The Daily Blow by Blow Impeachment Hearings and Trial of Donald Trump

christopher jordan

Well-Known Member
Wrong withholding the funds Is not illegal.
Obama never gave any funds to Ukraine he also didnt lend support to them either maybe he is truly Putin's puppet? "Tell Vladimir I'll be more flexible after the election" ??
Withholding funds to a corrupt government is anything but illegal.
How about the 120million in security aid the Obama administration gave them. Trump gets real flexible for Puti's li'l cock!


Well-Known Member
In Trump's Alternate Reality, The IG Report Confirms His Conspiracy Theories (It Doesn't)
The DOJ Inspector General released a report today finding no evidence of bias against Donald Trump at the FBI, but that didn't stop the President from going on camera to claim the report validated his assertions of a vast deep state conspiracy against his campaign.

Trump's Weekend Tweet-A-Thon Covered A Lot Of Ground, From MMA To North Korea
The President tweeted 105 times over the weekend, spanning such topics as North Korea's missile test, a recent MMA fight, and his ''perfect'' call with Ukraine's leader


Well-Known Member
The judge was ready to send Flynn away forever awhile back, he sounded really pissed. I think people are gonna be shocked at the severity of his sentence, the judge basically called him a traitor at his first sentencing hearing.
DOJ IG Report Debunks Mike Flynn Hail Mary Defense Ahead Of Sentencing | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC
Rachel Maddow reports on DOJ inspector general's report on the origins of the investigation of Mike Flynn finding nothing improper, a result that flies in the face of the conspiracy theory Flynn's lawyers were spinning to convince the judge to give Flynn a light sentence. Aired on 12/09/19.


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‘Extortion’: Bush White House Lawyer Wants To ‘Haul In’ Ivanka, Jared, Don Jr. | MSNBC
Former White House Ethics Lawyer Richard Painter joins MSNBC Chief Legal Correspondent Ari Melber to discuss House Democrats’ marathon impeachment hearing. Painter argues the hearings made a strong case for impeaching Trump for “extortion and bribery” and for “obstruction of justice in the Russia investigation,” but adds he should also be impeached for the “unconstitutional emoluments, foreign benefits, and foreign government payments that the Trump family has been receiving.” Aired on 12/9/19.


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House Democrats: Evidence Of Trump's Misconduct Is Overwhelming And Uncontested
Top House Democrats gathered this morning to announce they have introduced two Articles of Impeachment charging President Trump with committing high crimes and misdemeanors.


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Trump, Barr And Lou Dobbs Are All-In On Deep State Conspiracy
Tossing aside the real findings of the DOJ IG's report on the Russia investigation, Donald Trump, the Attorney General, and Fox Business Channel host Lou Dobbs insist that the report confirms their suspicions of a vast Deep State conspiracy against the President.


Well-Known Member
As Impeachment Closes In, Trump Holds Angry Rally In Hershey, PA
Impeachment was clearly on the President's mind as he held a MAGA/KAG rally just hours after House Democrats announced they would charge him with high crimes and misdemeanors.

Trump's Allies In Congress Don't Care How History Will Remember Them
Some of Trump's key Congressional allies, in particular Rep. Jim Jordan and Sen. Lindsey Graham, have made it clear they're not worried about how history will judge their defense of this problematic President.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
there is a clear divide in the country, and it's not about politics, it's about human rights, and who should receive those rights...
most people believe that everyone deserves the same chances, the same respect, and should be allowed the same dignity as anyone else. that it's more important to take care of people than it is to oppress and humiliate them. that it's more important to protect our national parks and wildlife preserves than it is to allow rich assholes to destroy all of it searching for oil to make themselves richer, and to kill animals that are already threatened, for no other reason than to give them something to brag to their other asshole dick friends about.....
then there is the minority that think we should go back to the 1700s, that only white people with money should make any decisions, who don't give a damn about immigrants, their families, or the fact that their own families were immigrants in the not too distant past..
the minority that wants their guns, so they can feel like they can protect themselves, even though most of them would shit in their pants and shoot themselves, or one of their own family members, before they'd ever hit an actual intruder. doesn't matter to them that there are constant mass shootings, that's just the unavoidable cost of them needing to inflate their egos and convince themselves that they're tough enough to protect themselves, even though they are patently and obviously not....a few kids shot to death every couple of months is a small price to pay for them to be able to compensate for being cowardly fucks...
it's just a complete and total coincidence that 99% of these fucking asshole cocksuckers are republicans....i guess...
the fact that trump will not get impeached when he is completely, obviously, undeniably guilty as fuck is just proof...the republicans are willing to ignore the truth, willing to ignore obvious fact, willing to abandon their morals, their ethics, willing to sell their souls....and for what? to make a point? i hope it's a good point, i have the feeling it'll be a long long time before they get a chance to make another


Well-Known Member
tRUmp just said Ivanka has gotten 14,000,000 people jobs lol. That's more than twice the number of newly created jobs added to the whole economy since Putin put him in office, tRUmp loves the stupid.


Well-Known Member

What was this impeachment about?
Not about a VP being told by his president to get a corrupted official fired.

It is about stonewalling every subpeana and placing a blanket 'nobody say anything' to every employee of the executive branch to cover up his strong arming a foreign nation into manufacturing dirt on his political opponent.


Well-Known Member
Matt Gaetz, who collects DUI's for fun just lectured Merica on Hunter Bidens substance abuse lol.
He was elected in 2018 after 2 years of Trump and because of the large number of assholes in his district he will most likely be elected again in 2020. Character does not matter to those who have none and the majority of voters in his district lack it, hate and fear comes before the constitution and country with this bunch.


Well-Known Member
He was elected in 2018 after 2 years of Trump and because of the large number of assholes in his district he will most likely be elected again in 2020. Character does not matter to those who have none and the majority of voters in his district lack it, hate and fear comes before the constitution and country with this bunch.
Matt Gaetz even has a dead roommate in his past, doesn't everyone tho.