Trump golfs as Baghdad embassy stormed

I know that is a picture and not a meme. Did google translate mess up for you?

When you typed your dumb tidbit underneath the picture, it then became a meme. I dont need Google to translate you dolt. I speak, write & read English I'm an American Citizen who attended Private school. Tell me again about your public indoctrination, I mean public education.
When you typed your dumb tidbit underneath the picture, it then became a meme. I dont need Google to translate you dolt. I speak, write & read English I'm an American Citizen who attended Private school. Tell me again about your public indoctrination, I mean public education.

You are a troll, you bring nothing but trolling to the table, your parents must be proud of how much of their money you have wasted.

If you are not just cat fishing us.

You are a troll, you bring nothing but trolling to the table, your parents must be proud of how much of their money you have wasted.

If you are not just cat fishing us.

Ooo00ooo am I? Ouch, ya got me you figured it all out didnt ya there big boy? great insult try, try, try again!