Trump golfs as Baghdad embassy stormed


Hahahaha that is a good one! Do you mind if I use it?

Yeah and you're really good at it! Kudos too you! The proper way to phrase that sentence is " trolling is an art" not "trolling is a art" your troll game is strong I'll give that too you but, your grammar is atrocious at minimum. Must be that public indoctrination camp you went to that failed you!
Yeah and you're really good at it! Kudos too you! The proper way to phrase that sentence is " trolling is an art" not "trolling is a art" your troll game is strong I'll give that too you but, your grammar is atrocious at minimum. Must be that public indoctrination camp you went to that failed you!
meh, it was likely some Russian that made that meme. You foreign trolls are not the most consistent.
meh, it was likely some Russian that made that meme. You foreign trolls are not the most consistent.

Russian' are you really going with that debunked claim still? You would think people would have learned their lesson about the fake Russia hoax. I mean it is the whole reason Rachel maddow is being sued.

P.s. I'm a legal citizen of the Beautiful United States Of America! Try, try, try again twinkey :)

Hahahaha ze, enough with the funny pictures! You really expect normal people to take you seriously when you post funny joke memes like that? Maybe you should lay off the weed for a bit. I'm starting to think all those "scientific studies" about people who smoke too much grass, end up in a paranoid delusional state accompanied by severe chemical imbalances in their brain, is true! I can also see you're a cant understand normal thinker! My case is rested! Happy New Year twinkey!
Hahahaha ze, enough with the funny pictures! You really expect normal people to take you seriously when you post funny joke memes like that? Maybe you should lay off the weed for a bit. I'm starting to think all those "scientific studies" about people who smoke too much grass, end up in a paranoid delusional state accompanied by severe chemical imbalances in their brain, is true! I can also see you're a cant understand normal thinker! My case is rested! Happy New Year twinkey!
Tell your mom that I said hi.

Oo00ooo mom jokes. How original, how edgy. Youre super edgy (insert gender here) I dont want to assume your gender and offend you! Though it should not bother you if someone miss gender' you though. Is it not the Democrats position that gender is just a social construct any how? My gosh, You're so cool but there is one problem. my mother does not know you. I mean who are you any way? If I told her you said hi she would just laugh and say
" tell that whiny little incel to be a man and say hi for him self". You see there is one problem with that, you wouldn't! You're just a scary little basement dweller who has no idea how to talk too a woman. You have no social skills and would tuck tail and run. You have no idea how to deal with a strong woman. Happy New Year Twinkey!