Trump golfs as Baghdad embassy stormed

Oo00ooo mom jokes. How original, how edgy. Youre super edgy (insert gender here) I dont want to assume your gender and offend you! Though it should not bother you if someone miss gender' you though. Is it not the Democrats position that gender is just a social construct any how? My gosh, You're so cool but there is one problem. my mother does not know you. I mean who are you any way? If I told her you said hi she would just laugh and say
" tell that whiny little incel to be a man and say hi for him self". You see there is one problem with that, you wouldn't! You're just a scary little basement dweller who has no idea how to talk too a woman. You have no social skills and would tuck tail and run. You have no idea how to deal with a strong woman. Happy New Year Twinkey!
You are the one who brought up your "private school".

Sorry you were triggered. Find a nice safe place.
Oo00ooo mom jokes. How original, how edgy. Youre super edgy (insert gender here) I dont want to assume your gender and offend you! Though it should not bother you if someone miss gender' you though. Is it not the Democrats position that gender is just a social construct any how? My gosh, You're so cool but there is one problem. my mother does not know you. I mean who are you any way? If I told her you said hi she would just laugh and say
" tell that whiny little incel to be a man and say hi for him self". You see there is one problem with that, you wouldn't! You're just a scary little basement dweller who has no idea how to talk too a woman. You have no social skills and would tuck tail and run. You have no idea how to deal with a strong woman. Happy New Year Twinkey!

Whether or not you agree if gender is a construct, you can still be polite about it.

Extremes can happen on both sides.

On yours if a person who you previously thought of as a woman, but say you're a bartender and ask for her ID. Then after seeing the M, start calling her a him. That's rather screwed up and petty, with no other intention other than wanting to make her feel uncomfortable.

Now on the other hand, if one of "them" (how a lot of "you guys" view transgender) presents in a manner you make a mistake a woman as a man. Just say you didn't know, and the two of you move on. But if she keeps it up, and wants to make it your fault even after an apology, then she's in the wrong.

Both sides need to just chill. I get it that it's annoying when they shove it in your face. But I know lots of LGBT people, most of them aren't the SJWs you find online looking for trouble. They're pretty much regular people, and they too get pissy about the loud mouths who are part of their community, because the bigots treat them horrible as if they assume they'll act like the idiots.
Whether or not you agree if gender is a construct, you can still be polite about it.

Extremes can happen on both sides.

On yours if a person who you previously thought of as a woman, but say you're a bartender and ask for her ID. Then after seeing the M, start calling her a him. That's rather screwed up and petty, with no other intention other than wanting to make her feel uncomfortable.

Now on the other hand, if one of "them" (how a lot of "you guys" view transgender) presents in a manner you make a mistake a woman as a man. Just say you didn't know, and the two of you move on. But if she keeps it up, and wants to make it your fault even after an apology, then she's in the wrong.

Both sides need to just chill. I get it that it's annoying when they shove it in your face. But I know lots of LGBT people, most of them aren't the SJWs you find online looking for trouble. They're pretty much regular people, and they too get pissy about the loud mouths who are part of their community, because the bigots treat them horrible as if they assume they'll act like the idiots.
His mom taught him better. Something must have caused him to become a horrible bigot. Probably a church somewhere.
Oo00ooo mom jokes. How original, how edgy. Youre super edgy (insert gender here) I dont want to assume your gender and offend you! Though it should not bother you if someone miss gender' you though. Is it not the Democrats position that gender is just a social construct any how? My gosh, You're so cool but there is one problem. my mother does not know you. I mean who are you any way? If I told her you said hi she would just laugh and say
" tell that whiny little incel to be a man and say hi for him self". You see there is one problem with that, you wouldn't! You're just a scary little basement dweller who has no idea how to talk too a woman. You have no social skills and would tuck tail and run. You have no idea how to deal with a strong woman. Happy New Year Twinkey!
Yet another sexually insecure Republikkkan-Trump apologist troll-post.

Do you remember that time when Trump was impeached because he used the power of his office to withhold US aid targeted for a national security initiative in Ukraine while demanding the government of Ukraine do him a personal favor? He also obstructed the investigation into that corrupt act of bribery too.
Right, awesome reply! I win you lose, do you ever get sick of failing with the propaganda? Or is it just hard wired into your medulla amblagada? With all that tds I think you're going too short circuit real soon. Me thinks November 3rd 2020 you will have an epic meltdown! Prove I'm a racist, you cant and you wont. You just sit on a computer and fight with people and talk shit. What a sad life. Do you not have a job buckey?
oh look

The racist douche is back
Russian' are you really going with that debunked claim still? You would think people would have learned their lesson about the fake Russia hoax. I mean it is the whole reason Rachel maddow is being sued.

P.s. I'm a legal citizen of the Beautiful United States Of America! Try, try, try again twinkey :)
"fake Russian hoax"

Fake hoax? Aren't hoaxes by definition fake? So a fake hoax would be something real, would in not?

fake Russian hoax = Russia did it

Your assignment: Discuss the meaning of Russian involvement in Republican propaganda to help elect Trump during the 2016 election.
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And are you guys now arguing that now Trump should not have started a war with Iran??? I'm guessing I've only read the first several posts.
And are you guys now arguing that now Trump should not have started a war with Iran??? I'm guessing I've only read the first several posts.
He should have never pulled out of Obama’s non proliferation deal

he shouldn’t have followed Russia’s advice to assassinate soleimani

but he did all of that, and now iran is going nuclear, owns Iraq, and bombs our troops without reprisal

it’s just pathetic foreign policy all around, but that’s what president putin wants
He should have never pulled out of Obama’s non proliferation deal

he shouldn’t have followed Russia’s advice to assassinate soleimani

but he did all of that, and now iran is going nuclear, owns Iraq, and bombs our troops without reprisal

it’s just pathetic foreign policy all around, but that’s what president putin wants
I don't disagree Putin is the most powerful man on Earth both financially and politically