Seeds held at post office.

You guys are unreal, you buy the seeds, then hide and send your wife, who your suppose to love and cherish, mother of your kids to do your cowardly act when you have to pick them up, must be Trump supporters you and him should grow a pair be a MAN go pick them up yourself.
Lmao I have no kids and wife cant have kids and my and wife grow together in this she checks on them while I work and everything but I was making a funny and I do pick up my seeds lol out of the mail box where they are delivered too
You guys are unreal, you buy the seeds, then hide and send your wife, who your suppose to love and cherish, mother of your kids to do your cowardly act when you have to pick them up, must be Trump supporters you and him should grow a pair be a MAN go pick them up yourself.
but how do you really feel
Try smoking a strain that gives less paranoia!

Better yet, don't smoke till you get the beans delivered.

IF the coppers found them, or the Post office, or even the customs agency. All you get is a form letter and it says you were naughty - don't do it again.

Shit,,, I wish I had all the money I've spent on beans and clones over the years..... Get me a new Audi R8.....Replace my old TT track car
Try smoking a strain that gives less paranoia!

Better yet, don't smoke till you get the beans delivered.

IF the coppers found them, or the Post office, or even the customs agency. All you get is a form letter and it says you were naughty - don't do it again.

Shit,,, I wish I had all the money I've spent on beans and clones over the years..... Get me a new Audi R8.....Replace my old TT track car
I’m not being paranoid. The cops found my beans before and of course they couldn’t take em but it led to them watching me and investigating me in the past and raiding my crib. The shit happens. It pays to be safe vs naive. Everyone on here hasn’t gone through real shit but it fucking happens. Luckily I didn’t have a record at the time and beat my case...
Like no one here knows what it’s like to just be doing something that you love that makes you feel good and to have cops down your throat with the possibility of not seeing daylight for awhile.
I’m not being paranoid. The cops found my beans before and of course they couldn’t take em but it led to them watching me and investigating me in the past and raiding my crib. The shit happens. It pays to be safe vs naive. Everyone on here hasn’t gone through real shit but it fucking happens. Luckily I didn’t have a record at the time and beat my case...

You can have my last cop infestation.

Had to close a store front disp. Shut down a cpl of production op's too.
They hit everything but my breeding place.

I was set up too...
A good lawyer did me right also.
it is legal regardless seeds aren't illegal they are souvenirs
Not entirely true nizza

The legality of cannabis seeds varies by Country and State/District.

In the United States of America, cannabis seeds are considered part of the marijuana plant, a schedule III controlled substance (source).

However, as cannabis seeds are virtually the same in their non-germinated form as hemp seeds, which are legal in the US, this hazy line is hard to decipher.

Along with legal hemp seed consumption, many people decide to keep marijuana seeds for collectors reasons. Maintaining cannabis genetics is a part of plant science.

You can check the specifics of your Country here, there’s quite a few listed and it’s written by a lawyer: Cannabis Seeds – Legal To Purchase? A Look Across the Globe | Mold Resistant Strains
The feds will just seize them and that will be the end of that. I'd be more worried about a non-legal state trying to charge you with something. Get caught in West Virginia, Iowa, South Dakota, and a few other states and you could end up with actual jail time. The west coast is legal at the state lever for medical and recreational use. That's why I won't be moving anytime soon. Besides, it's so beautiful here in Oregon I don't think I'll ever leave.
Oregon is beuatiful.. if you could just get all the fucking snowflake libtards to leave id move there in an instant xD