Trump golfs as Baghdad embassy stormed

WTF are you babbling about?

Russia...really? hahaha you Incel

Who are our vulnerable citizens that evil Russia is attacking? Azzholes on social media?

Russia is a 3rd world country. You have a Putin fetish. Jussie too I!
So you don't find every intelligence agency saying they are attacking us credible? This is the problem with trying to talk about anything at the moment if you are so deep in the cult of Trump that you refuse to differentiate yourself from the paid online propaganda trolls.

You didn't answer #1, are you an American? If so this should piss you off.
What/who are they attacking? What have they done to us.

Provide details. This is a problem for most.
Standard st00pid(aka pussy) reply.

You must be a regular here

Answer the question Incel!

I bet Russia is attacking yur mumma and yur off in a distant corner...ya know.

The web brigades (Russian: Веб-бригады), also known as Russia's troll army (Russian: Армия троллей России), Russian bots (Russian: Русские боты), Putinbots, Kremlinbots (Russian: Путиноботы, кремлеботы),[1] troll factory (Russian: Фабрика троллей),[2][3] Social bot, Lakhta trolls(Russian: Лахтинские тролли) or troll farms (Russian: Фермы троллей) are state-sponsored anonymous Internet political commentators and trolls linked to the Russian government. Participants report that they are organized into teams and groups of commentators that participate in Russian and international political blogs and Internet forums using sockpuppets and large-scale orchestrated trolling and disinformation campaigns to promote pro-Putin and pro-Russian propaganda.[

But ok, you're not influenced.
What/who are they attacking? What have they done to us.

Provide details. This is a problem for most.
lmao, sure:

This is them cat fishing the Muslims which is a large population in suburban Detroit area. By suppressing their votes along with the African American communities it was easy to get trump the 11k votes he needed to overcome Clinton in Michigan. But I am guessing brown/balck people won't get much sympathy with how hard you are trolling tonight.
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How about Children being catfished by Russian military trolls? There is examples of the Russians finding gay children and threatening to out them to their parents if they don't send nude pics to them to use as child porn.

Did you know the kid that shot up the Walmart in Texas got his bullets from Russia through the mail? Get them young right, find the crazy/scared kids and move them to the next handler to exploit them in whatever way they can. Just like the Nazis.
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Did you know that the Russians are also collecting data from website sales? Shit gets pretty scary when you think about how knowing all of your accounts are doing (because you gave it to them) when paired with the voting data that Trump (via Manafort) gave the Russians.
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I am sure you don't care that they had hacked into our citizens computer systems in order to gain dirt for Trump immediately after he asked them to on live tv.

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Here is some information on their trolling of us for you to ignore.
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I mean it is not like their internet trolls were able to get opposing groups to protest each other in Texas right.... oh wait.....

Welcome to the site. If you are in fact an American who is not a paid internet troll spreading propaganda/disinformation, hopefully you stop trolling for long enough to realize what is happening.

I'm 110% sure yur full of shit. Yur brother...karma will fuk you good for that comment.

How many of your brothers died in Ukraine when Obummer was your master. Or Georgia...or Crimea for that matter. They got a fresh pillow and some shit mre's. #winning

Melania looks very hot tonight btw.
Oh look, a Wagner group wannabe.
If your reality is based on social media then you reap what you sow. We do the same thing across the globe on a scale that makes Russia look like the 3rd world country they are. Social media is for losers.

Melania looks smoking tonight. Trump looking dapper.
According to the intelligence community, election influence and interference. You are supporting a "president" that serves hostile foreign interests.

Supporting him while knowing this is akin to treason.
Haha...did they report that you YOU directly?

I bet Rachel or Chuck did the talking.

You fooking Incel. Look out...IncelBuck coming up hard on your 6.
If your reality is based on social media then you reap what you sow. We do the same thing across the globe on a scale that makes Russia look like the 3rd world country they are. Social media is for losers.

Melania looks smoking tonight. Trump looking dapper.
Oh look, a russian troll using social media to tell us how bad social media is.