucking thing in 30 years drawing a government check. Buttigieg on the other hand, has gone from combat veteran to intelligence officer to Harvard grad magna cum laude to mayor of a city that saw significant improvements in regard to poverty, especially for minorities.

You're the one lying and that's why you are now all friendly with the worst racist on RIU.
Lol. As a so call veteran you would know Buttigieg was not a Combat veteran . Buttigieg never fired his weapon, nor was he fired on, criteria for the Combat Action ribbon in which he does not have... funny how you dont know this.
Lol. As a so call veteran you would know Buttigieg was not a Combat veteran . Buttigieg never fired his weapon, nor was he fired on, criteria for the Combat Action ribbon in which he does not have... funny how you dont know this.
You're a troll. You have seen my DD214, you know this is a weak bullshit argument. You're suggesting that I am lying about my service because you don't like that I called him a combat vet. It's not really a distinction to me and I have a CIB, badges don't mean shit. I would think that an airforce desk jocky would let it go. If you want to make that distinction while casting shade on my status, even when you've seen my discharge paper you're clearly desperate to just smear a guy. I would call a guy who carried a rifle in Afghanistan on multiple occasions a combat vet.

You seem really childish and petty and it is unbecoming of an NCO, kind of reminds me more of a Trumptard.
You're a troll. You have seen my DD214, you know this is a weak bullshit argument. You're suggesting that I am lying about my service because you don't like that I called him a combat vet. It's not really a distinction to me and I have a CIB, badges don't mean shit. I would think that an airforce desk jocky would let it go. If you want to make that distinction while casting shade on my status, even when you've seen my discharge paper you're clearly desperate to just smear a guy. I would call a guy who carried a rifle in Afghanistan on multiple occasions a combat vet.

You seem really childish and petty and it is unbecoming of an NCO, kind of reminds me more of a Trumptard.
Actually I never saw your DD214. Me and and the other guy said you did not have to. Do I need to show you the post. You should fucking know what criteria of a combat vet you have to meet, saying if you carry a rifle is disrespect to those who EARNED that right. Pete himself said he was not,but frauds like yourself make shit up. You made a few other mistakes as well. What branch were you in again?
Actually I never saw your DD214. Me and and the other guy said you did not have to. Do I need to show you the post. You should fucking know what criteria of a combat vet you have to meet, saying if you carry a rifle is disrespect to those who EARNED that right. Pete himself said he was not,but frauds like yourself make shit up. You made a few other mistakes as well. What branch were you in again?
I don't really care if you believe that he is a veteran or not. He carried a rifle around in a warzone. He did earn the right. Badges don't really mean shit. I guess I shouldn't be surprised that such a petty and childish person would entertain far-right antisemitic conspiracy theories and support Bernie Sanders. You fit right in with the rest of the morons in that camp.

Your opinion has lost all value.
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It's an ugly meltdown isn't it? I actually tried to bring some calm when he started on @UncleBuck a couple of weeks ago. Then he went all in on @hanimmal and started spewing a bunch of nonsense. I even backed him up, against my own instincts because I figured there's no way he could just meltdown out of nowhere and that he must have been provoked to it. I was kind of stirring the pot too but damn, this dude needs to lay off the booze. He seems like he's too used to getting his way.
You are not taking this very well. Sorry to bust your lie. Buttigieg is not a combat veteran. Veteran yes..combat veteran no. Another thing you should know if you are what you say you are. In the picture with him carrying his fucking rifle, where in the fuck is his armor??? GTFO dont insult the men who earned that badge.
Why the turn in me...I listen to what someone told me long ago...then paid attention to the clues.and for the future dont back me up for shit. I'm a grown as man who really dont need your help to argue my point...and I only need one account to do it
You are not taking this very well. Sorry to bust your lie. Buttigieg is not a combat veteran. Veteran yes..combat veteran no. Another thing you should know if you are what you say you are. In the picture with him carrying his fucking rifle, where in the fuck is his armor??? GTFO dont insult the men who earned that badge.
Why the turn in me...I listen to what someone told me long ago...then paid attention to the clues.and for the future dont back me up for shit. I'm a grown as man who really dont need your help to argue my point...and I only need one account to do it
Cool meltdown, you seem like a Bernie supporter. I get that you just don't like him because he saw more combat than you did but it's no reason to lash out at me so emotionally. You seem unstable, petty and childish. Your belief that anyone is using multiple accounts just to argue against your nonsense, yeah delusions of grandeur. Maybe you're manic...
Who is this directed @ dummy?

Pretending to be black? Why are you pretending we've ever spoken?

Where is @UncleBuck? I literally have no idea. We had a falling out over marijuana. We haven't spoken in years.

Finding out stuff through the use of IP's makes you sound like a fucking moron. It's never happened. Id'd tell you how I found out who people on this site are,but you're not smart enough to understand. I don't know what a ficking is dummy. If you have a fucking pm you're itching to post, stop being a pussy and post it. Nobody cares.

If I had to venture a guess, I'd say you're a fucking liar. Maybe try a different account.
The admins cool things down with time outs London, everybody needs to chill out a bit here. You guys want to get rid of Trump and GOP, this conversation does not serve this purpose.

If you serve you're in the lottery and don't know where you might end up and being "behind the lines" is no guarantee of safety in today's world. Removing dead body parts from bunkers can be as bad as carrying a rifle in terms of emotional trauma, so can watching friends die from a IED or a terrorist attack on a base. Ground pounders suffer the most and some do actual upfront and personal fighting, but people in the airforce and navy serve too and seldom see an enemy.