Seeds held at post office.

I always thought that seeds weren't considered to hold THC therefore non chargable as an offense easily because of the obstacle of proving it was a seed and on top of that the possibility the buyer is using it for novelty or to trap birds and fish and whatnot.. but after reading a little more random stuff online it seems it can be illegal, and who knows how they can prove you bought them.. we will see but i mean it seems like it would be wasted $$ for the police to try and bust someone on seeds especially if someone got a good lawyer it would be an easy win
lol im trying to sell seeds? ive ordered seeds from there before.. I don't really think they're illegal at all. You're saying the cops are gonna test the seeds and make sure they aren't hemp?

I'm just saying that Growers Choice has no business saying seeds are legal in America when by the Federal Controlled Substances act they aren't. I've ordered seeds many times but I'm in a legal state. I know nothing is going to happen and all the feds will do is seize them and send me a notice of seizure. Who knows what some redneck Sheriff in West Virginia is going to do. They can arrest you. I doubt that would happen but the possibility exists. As for the cops testing the seeds, if they come in packs that say Tuti Fruity Pineapple Bang and have THC Level 22% on the package itn could be a problem.

I don't want to argue about it. I'm just disgusted with a seed company making the statement that seeds are legal in the United States when they're actually not. But the cannabis industry is full of false statements so no surprise. I looked at other seed sites and it seems like the "They're legal in the United States" is common practice. Keeps potential customers from getting cold feet. They should just tell the truth.

i think there is a gray area though between seeds sold for growing and those for novelty

its almost like a smoke shop selling a tobacco pipe instead of a bong right? I don't really know I'm not a lawyer, but I would think that it would be a good starting point to see what people are saying when they say it is illegal to buy seeds to grow and to buy seeds for novelty purposes. It is legal as long as its under .3% thc or something stupid

hemp is legal now and they're having problems with too potent of hemp crops with the federal %
I guess the .3% thc applies to Hemp..
So really are they going to try and charge you for getting seeds from the mail and then prove it is actually MJ and not something else? I wonder how this legality works.

you could say apple seeds are 40% thc mombo wombo seeds right?

I could only see this done on a legal level with a large crop. I wouldn't worry at all if home growing, the seed company selling you may want to worry though.
yes seeds are illegal to possess, same as flowers, saying that, i've ordered more beans in the mail over the years than i could count, and the worse thing that has happened over the years is i got a letter saying i was a bad, bad boy, and ordered contraband through the mail.. on the letter was a big long list of what sorts of contraband they're looking for, amyl nitrates, fire works, explosives, drugs.. the drug one was checked, and in big red ink it was written next to it, cannabis seeds.. they gave me a nice number to call if i cared to come collect my gear.. i declined to take them up on their generous offer and tossed the letter in the garbage, and went on to order many many many more beans to the same address over the years, never had another snagged order..
in all of my years on these forums, i've never heard of a single bust of anyone going to pick up seeds from the post office fwiw.
thats what I'm saying, the process of them to prove you bought ten cannabis seeds or whatever and then you conspiring to produce x amount of cannabis is a big crap shoot . They will either take it or not, I wouldn't think they would be like hey wait here and click a button then cops arrive and lock u up lol.. and what exactly is the fine for having said "cannabis seeds"

there are good practices though when buying seeds. I used to not use my debit card now i do..
It is easier than sending cash and idgaf
but Its different for everyone i understand that

perhaps only buying up to 100$ at a time so that way you arent at a huge loss if one order goes missing. Usually the seed seller will take responsibility somewhat if something happens and they offer shipping to you as well
thats what I'm saying, the process of them to prove you bought ten cannabis seeds or whatever and then you conspiring to produce x amount of cannabis is a big crap shoot . They will either take it or not, I wouldn't think they would be like hey wait here and click a button then cops arrive and lock u up lol.. and what exactly is the fine for having said "cannabis seeds"

i'd imagine it's the same fine you'd get for possession of under an oz of weed, what ever that may be where you're located at.. i know years ago, i was charged with possession of .04 grams of weed.. it was like the smallest of roaches they found in my ash tray.. all in all, i had 10 tix for that night, and ended up walking away with 26 points in my driver's license, so to be completely honest, what ever the charge and resulting fine for the possession charge were the least of my problems at the time, and i don't recall what it was.. they might have even just dropped the charges since they had me on a bunch of other crap, i know i had a few tix they did that to me with..
it's not always so much the fines that suck, just the hassle of getting cuffed, brought in, charged, processed, waiting for them to most likely release you on ror, getting a lawyer, showing up to court, and the bs that comes with it, that is usually what sucks..
saying all of that again, i've never heard of anyone getting busted for seeds at the post office, usually just some hard ass cop who already has you on a bunch of other charges and is trying to pump up the tix they give you, and again, a lot of times it would probably just get dropped when you got to court..
think about how fun it will be to do what is possibly illegal still and easily get away with it.. its almost like smoking weed :D
if anything happens don't incriminate yourself and nothing will further lol
thats what I'm saying, the process of them to prove you bought ten cannabis seeds or whatever and then you conspiring to produce x amount of cannabis is a big crap shoot . They will either take it or not, I wouldn't think they would be like hey wait here and click a button then cops arrive and lock u up lol.. and what exactly is the fine for having said "cannabis seeds"

there are good practices though when buying seeds. I used to not use my debit card now i do..
It is easier than sending cash and idgaf
but Its different for everyone i understand that

perhaps only buying up to 100$ at a time so that way you arent at a huge loss if one order goes missing. Usually the seed seller will take responsibility somewhat if something happens and they offer shipping to you as well

and yeah, i don't know how they'd prove that you ordered anything, unless of course you sign for it.. otherwise, pissed off ex wives and husbands around the world world would be mailing all sorts of crap to their ex'es, call in a tip, and sit back and watch and enjoy the shit show that ensues..
i guess the real question too is where is army picking these up from?
oh yeah and are you on probation?
It isn't a crime to grow but I understand being worried, you may be leaving stuff out or just plain paranoid
i guess the real question too is where is army picking these up from?

i'm sure that would make some sort of difference, but i would just think if anything were to happen, customs would just snag them and he / she, sorry, don't know your sex army, lol, would just get the dreaded letter.. i can't see how a few beans in the mail would be worth the time for the popo.
exactly.. I had an order go missing and then it showed up a week + later. it was just because the mail person couldn't fit all the mail in my mailbox
Postal hold is different than customs hold .... had some seeds sit in customs for a bit then they were released. The package was opened but because of a particular way this bank did its stealth ... I always got.

Custom holds are the ones that grab your shit.
Even if you don't live in a legal state, seeds aren't illegal until you germinate them. You're good to go get your seeds.
I have very good reason to be paranoid seeing as I've been locked up before.

21 USC 802 §(16) (a) tells you what is legal on a pot plant under Federal law

also consider this when checking the USPS database to find out "Where is my package"?

"According to the website Ars, a federal drug investigation reveals how the United States Postal Service’s (USPS) law enforcement unit can use IP logs on the postal tracking website to investigate crimes.

“The USPS database reflected that an individual using a computer or other device with IP address accessed the USPS Track ‘n Confirm website to follow the progress of both the Florida Parcel and Bates Parcel #1,”Dowd wrote.

“What’s most bizarre about this, is the case was tipped off by an algorithm, a system that mines Track N’ Confirm user-data in order to detect suspicious activity, has triggered the investigation,”

and this

"According to FBI Agent James Spiropoulos, investigators accessed a Postal Service computer system that "incorporates a Mail Isolation Control and Tracking (MICT) program which photographs and captures a image of every mail piece that is processed."

but the reality of anything happening out of a simple seed seizure is very slim. The DOJ has bigger things to worry about than your seeds. But don't kid yourself that the information can't be entered in a database somewhere for use in the future.
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Send a friend in to ask about them, you stay across the street and watch through binoculars. Before you do this, check the perimeter for cops/undercover agents. If you see your friend get arrested then you need to gtfo. He will eventually get free but you will always be on the run.

Hahah thats a man speaking from experience
I checked tracking on my seeds and it says they are being held at the post office. Should I go pick them up or should I just leave them there? This is kinda scary but it's not illegal to have seeds tho correct?
In UK you can rearrange another drop off from Royal Mail
My seeds always comes in the mail box I haven't had to sign for anything to do with seeds but I dont add to the mailing that someone has to sign for them I uncheck that box lol if I can