The Daily Blow by Blow Impeachment Hearings and Trial of Donald Trump

Trump won't submit to the subpoena's. It was him you were talking about right? He is the one that started all of this trying to troll the Democrats and illegally withheld the whistleblower complaint longer than he was legally allowed.

It is not the whistle blowers fault Trump broke the law.

Edit: 9/11 I heard gun shots in the bank.

Are you politically motivated to make this call? How do you vote? Can you please have someone else call us and file the emergency, I don't agree with your political beliefs......

Only Trumps cult logic makes what you are trying to sell work.

Why has not a single person called to testify said they saw or heard him say or do anything illegal.?
Why has not a single person called to testify said they saw or heard him say or do anything illegal.?
You assumptions are incorrect, the act of withholding the funds was illegal. Trump is the person that directed everything to be done illegally, he then released the call of him asking for the announcement of the investigation, which was illegal, Trump's own words.

Mulvaney then comes out and confirms it to the country from the podium of the United States of American speaking for the President.

Then the President himself in front of reporters again said that if everyone was being honest he would want Ukraine to investigate the Biden's.

We all saw that one, from his own mouth.

And the rest of the people have been commanded by the President of the United States of America to illegally dismiss the legal subpoena from congress, so also he stonewalled and obstructed justice.
The democrats know full and well he wont be impeached, that was never the point. The point of this impeachment hearing is for a few reasons.
To help justify their next lose they have seen coming for a while now.
To try and taint his reputation ahead of the election and push the agenda that he conspired with a foreign country so after he wins the next election they have reason to keep pursuing impeachment.
And they were really hoping since they have absolutely nothing to run on besides trump hate that it may help push some voters to them, but as we are all seeing the longer this goes on the more his support keeps rising among all demographics.

No point in showing up to Congress to attend a circus when everyone knows it will go nowhere, it would be a waste of time and change nothing.
He’ll be impeached

His support is shrinking, not rising

You’re a dumb racist
I agree . Obstruction of Congress will seal the deal. If he had nothing to hide and the phone call was perfect and he was acting in the best interest of our country why was he obstructing Congress ? In the impeachment trial how will Republicans dispute this fact? All the evidence is here to impeach. So if he does not get impeached then what is the point in impeachment anymore. If he doesn’t get impeached then impeachment does not work and needs to be replaced with another method.
this isn't a trial like most people think of a trial...this is the democrats presenting any and all evidence they care to, then the republican led Senate will kill it, and that will be the end of it...except that trump will use that as an argument that he was "innocent" all along...
the people who would be convinced that the republicans in the senate are soulless self serving bastards, already are.
this is political posturing...he SHOULD be impeached, he SHOULD be imprisoned, and so SHOULD his entire cabinet and most of his family....WILL any of that happen? no...not now, anyway.
You assumptions are incorrect, the act of withholding the funds was illegal. Trump is the person that directed everything to be done illegally, he then released the call of him asking for the announcement of the investigation, which was illegal, Trump's own words.

Mulvaney then comes out and confirms it to the country from the podium of the United States of American speaking for the President.

Then the President himself in front of reporters again said that if everyone was being honest he would want Ukraine to investigate the Biden's.

We all saw that one, from his own mouth.

And the rest of the people have been commanded by the President of the United States of America to illegally dismiss the legal subpoena from congress, so also he stonewalled and obstructed justice.

Wrong withholding the funds Is not illegal.
Obama never gave any funds to Ukraine he also didnt lend support to them either maybe he is truly Putin's puppet? "Tell Vladimir I'll be more flexible after the election" ??
Withholding funds to a corrupt government is anything but illegal.
Wrong withholding the funds Is not illegal.
Obama never gave any funds to Ukraine he also didnt lend support to them either maybe he is truly Putin's puppet? "Tell Vladimir I'll be more flexible after the election" ??
Withholding funds to a corrupt government is anything but illegal.
He illegally withheld the congressional mandated funding to Ukraine longer than he was legally allowed to without notifying congress about it and the reasoning, which they could then deny.

They actually had to have a revote to administer the funds. Trump did not have the legal authority to do that. He is a liar.
this isn't a trial like most people think of a trial...this is the democrats presenting any and all evidence they care to, then the republican led Senate will kill it, and that will be the end of it..
Except that if the Dems flip the senate, the new senate can restart the trial. No double jeopardy applies?
Except that if the Dems flip the senate, the new senate can restart the trial. No double jeopardy applies?
I think if they flip the senate and keep the house they could just impeach him again when he messes up again if re-elected. Because it is a job, not his freedom, so double jeopardy isn't really a thing.

I can't claim double jeopardy for showing up drunk to work a few times in a row,
the dems can't gain control of the senate until the same election that will get rid of trump as president....not sure if you can impeach an ex president...i know he can then be prosecuted for crimes that he has committed, though.
Wrong withholding the funds Is not illegal.
Obama never gave any funds to Ukraine he also didnt lend support to them either maybe he is truly Putin's puppet? "Tell Vladimir I'll be more flexible after the election" ??
Withholding funds to a corrupt government is anything but illegal.

Hmmmm, that's exactly what a simpleton would say! :roll:

Well said, texan! :lol:
